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3 Nephi 6-10. Warning !!! The Nephites who escaped destruction were those who repented and heeded the voice of the Prophets. Consider yourself warned !!. 3 Nephi 6:12-18. Willfully rebelled! Why ?
3 Nephi 6-10 Warning!!! The Nephites who escaped destruction were those who repented and heeded the voice of the Prophets. Consider yourself warned!!
3 Nephi 6:12-18 Willfully rebelled!Why? Distinguished by ranks according to riches and their chances for learning. In other words, some were ignorant of their poverty. 3 Nephi 6:14 “A great in-equality in all the land” Result? (verses 22-23)
What is the difference between sinning ignorantly and rebelling?
There is a big difference between an honest mistake made in a moment of spiritual weakness and a willful decision to disobey persistently the commandments of God. Those who deliberately choose to violate Gods commandments or ignore the standards of the Church, even when promising themselves and others that someday they will be strong enough to repent, are stepping onto a dangerously slippery slope upon which many have lost their spiritual footing” (M. Russell Ballard, November 1997, 40).
3 Nephi 6:15-18 “Satan Tempted Them to Willfully Sin against God” Elder Neal A. Maxwell observed: “Surely it should give us more pause than it does to think of how casually we sometimes give to [Satan] who could not control his own ego in the pre-mortal world such awful control over our egos here. We often let the adversary do indirectly now what we refused to let him do directly then” (We Will Prove Them Herewith [1982], 45).
3 Nephi 7:2-3“Divided into Tribes” Apparently, after 400 A.D the people divided into tribes again, for this is the system of government they had when the white man came almost 1,000 years later (Ludlow, 258).
3 Nephi 7:8 “Like the dog to his vomit” Proverbs 26:11, 2 Peter 2:22 3 Nephi 7:17-20 Nephi & Timothy How could Nephi teach so powerfully that his listeners could not “disbelieve?” (2 Nephi 33:1)
Performing Miracles Worthily! Bishop Vaughn J. Featherstone once spoke of that need of worthiness: I know a great man who held his dead son in his arms, and said, “In the name of Jesus Christ and by the power and authority of the holy Melchizedek Priesthood, I command you to live. And the dead boy opened his eyes. “This great brother could not have possibly done that had he been looking at a pornographic piece of material a few nights before or if he had been involved in any other transgression of any kind” (CR, April, 1975, 100). The Priesthood has to have a pure conduit to operate!
3 Nephi 8:6 Why was there “a great…tempest” at the time of the crucifixion? “The Lord uses the weather sometimes to discipline his people for the violation of His laws” (Spencer W. Kimball, Ensign, May 1977, 4).
“This was earth’s God being crucified, this was creation’s benefactor, this was the God of nature’ suffering on the cross, and nature would not received that injustice passively” (Jeffrey R. Holland, Christ and the New Covenant, 43-44). 3 Nephi 8:8-10 D&C 84:114 (New York, Boston and Albany)
In Logan Utah on 22nd, August. 1863, Elder Wilford addressed a conference saying that New York will be destroyed by an earthquake. Boston will be swept into the sea and Albany destroyed by a fire. President Brigham Young then got up and said it is revelation and will be fulfilled (Temples of the Most High, 97-98).
3 Nephi 8:6-19 “Physical Upheavals Testify of Christ” Elder Oaks cited the increase of major earthquakes as one of the signs of the Second Coming: “Signs of the Second Coming are all around us and seem to be increasing in frequency and intensity. For example, the list of major earthquakes in The World Almanac and Book of Facts, 2004 shows twice as many earthquakes in the decades of the 1980s and 1990s as in the two preceding decades. It also shows further sharp increases in the first several years of this century. The list of notable floods and tidal waves and the list of hurricanes, typhoons, and blizzards worldwide show similar increases in recent years. Increases by comparison with 50 years ago can be dismissed as changes in reporting criteria, but the accelerating pattern of natural disasters in the last few decades is ominous” (C.R., Apr. 2004, 5-6).
3 Nephi 9:2 The devil laugheth and his angels rejoiced! Why? Because covenant people have fallen! (We have much to lose!) Does the Lord favor the righteous? Yes!
3 Nephi 9:13, 3 Nephi 10:12 How does the Lord heal us today? “ The greatest miracles I see today are not necessarily the healing of sick bodies, but the greatest miracles I see are the healing of sick souls” (Harold B. Lee, Ensign, July 1973,123).
3 Nephi 9:13-22 The Lord did not end the law of sacrifice. Elder D. Todd Christofferson explained: “In reality, it is the gift of yourself --- what you are and what you are becoming.” “Is there something in you or in your life that is impure or unworthy? When you get rid of it, that is a gift to the Savior. Is there a good habit or quality that is lacking in your life? When you adopt it and make it part of your character, you are giving a gift to the Lord” (C.R., Apr. 2004, 10).
3 Nephi 10:3-6 How oft would I have gathered you as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings (Psalms 91:4). 3 Nephi 10:14 What should we do with the scriptures we have? “These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so” (Acts 17:11).
3 Nephi 10:18-19 Jesus appeared to the Nephites shortly after His resurrection! It is true that there has been a misconception in the minds of many members of the church, but a careful reading of the account will clear up these misconceptions. It is true that a hasty examination will leave the impression that there was a delay of about a year after the resurrection of the Lord before he visited the Nephites and Lamanites who were spared; but more attention to what is written shows that it was but a very short time after his resurrection that the Lord appeared to the people who were assembled near the temple in Bountiful… It was a very short time after the resurrection, not one year, Jesus ascension was the day of His resurrection and before his appearance to the disciples that same day (ATGQ 4:25-29).