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Status of the field Optical range. Florencia Jiménez Luján. BAL QSO meeting 2009 Jun 24 – 26 Bologna (Italy). arXiv:astro-ph/0602090. Evolutionary and composite model for AGNs.
Status of the field Optical range Florencia Jiménez Luján BAL QSO meeting 2009 Jun 24 – 26 Bologna (Italy)
arXiv:astro-ph/0602090 • Evolutionary and composite model for AGNs. • Orientation/obscuration effects take the role of a second parameter providing the segregation between Sy1/Sy2 and BLRG/NLRG. • SMBH (Super massive black hole) + SB (starburst) with OF (outflows) • Young AGN are obscured BAL and strong Fe II emitters with relatively narrow line BLR and a compact and faint NLR; their radio emission is also compact. • Old AGN are weak Fe II emitters with broad line BLR and extended and bright NLR and fully developed radio lobes. • The orientation of the AGN/toroid takes the role of a second parameter providing the segregation between type1/type2, and BLRG/NLRG.
arXiv:astro-ph/0602090 • BALs are young systems with composite outflows. • The Fe II intensity provides an age indicator for BLR AGNs. • BLR emission line FWHM change with age. • X-ray slope changes with age. • [O III] intensity and FWHM changes with age. • The strong IR continuum emission is associated with the composite nuclear nature. • The Sy1/Sy2 and BLRG/NLRG segregation is mainly due to orientation/obscuration by toroid.
arXiv:astro-ph/0603070 4784 BALs (SDSS DR3) BALs may have broader emission lines on average than other quasars (disk-like configuration). Cosmology: ΩM= 0.3, ΩΛ= 0.7, H0= 70 km s-1 Mpc-1
arXiv:astro-ph/0610656 • 29 BALs (SDSS); 3 strongly variable BALs (the strongest BAL variability occurs among the smallest equivalent width features and at velocities exceeding 12000 km s-1). • CIV • < 1 year • BALs primarily vary in depth on those timescales. Some changes in velocity width. The dominant contribution to the BAL variability is a changing degree of ionisation or covering factor. • The infrequency of observed changes in velocity likely reflects the very long timescales on which these features can be seen to accelerate.
arXiv:0705.0548 • Spitzer MIPS (24, 70 and 160 µm) • The mid-infrared properties of BALs are consistent with those of non-BALs of comparable luminosity. • BALs typically show more evidence for dust reddening and extinction in their ultraviolet-optical spectra. • BALs are remarkably weak X-ray emitters • Cosmology: ΩM= 0.3, ΩΛ= 0.7, H0= 70 km s-1 Mpc-1
arXiv:0705.1546 • 5088 quasars (SDSS DR2) • While quasars accreting near the Eddington limit are more likely to show BALs than lower L/LEdd systems, BALs are present in quasars accreting at only a few percent Eddington. • The most (bolometric) luminous quasars are more likely to show BALs. • BALs are redder on average than unabsorbed quasars. • The outflow acceleration has to be due to ultraviolet line scattering (upper envelope). However, many BALs terminate at small velocities which may indicate the importance of wind-orientation, or non-radiative processes in driving outflows. • Cosmology: ΩM= 0.3, ΩΛ= 0.7, H0= 70 km s-1 Mpc-1
arXiv:0710.0588 • AGN outflows are common and important: • chemical enhancement of the interstellar and intergalactic media • angular momentum removal from the accreting central engine • limiting star formation in starburst systems by blowing out gas and dust from the host galaxy • Cosmology: ΩM= 0.3, ΩΛ= 0.7, H0= 70 km s-1 Mpc-1 • FRACTION ~ 60 %
arXiv:0712.1831 13 BALs (3 - 6 years): Variation produced by changes in outflow geometry No significant changes in the BAL onset velocity: absorber is far from the source absorber is being continually replenished and is azimutally symmetric • BALs could have lifetimes as short as a few decades • changes: outflow structures • variation of covering factor • no acceleration • few thousand km s-1; absoption depth is ≤ 25 % • |ΔEW/<EW>| ~ 0.3 Cosmology: ΩM= 0.3, ΩΛ= 0.7, H0= 72 km s-1 Mpc-1
arXiv:0712.2042 • ~ 4200 BAL (SDSS DR5) • No significant difference between the clustering strengths of BALs and non-BALs. • Their clustering results suggest that BALs live in similar large-scale environments as do non-BALs. • It may still be that members of the rare subclass FeLoBALs are intrinsically differentfrom ordinary quasars and may reside in different environments (not sampled enough). • Cosmology: ΩM= 0.26, ΩΛ= 0.74, H0= 71 km s-1 Mpc-1
arXiv:0802.3697 SDSS (DR3) Observed: ~ 13.5 % upper limit: 18.3 % Intrinsic: ~ 17 % f (BALs) = 0.17 ± 0.01 (stat) ± 0.03 (sys) upper limit: f(BALs) ~ 0.23
arXiv:0806.1787 26623 quasars (SDSS DR5) • Strong correlation between the EW(CIV) and the continuum luminosity. • Up to z ~ 5, the slope of the Baldwin Effect seems to have no effect of cosmological evolution. • EW(CIV) have a strong correlation with the mass of supermassive black hole (SMBH) and a weak correlation with the Eddington ratio LBol/LEdd. This suggest that the SMBH mass is probably the primary drive for the Baldwin Effect.
arXiv:0808.3998 J105400.40+034801.2 z ~ 2.1 CIV + SiIV FWHM ~ 4000 km s-1 v ~ 26300 km s-1 20 % covering size ~ 4 x 1015 cm column density NH(cm-2) ≥ 21.2 average space density nH≥ 2 x 105 cm-2 It due to changes in the ionisation (unlikely) or due to movement of gas across our lines of sight.
arXiv:0810.2747 5039 BALs optically selected velocity range (trough) ≥ 2000 km/s velocities -25000 – 0 km/s SiIV, CIV, AlIII, Mg II (different shapes ion-dependent structure in the outflow) Chandra + XMM-Newton Cosmology: ΩM= 0.3, ΩΛ= 0.7, H0= 70 km s-1 Mpc-1
arXiv:0810.2747 • BALs are more strongly reddened in the rest-frame UV than non-BALs (LoBALs are even redder than HiBALs). • BALs are relatively X-ray weak compared to non-BALs. • The observed BAL fraction is dependent on the spectral S/N (high S/N ~ 15 %). • BALs show a similar Baldwin effect as for non-BALs (EW(CIV) decreases with increasing continuum luminosity). BALs have weaker CIV emission in general than do non-BALs. • BALs are weaker at a wide range of velocities and stronger at lower outflow velocities. • BAL outflow velocity and UV absorption strength are correlated with relative X-ray weakness. Sources with higher UV luminosities are more likely to have higher-velocities outflows (radiation pressure accelerates BAL outflows, but in low S/N sources those high velocities can be obscured). • 1-6: in qualitative agreement with models that depend on strong X-ray absoption to shield the outflow from over-ionisation and enable radiative acceleration.
Different definitions: • BALnicity index (Weymann et al. 1991): • minimum width = 2000 km s-1 • only CIV • BI • Absorption index (Hall et al. 2002): • minimum width = 450 km s-1 • any multiplet • AI Gibson et al. 2008 arXiv:0810.2747 any multiplet Lower limit: 3000 km s-1 0 km s-1 Trump et al. 2006 arXiv:astro-ph/0603070 CIV and MgII Upper limit: 25000 km s-1 29000 km s-1