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Fényi Gyula Academic Grammar School. Geography Miskolc, Hungary. Miskolc is the 3rd largest city in Hungary. History. The school was founded in 1994. Since , there 3 buildings were bilutfor education , two hostels , a sportscentre , a sportsfield and a church . Education.
GeographyMiskolc, Hungary Miskolc is the 3rd largest city in Hungary
History The schoolwasfoundedin1994. Since, there 3 buildingswerebilutforeducation, twohostels, a sportscentre, asportsfield and a church.
Education Ourinstitute is a comprehensiveschool, wherestudentsgetahigher-levelqualification. 90% of thestudents go touniversitiesor colleges ineveryyear. Wehavesections: History, Math and English sections int he years of 9 and 10, and int he years of 11 and 12 wecanchoosesectionsfromeverysubject. Wehavetheopportunitytolearn English GermanFrench and Chineselanguages. Ourstudentalwayshavegoodresultineducationalcompetitions
Religious life The leaders of theschoolputemphasisonreligion. Actually, it is thebaseof theschool. Wehave a schoolmasseveryMonday, and we start and finishourdayswithprayers.
Charitywork Tohelptheonesinneed is ourduty. Most of usparticipateincharityworkduringtheyear, forinstance: fundraisingforthe less fortunateones; collecting of unwornclothes, and theLoveservice, whichincludestakingcare of elderly, children, mantally and phisicallydisabled.
Facilities Wehave 3 major facilities: a swimmingpool, asportsfield and a well-equippedsportscentre.
Scientific life Wehave a busyscientific life athome. Wehave 3 auditoriumsoneforthebiology, oneforthephisics and oneforthechemistrydepartment. Inourlaboratorystudentshavethepossibilitytoconductexperimentsinordertoextendtheirscientificknowledge. Wehavetaken part intheDNA-project for 10 years, howeverweparticipateinseveralof theprojectstoo.
Opportunities Fortunately, ourisntitute has manyrealtionswithotherschools. WehavescholarshipprogrammestoGermanyIrelandtothe USA. Wealwayshostexchangestudentsfromthecountries. Wehavenativespeakersfrom: ChinaGermany France and Fromthe USA, and theyhelpustoimproveourlanguageskills.
Camps Ourschooloffers a widerange of campsinthesummer, and inwinteraswell, forinstance: bike sky and scoutcamps.