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Widening the Circle: Experiments in Christian Discipleship

Widening the Circle: Experiments in Christian Discipleship. Words…Words… Words. New Monastic Emergent Catholic Worker Christian Anarchist Neo-Anabaptist Naked Anabaptist House Church Discipleship Community. What is a discipleship community?. Discipleship is

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Widening the Circle: Experiments in Christian Discipleship

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  1. Widening the Circle: Experiments in Christian Discipleship

  2. Words…Words… Words New Monastic Emergent Catholic Worker Christian Anarchist Neo-Anabaptist Naked Anabaptist House Church Discipleship Community

  3. What is a discipleship community? Discipleship is rooted in the biblical call to follow Jesus as expressed in solidarity with the poor, creative peacemaking, the inclusion of the excluded (due to identifiers such as race, class and gender), and the formation of alternative communities. These communities, committed to the journey of transformation through discipleship, generally work for renewal from the margins and engage ecumenically with other like-minded groups.

  4. Widening the Circle • Seth McCoy Chapter Fifteen

  5. Early Anabaptists

  6. Widening the Circle of conversation • From the Intro by Ched Myers and Elaine Enns: • Dis-illusionment • Dis-establishment • De-centering • How does this relate to your experience and context?

  7. Widening the Circle • Themes engaged through personal narrative: • Racism and racial identity • The American “dream” • Being “the quiet in the land” and political activism • Seeker-sensitive worship and discipleship orientation • Militarism and peacemaking • Economic injustice • Women’s experience and sexism • Solidarity with/as the oppressed • Environmental justice • Immigration • Health care • Life-cycles of a community—birth, death, rebirth

  8. Widening the Circle • Andrea Ferich Chapter Fourteen

  9. Movements and Institutionsin relationship

  10. Movements and Institutionsin relationships Discussion What does it look like for the Mennonite church to see these experiments as kindred groups? Where have you seen mutual relationships and mutual transformation?

  11. Widening the Circle:Experiments in Christian Discipleship • Celina Varela Chapter Three

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