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Signcryption. Parshuram Budhathoki Department of Mathematical Sciences Florida Atlantic University. April 18, 2013. Motivation:. Confidentiality :. Keeping information secret from all other than those who are authorized to see it. Integrity :.
Signcryption Parshuram BudhathokiDepartment of Mathematical Sciences Florida Atlantic University April 18, 2013 pbudhath@fau.edu
Motivation: Confidentiality : Keeping information secret from all other than those who are authorized to see it. Integrity : Ensuring that the information has not been altered by unauthorized entities. Authentication : The assurance that the communicating party is the one that it claims to be. Nonrepudiation : Preventing the denial of previous commitments or actions. pbudhath@fau.edu
Motivation: Confidential and Authenticate Traditional Method “Signature- Then- Seal” pbudhath@fau.edu
Motivation: How do we get these things in modern cryptography ? Confidentiality : Encryption Scheme Integrity : Authentication : Signature Scheme Nonrepudiation : pbudhath@fau.edu
Motivation: How do we get these things in modern cryptography ? • SignatureScheme RSASchnorr DSS Others … pbudhath@fau.edu
Motivation: How do we get these things in modern cryptography ? • EncryptionScheme RSAElGamal Others … pbudhath@fau.edu
Motivation: Is it possible to deliver messages of varying length in a secure and authenticated way with an expense less than that required by “Signature-Then-Encryption ” ? In 1997 Yulian Zheng proposed a separate primitive called Signcryption. pbudhath@fau.edu
Outline : • Why Signcryption ? • Signcryption • Shortening ElGamal-Based Signatures. • Secure Signcryption Scheme. • Signcryption Scheme by Y. Zheng. pbudhath@fau.edu
Why Signcryption ? Cost of Signcryption < Cost of Signature + Cost of Encryption Computational cost Communication overhead pbudhath@fau.edu
Why Signcryption ? Computational cost • We estimate computational cost by counting the number of operations involved : • Private key encryption and decryption • Hashing • addition • Multiplication • Division • Exponentiation pbudhath@fau.edu
Why Signcryption ? 2. Communication overhead In addition to computational cost, digital signature and encryption based on public key cryptography also require extra bits to be appended to a message. We call these extra redundant bits the communication overhead involved. pbudhath@fau.edu
Signcryption Security Parameter Public Gen key-pair Private Private keysender , Message, RID SC C= SCPrivate Key ( Message, RID ) Private keyreceiver , C , SID DSC DSCPrivate Key ( C, SID ) pbudhath@fau.edu
Shortening ElGamal-Based Signatures: Let p is a large prime, q is a large prime factor of p-1 and g is an integer from {1, …, p-1}.Let h: {1,..., p-1} x {0,1}* {1, ..., p-1} be a hash function. • Key Generation: Choose x randomly from {1, …, p-1} Public key = gx Private key = x pbudhath@fau.edu
Shortening ElGamal-Based Signatures: Let p is a large prime, q is a large prime factor of p-1 and g is an integer from {1, …, p-1}.Let h: {1,..., p-1} x {0,1}* {1, ..., p-1} be a hash function. • Sign : Choose yrandomly from {1, …, p-1} r = h( gymod p, M) s = y / ( r + x) mod p , where M = message Signature = < r, s > pbudhath@fau.edu
Shortening ElGamal-Based Signatures: Let p is a large prime, q is a large prime factor of p-1 and g is an integer from {1, …, p-1}.Let h: {1,..., p-1} x {0,1}* {1, ..., p-1} be a hash function. • Verify : Compute k = (gx∙ gr )s mod p Accept if r = h( k, m) pbudhath@fau.edu
Secure Scheme: Secure Signature Scheme : Unforgeable under adaptively chosen message attack. Secure Encryption Scheme : Indistinguishable against adaptively chosen cipher attack. pbudhath@fau.edu
Secure Signcryption Scheme: Unforgeable : It is computationally infeasible for an adaptive attacker to create a signcrypted text. Non-repudiation: It is computationally feasible for a third party to settle a dispute between signer and receiver where signer denies the fact that he/she is the originator of a signcrypted text. Confidential: It is computationally infeasible for an adaptive attacker to gain any partial information on the contents of a signcrypted text. pbudhath@fau.edu
YZ- Signcryption Scheme: p : a large prime ( public )q : a large prime factor of p-1 ( public ) g : a ( random ) integer in [1, ..., p-1] with order q mod p ( public )h : a one-way hash function ( public ) Gen : Using this algorithm sender and receiver choose their key-pair. Let x, y from [1, ..., q-1] are sender’s and receiver’s private keys and S= gx and R= gy are their respective public keys. pbudhath@fau.edu
YZ- Signcryption Scheme: p : a large prime ( public )q : a large prime factor of p-1 ( public ) g : a ( random ) integer in [1, ..., p-1] with order q mod p ( public )h : a one-way hash function ( public ) S : Sender’s public keyR : Receiver’s public key SC : Pick r randomly from [1, ..., q-1] 1. compute k = Rr mod p. Split k into k1 and k2 of appropriate length. 2. n= h(M, k2 ), where M=message 3. s= r/( n + x ) mod q 4. c = E_k1 ( M ) , where E := Encryption in AES Signcrypted text = < c, n, s> pbudhath@fau.edu
YZ- Signcryption Scheme: p : a large prime ( public )q : a large prime factor of p-1 ( public ) g : a ( random ) integer in [1, ..., p-1] with order q mod p ( public )h : a one-way hash function ( public ) S : Sender’s public keyR : Receiver’s public key DSC : Recover k from n, s, g, p, S and R: 1. k = ( S ∙ gh )s・y mod p 2. Split k into k1 and k2 3. M = D_k1 ( c ) , Where D := Decryption in AES 4. Accept M as a valid message if h(M, k2) = n NOTE : D_k1 ( E_k1 (M)) = M pbudhath@fau.edu
Cost of Signcryption vs. Cost of Sign-Then-Encryption pbudhath@fau.edu
Question ? Thank You !!! pbudhath@fau.edu