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JEMISON HIGH SCHOOL. SUBSTITUE TEACHER TRAINING. Your Role is Critical On any given day 10% of American classrooms have substitute teachers. 5-10% of a students educational career will be spent with a substitute. Topics to be covered today: Professionalism and the substitute teacher
Your Role is Critical On any given day 10% of American classrooms have substitute teachers. 5-10% of a students educational career will be spent with a substitute.
Topics to be covered today: • Professionalism and the substitute teacher • Classroom management & Discipline • The daily routine
ACTIVE SUBSTITUE LIST • Only those on the active substitute list are eligible to substitute. • You cannot be placed on this list until you have attended the required training and been fingerprinted. • You are responsible for notifying the Central Office with any change in address or phone number.
Professionalism • One of the most important aspects of becoming an effective substitute teacher is how you view and portray yourself to students, staff and the community. Above all, you need to consider yourself a professional. Remember, students will encounter substitutes on a regular basis, and for that reason alone you are a very important part of the educational process.
Dress Code • Students and other staff will respect you more if you exercise good judgment in how you dress. Your appearance contributes to creating a good first impression from the moment you walk into a school building--and every time thereafter. The following tips should be helpful:
Dress Code Dress in a manner that sets you apart from students and enhances a businesslike atmosphere in the classroom.First impressions are important, and, like it or not, the way you dress will make a difference in how you are treated by students and staff. As a substitute teacher, you are making a first impression virtually every day.
Dress code It is especially important for younger-looking substitute teachers to dress a bit more conservatively. This helps establish you as the authority figure in the classroom. Students will look at you as a teacher and not as a peer (and hopefully treat you as such). As you can imagine, this is especially important when you are subbing at the middle school or high school level.
Dress code Dress comfortably so you can move around the classroom and building with ease. Women will want to avoid high heels, short skirts, low-cut tops and severely tight attire. Professional-looking pantsuits are usually appropriate. Men may want to wear khaki or dress pants, a button-down or polo shirt, and comfortable shoes. Jeans, t-shirts and flip flops are not allowed for any substitute. Job assignment may influence your style of attire.
Confidentiality • Information obtained about students, including grades/performance must be kept confidential. • It is against the law to disclose information about a student. • Also, personal information regarding other teachers should not be publicly discussed.
Discipline • Schools have a special relationship with students and have a legal duty to protect them from foreseeable harm. • If you do not follow the school guidelines and procedures, you may be held liable for any acts or omissions resulting in injury to students and others. • Never leave students unattended. • If you observe a dangerous situation, report it immediately.
Expectations • It is our belief that all students have the right and ability to learn, and that all schools must provide a positive, safe, caring environment for teaching and learning. • A negative attitude is never valued. • It can result in a substitute developing a negative reputation • Substitute teachers are expected to serve as role models, just as the regular staff.
Substitute Calendar • It is important to keep a calendar of the days you worked, who you worked for, and what school. This will help if a question arises about your pay.
Duties • All substitute teachers are expected to arrive on time. • Report to the school office, sign in, and get any instructions you will need for the day. • Arrive at the classroom in time to review any information the regular teacher has left for you. • Introduce yourself to the teachers on both sides of your classroom. • Above all, be flexible, expect the unexpected.
Collaboration • The ability to work successfully with others is essential. • Treat others the way you want to be treated. • Have a sense of humor. • Be flexible, helpful and cooperative.
Classroom • Regular classroom teacher should supply you with the following: • Lesson Plans • Materials necessary to teach lesson plans • Class & teacher schedule • Class roll • Seating chart • List of students w/special needs • Location of supplies • Names of nearby teachers
Classroom cont. • If you have been given lesson plans follow them closely. • If this is an unplanned absence you may not have actual lesson plans. • Check with the office for a substitute folder. • Check with the principal for any other instructions.
Emergency Plans • JHS has a detailed Emergency Plan, take a moment to look at the plan located on a red clipboard in each classroom. • Know what to do and where your exits are. • If you have any questions ask before an emergency arises. • Expect the unexpected!!!!!
Medical Concerns • We have some students with health concerns. If the teacher plans do not include this information, check with the office staff for instructions.
Attendance • Check class role and record any absences. • Report absences to school office (be sure to record student name) • Substitute teachers may not leave before all his/her students have either gotten on the bus or been picked up.
Tips for Substitute Teaching • Establish a Positive Classroom Environment • It is essential to be perceived as confident, in charge and fair. • Do NOT lose control. • Students respect adults who respect them. • You must be fair, firm and consistent. • Make sure students understand the correlation between their choice and the consequence (of their behavior).
Tips cont. • Positive Interaction • Preventive discipline is more effective than reactive discipline. • Correcting students one-on-one is more powerful and appropriate than public discipline. • Students need and expect clear direction and predictability.
