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Alexander Ortiz. Juvenile Justice. Lisa Rosenhaus. By:. Who is a juvenile in PA?. A juvenile is a person under a certain age who has been charged with a criminal act. Generally , a person under the age of 17 or 18 is considered a juvenile. What are the PA juvenile justice system’s goals?.
AlexanderOrtiz Juvenile Justice LisaRosenhaus By:
Who is a juvenile in PA? A juvenile is a person under a certain age who has been charged with a criminal act. Generally , a person under the age of 17 or 18 is considered a juvenile.
What are the PA juvenile justice system’s goals? The Pennsylvania juvenile justice system’s purpose is to provide for children committing delinquent acts programs of supervision, care and rehabilitation which provide balanced attention to the protection of the community, the imposition of accountability for offenses committed and the development of competencies to enable children to become responsible and productive members of the community.
School-based referrals Schools sometimes refers all children, including disabilities, to the police when the child misbehave at school. If your child is having problems behaving at school, the parents might want to speak to the school officials about supports and services and to try to help the child before the school calls the police on them or puts the child to the juvenile prison . Also, if the school has already called the police, the parent can call a lawyer and may convince the court that the child needs to put into a mental health establishmentin stead of jail.
Out-of-home placements Out of home placement is where juveniles get sent by the judge for extreme misbehaving .The guardians provide discipline and care for the juveniles. Places where they can get sent are group homes, residential schools, secure facilities, and residential treatment facilities
Aftercare Aftercare service, plans, supports and supervises juveniles when they get out of the system. Counselors focus on the juveniles needs and rehabilitations.
Child’s record and expungement The juvenile’s records destroy their chance of being successful in life. Their probabilities of getting a job becomes scarce. Their reputation is destroyed from an early point in time. As a child it is difficult to accomplish goals with that kind of background.
Glossary • Institution-an organization providing residential care for people with special needs • Referrals-An act of referring someone or something for consultation, review, or further action. • Counseling-The provision of assistance and guidance in resolving personal, social, or psychological problems and difficulties • Delinquent- Showing or characterized by a tendency to commit crime, particularly minor crime. • Protection-The action of protecting someone or something, or the state of being protected
Glossary continued… • Expungement- destroyed or being removed • Defendant-An individual, company, or institution sued or accused in a court of law. • Compatible- Able to exist or occur together without conflict • Counselor-A person trained to give guidance on personal, social, or psychological problems • Equivalent -A person or thing that is equal to or corresponds with another in value, amount, function, meaning, etc.