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The End of the World: A Study in the Book of Revelation. Dr. Ed Glenny. Fixation on the end of the world. Global warming, monetary crisis, catastrophes Y2K Movies—”2012” and “The End of the World” Harold Camping’s predictions Nostradamus, the Mayan calendar The Bible and current events.
The End of the World: A Study in the Book of Revelation Dr. Ed Glenny
Fixation on the end of the world • Global warming, monetary crisis, catastrophes • Y2K • Movies—”2012” and “The End of the World” • Harold Camping’s predictions • Nostradamus, the Mayan calendar • The Bible and current events
The book of Revelation • Symbolic language, 1:1 • Understandable, 22:10 (cf. Dan 12:9) • Prophetic, 1:19 • Culmination of biblical prophecy, 10:7
Structure • Prologue, 1:1-11 • First vision, 1:12-3:22—vision of Jesus who speaks to the seven churches • Second vision, 4:1-16:21—main content of book; 7 seals, trumpets, and bowls • Third vision, 17:1-19:10—fall of Babylon, the kingdom of this world • Fourth vision, 19:11-21:8—defeat of Satan and final judgment • Fifth vision, 21:9-22:9—New Jerusalem, the heavenly state • Epilogue, 22:10-21
Structure • Chapters 1-11—the future and fate of believers • Chapters 12-22--the triumph of Christ and his kingdom over Satan and his kingdom
First main passage: the Lamb and the seven-sealed scroll in Rev 5-6
Rev 5 presents a problem in heaven: who can open the seven-sealed scroll?The solution is in 5:5-7
This scroll contains God’s decreed plans for this world.The opening of the seals in Rev 6 gives an overview of that plan. The rest of the book is apparently the contents of the scroll.
First four seals—four horsemen • Spirit of antichrist—6:1 • Wars—6:3-4 • Famine—6:5-6 • Death—6:7-8
First four seals—four horsemen • Spirit of antichrist—6:1-2--Mt 24:5 • Wars—6:3-4--Mt 24:6 • Famine—6:5-6--Mt 24:7 • Death—6:7-8--Mt 24:9
All these events happen before the end; they are indications that the end has not come yet—Mt 24:6, 8, 13, 14.The first four seals are general judgments of the earth throughout this age to try to get people’s attention.
Fifth seal—persecution and martyrdom of Christians and prayers that God would avenge them—these are related to the seven trumpets that come from the seventh seal (6:9—8:3-4; 6:10, 8:13).
Sixth seal—the end of the age; the events in this seal are related to the seven bowl judgments in chapters 15-16 and the events in the second half of the book, which are at the end of the age.
Second main passage: Christ wins the victory over Satan in heaven in Revelation 12
Structure of Revelation • Chapters 1-11—the future and fate of believers • Chapters 12-22--the triumph of Christ and his kingdom over Satan and his kingdom—this takes us back to the cosmic battle of the ages that began in the Garden of Eden (Gen 3:15)
I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring (seed) and her offspring (seed); he shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel. Gen 3:15
The triumph of Christ and his kingdom over Satan and his kingdom on this earth
After introducing the reader to the main players in the kingdom of Satan (chs 12-14), John explains how they will be defeated (chs 15-20).
The kingdom of this world (Mystery Babylon)—Rev 17-18The beast (Anti-Christ), the false prophet, and the kings of the earth—at Christ’s return in Rev 19The dragon, Satan—Rev 20 (called “that ancient serpent” in 20:2)
Then I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse! The one sitting on it is called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he judges and makes war. Rev 19:11
1,000 year Intermediate (Millennial) Kingdom—Rev 20The Great White Throne Judgment—Rev 20The eternal state—Rev 21-22 (esp 21:3-5)
And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Then another book was opened, which is the book of life. And the dead were judged by what was written in the books, according to what they had done.Rev 20:12
“Hallelujah! Salvation and glory and power belong to our God, for his judgments are true and just; for he has judged the great prostitute who corrupted the earth with her immorality, and has avenged on her the blood of his servants.” – Rev 19:1-2
Imagine—by John LennonImagine there's no heavenIt's easy if you tryNo hell below usAbove us only skyImagine all the people living for today
Reasons for rejoicing in God’s judgment • God’s Final Judgment is good news—without it there is no hope of final justice for the oppressed and persecuted of this world. • God’s Final Judgment demonstrates his love • Our sin angers God personally • The concept of God’s Final Judgment is good for society • We all sin and deserve to be judged
The theology of Revelation • God has a decreed plan for this world. • Christ is the resurrected and enthroned Judge and glorious King who will accomplish God’s plan for this world. • Evil will fail and God will prevail.
How should we respond to God’s plan for this world? • Come (Rev 22:17) • Repent (Rev 3:19-20; 18:4-5) • Worship (Rev 7:9-11)