Student Behavior • Assisting students who are having difficulty will help prevent boredom and/or disruptions. • Providing alternative learning assignments will also help prevent boredom and disruptions. • Provide activities that students can begin immediately upon entering the room and continue when they have finished their regular assignment.
Duties • You are to be attentive and present for the benefit of all students in the classroom. The most crucial reason you are in the classroom is to ensure safety. To accomplish that, your attention must be focused on the students at all times.
Duties cont. • This means: • Do not give an assignment then sit down to read the newspaper or play on the computer. • Do not walk out of the classroom. • Do not make personal calls.
Duties cont. • Never use the Internet at school to surf inappropriate web sites! This may sound obvious, but it happens.
Duties • Do not gossip about classes or students. This rule applies whether you are in the teachers' lounge at school or anywhere else. It is all right to ask advice about how to deal with certain students or classes, but don't let the conversation develop into one of complaining, ridiculing or spreading innuendoes about students or staff.
Be friendly, positive and enthusiastic. Although you are not there to become friends with students, you do need to be pleasant with them and demonstrate an interest in their assignment. Children are very quick to pick up on your overall attitude, and you want them to be at least cooperative if not deeply engaged
Maintain a professional barrier between you and students. You are the adult, the teacher, and the professional; act like the expert - not like another one of the "kids." • Keep the classroom door open when talking with students. • Avoid any behavior that could be misinterpreted when interacting with students. • Avoid leaving your students unsupervised. • Use verbal praise and reinforcement. • Avoid losing your temper and avoid corporal punishment. • Chaperon only school-sponsored functions. Do NOT socialize with students.
Do NOT take children home with you or transport them in your car alone or without prior administrative approval. • Do NOT make telephone calls or write notes of a personal nature to students. • Respect students and their cultural backgrounds. • Use only proper humor (avoid sexual and racial jokes or humor). • Be confidential (what you hear at school stays at school). • Avoid criticizing others.
Administering Medication - Medication should only be administered by the school nurse or other appropriate health personnel, not the classroom or substitute teacher. If you know of medication requirements of a student, the health professional should be notified.
Anecdotal Records - Maintaining notes on particular incidents in the classroom can protect you in problematic situations. If you feel that your actions might be questioned, note the date and time, the individuals involved, the choices for action considered, and the actions taken.
Duties • First of all, arrive on time, which means at least one-half hour before the first class is scheduled to begin. You should check in with the principal or secretary and sign in on the sign-in sheet that is available in the JHS office.
Prior to Entering the Classroom Report to the administration office. Obtain any keys that might be necessary. Ask about student passes and special procedures. Ask if there will be any extra duties associated with the permanent teacher's assignment. Ask about any special school-wide activities planned for the day. Find out how to refer a student to the office.
Find out how to report students who are tardy or absent. • Find the locations of restrooms and the teachers' lounge. • Ask the names of the teachers on both sides of your classroom and if possible, introduce yourself to them. • Ask if any students have medical problems.
In the Classroom Before School • Enter the classroom with confidence. • Write your name (as you wish to be addressed by the students) on the board. • Review the expectations, or rules, if any are posted. • Locate the school evacuation map. • Read through the lesson plans left by the permanent teacher.
Locate the books, papers, and materials which will be needed throughout the day. • Study the seating charts. If you can't find any, get ready to make your own. • When the bell rings, stand in the doorway and greet students as they enter the classroom.
Throughout the Day • Greet the students at the door and get them involved in a learning activity immediately. • Carry out the lesson plans and assigned duties to the best of your ability. • Improvise using the materials in in the classroom to fill extra time, enhance activities, or supplement sketchy lesson plans as needed. • Be fair and carry out the rewards and consequences you establish. • Be positive and respectful in your interactions with students and school personnel.
At the End of Each Class Period Make sure that all classroom sets are accounted for. Challenge students to recall projects and topics they have studied that day. Remind students of homework. Have students straighten and clean the area around their desks.
At the End of the Day: Write a brief report about your day and leave it for the permanent teacher. Neatly organize the papers turned in by the students. Close windows, turn off lights and equipment, and make sure the room is in good order before you lock the door. Turn in keys and any money collected at the office. Check to see if you will be needed again the next day. Jot down a few notes to yourself about what was accomplished, how things went, and ways to improve. Report to the office to sign out.
Substitute Teachers are expected to: • Be professional • Be aware of the legal aspects of the job • Develop proper classroom management techniques • Follow a daily routine
JEMISON HIGH SCHOOL presents Certificate of Completion to ____________________ for Substitute Orientation I have completed the JHS substitute orientation training and will comply with all requirements. Name Date