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Online Survey. Lauren ţiu MITRACHE Webmaster, Romanian Focal Point. The website and sub-sites. http://ro.osha.europa.eu (http://www.protectiamuncii.ro). EW2007. HWI 2006 - 2007. EW2002. EW2003. EW2004. EW2005. EW2006. The purpose.
Online Survey Laurenţiu MITRACHE Webmaster, Romanian Focal Point
The website and sub-sites http://ro.osha.europa.eu (http://www.protectiamuncii.ro) EW2007 HWI 2006 - 2007 EW2002 EW2003 EW2004 EW2005 EW2006
The purpose • Improve the quality and usefulness of information provided by the website. • Know user’s: • profile, • concrete needs of information, • satisfaction regarding the existing • design, • navigation, • services of information, • information provided by the website • OSH fields of interest.
Things to consider when designing the questionnaire (1) • Language: don’t be ambiguous, use simple words, be precise, use short sentences, avoid hypothetic questions • respondents must clearly understand the questions • respondents must be capable to provide the information demanded through questions • respondents must be willing to provide the information demanded through questions • Length: • too many questions generate fewer participants and a reduced rate of completed questionnaires • too many questions affect the quality of data, because the respondents become tired, bored and attracted by other factors (distracted) • Header: • welcome message • instructions about how to respond • if the questionnaire contains different sections explain the navigation options • offer information about estimated time to complete the questionnaire, dead line of completion, the purpose of the survey, guarantee of confidentiality
Things to consider when designing the questionnaire (2) • Layout: • crowded design and unconventional layout make difficult for respondents to read and traverse through the questions • in case of too many questions, must be provided a way for respondents to interrupt and save the work, and then reload the questionnaire later • the questionnaire must provide an indication of user progress and the percent of completion • technically, the questionnaire must be correctly displayed on different monitor resolutions, on different web browsers and operating systems • Control access to questionnaire: • avoid robots • Flash links to questionnaire • Captcha authentication • prevent multiple responses from the same respondent • authentication with usernames and passwords, or email addresses • cookies
Technical implementation • Link and access: • Flash banner on the main page of the website linking to questionnaire (no other links or entry points) • Design: • HTML form with CSS formatting • Validation: • JavaScript function to check the completion of all questions before saving the results • Database: • The answers where recorded in a MySQL database using PHP
11 Questions - content • Information regarding the profile of users: • Type of organization. • Field of activity. • Size of the organization. • Gender and age. • User or provider of information (or both). • Satisfaction level about the website: • Period of accessing the website. • Frequency of access to the website. • Satisfaction level regarding the design, navigation, accessibility, and services provided by the website. • Satisfaction level regarding the content of the website’s main categories of information: good practices, news and events, systems, campaigns, publications, legislation, topics, statistics, information for SMEs. • Matching the users’ needs and the information provided by the website. • The fields of interest for further and additional OSH information.
Results • The profile of the respondents: • Type of organisation: private companies (37%), public institutions (21.31%), research institutes (9%), OSH service providers (9.84 %) employers’ associations (4.92%), NGO (3.28%), Labour Inspection (1.64%), Journalists (1.64%), State-owned companies (1.64%), others (6.56%). • Field of activity: construction (14.75%), manufacturing (14.75%), health and social work (13.11%), administration and public defence (9.84%), education (8.20%), wholesale & retail trade; motor vehicles repair (4.92%), transport, storage and communication (3.28%), agriculture (1.64%), electricity, gas and water supply (1.64), others (26.23%). • Size of organisation: 50-249 employees (37.70%), 1-9 employees (19.67%), over 250 employees (19.67%), 10-49 employees (16.39%), others (6.56%). • Gender: masculine (57.38%), feminine (42.62%). • Age category: 25-44 years old, (60.66%), 45-60 (34.43%), over 60 (3.28%),under 25 (1.64%) • User, provider of information or both: only user (80.33%), only provider (16.39%), both (3.28%) • Period of accessing the website: under 1 year (49.18%), 1-5 years (47.54%), over 5 years (3.28%). • Frequency of access to website: weekly(55.74%), daily (22.95%), monthly (13.11%), quarterly (8.20%) • The level of users’ satisfaction concerning the website: • Design, navigation, accessibility and services provided: satisfied (42%), very satisfied (32.79%),moderate (19%), less (4.92%). • Content of the website’s main categories of information: Very useful: legislation(78.69%), publications (65.5%), good practice (63.93%), campaigns (50.82%), topics (59.02%), information for SMSs (50.82%), news and events (49.18%), statistics (39.34%), systems (34.43%) • The satisfaction level corresponding to the users’ information needs: very satisfied (37.7%), satisfied (40.98%), moderate (19.67%), less (1.64%). • The fields of interest for further and additional OSH information: good practice (72.13%), topics (50.82%), legislation (50.82%), and information for SMEs (47.54%), publications (37.70%), news and events (34.43%), statistics (27.87%) systems (26.23%), campaigns (24.59%)
Conclusions • The website is playing an important role for the Romanian OSH community, experts and companies: • 55% of respondents declared that they usually have weekly access to the website, while about 23 % are accessing it daily. • 75% of respondents declared that they are very satisfied or satisfied about the design, navigation, accessibility and services provided by the website. • 78, 68% of respondents are very satisfied or satisfied about the content of information provided by the website. • The needs for further and additional information is felt by respondents in the following fields: good practices (72.13% of respondents), topics and legislation (50.82% of respondents), information for SMSs (47, 54%), publications (37.70%). • The necessity to join network efforts to prepare and published more information in the fields of interest for the users of the website.
Thank you Laurenţiu MITRACHE Webmaster, Romanian Focal Point Presentation available at: http://ro.osha.europa.eu/Online_Survey.pps