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Heart valve surgery is required when any one of the heart valves is damaged thus unable to perform its crucial function of letting the blood pass through. The conditions due to which this surgery is performed may include stenosis (stiffness) and regurgitation (leaky valve). Through this article, we will take a complete look at the Heart valve replacement surgery.
Our heart consists of four valves one for every chamber of the heart. The four valves include the tricuspid, pulmonary, mitral and the aortic valves. The major function of them is to keep the blood flowing through the heart in the right direction. They open up enough so that blood can flow through. They then close, keeping blood from flowing backward. Broadly there are two types of malfunctions that can be found in people here one is regurgitation and the stenosis.
Regurgitation is the condition wherein the valve does not close completely due to which the blood flows backward instead of flowing forward through it. Stenosis is another condition due to which the valves become narrowed and are not able to allow the flow of blood out of the ventricle or atria. Due to this the heart of the person is forced to pump blood with increased force in order to move blood through the stiff (stenotic) valve(s).
What are the symptoms of heart valve damage? Dizziness Chest pain Breathing difficulties Palpitations Swelling of feet, ankles, or abdomen. Speedy weight gain due to fluid retention
Surgery process In order to treat the heart diseases usually, the open-heart surgery is performed. The procedure of heart valve replacement surgery is as follows- The patient will be given general anesthesia before the beginning of the surgery. A large surgical cut will be made in the patient’s breastbone to reach the heart and aorta. Further, the patient will be connected to a heart-lung bypass machine to perform the function of the heart. Thus the oxygen is provided and the carbon dioxide is removed from this machine only.
After stopping the heart and placing the machinery the doctor will remove the diseased valve and put in the artificial valve, in the case of a valve replacement. While for the valve repairing the procedure is done will depend on the type of valve problem the patient is suffering from. W E D E L I V E R H E A L T H Y . C O
After the above procedure is complete the doctor will shock heart with small paddles to restart the heartbeat. Further, the machine will be removed. As soon as the person’s heart beats again the doctor will keep a close watch on the working of the heart and valves make sure that there are no leaks from the surgery.
Further, the sternum will be rejoined by the doctor by sewing it together with small wires. To drain out the blood and extra fluids from around the head the tubes will be put into patient’s chest. Lastly, the doctor will sew the skin over the sternum back together and close the incision with sutures or surgical staples. Read More posts: - How Acupressure Can Be Used To Treat Gas & Bloating.
Conclusion Heartvalvereplacement surgeryisaverysuccessful treatmentwhichthatis appropriatelyreflectedbya recentwhichstatesthataround 94% ofheartvalvesurgeriesare successful. FromwherecanIgetbestheart valvereplacementsurgery? Nowyoucanfindthebest heartvalvereplacement hospitalinIndia. PAGE8 Original Content Source