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Source Code Tons of Code

Package More Code Statistical Functions Datasets. Workspace Fewer Lines of Code Capability. Source Code Tons of Code. http:// www.statmethods.net/management/functions.html. Currently , h ow many R Packages?. At the command line enter: dim( available.packages ()) available.packages ().

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Source Code Tons of Code

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Package • More Code • Statistical Functions • Datasets • Workspace • Fewer Lines of Code • Capability • Source Code • Tons of Code

  2. http://www.statmethods.net/management/functions.html

  3. Currently, how many R Packages? At the command line enter: • dim(available.packages()) • available.packages()

  4. Is there an R App Store?

  5. Two heavyweights in the statistical software market are SAS and SPSS/IBM

  6. R Packages have been created that are equivalent to the functionality of SAS and SPSS

  7. Packages for reading, writing for various file formats XLConnect sas7bdat Comma Separated Variables Hmisc foreign XML RMySQL RODBC / ROracle RJSONIO RWeka rhbase Rcpp

  8. R Being Integrated Into Other Data-Related Products “Both R and SAS are here to stay, and finding ways to make them work better with each other is in the best interests of our customers.”` Oracle R Enterprise (ORE) http://support.sas.com/rnd/app/studio/Rinterface2.html https://blogs.oracle.com/R/ http://help.sap.com/hana/hana_dev_r_emb_en.pdf http://www-142.ibm.com/software/products/us/en/spss-stats-developer/

  9. R “Machine Learning” Libraries

  10. Industries / Organizations Creating and Using R Hadley Wickham Asst. Professor of Statistics at Rice University ggplot2 plyr reshape rggobi profr

  11. Top 100 R packages for 2013 (Jan-May) http://www.r-statistics.com/2013/06/top-100-r-packages-for-2013-jan-may/

  12. Beginner Some Coverage Specialized “Domain” stats graphics (both built-in) Bayesian DifferentialEquations Econometrics Environmetrics ExperimentalDesign Finance Genetics HighPerformanceComputing MachineLearning MedicalImaging NaturalLanguageProcessing Pharmacokinetics Phylogenetics Psychometrics SocialSciences Spatial TimeSeries Data Management plyr reshape Graphics ggplot2

  13. Visualization and Reporting Steep Learning Curve Easy to Use Standard Interactive Visualizations

  14. The R Graphics Package library(help="graphics") • Graphing Parameters • Basic Chart Types Titles X-Axis Title Y-Axis Title Legend Scales Color Gridlines

  15. ggplot2 In ggplot2 a plot is made up of layers. Pl o t

  16. Correlations Matrix library(car) scatterplotMatrix(h)

  17. The Correlation Package was built on top of the Pairs Package

  18. The next data visual was produced with about 150 lines of R code

  19. http://rcharts.io/gallery/

  20. https://plot.ly/r/

  21. http://shiny.rstudio.com/gallery/movie-explorer.html

  22. Additional Resources • http://statmethods.net/ • good documentation and sample code • http://stackoverflow.com/ • helpful for trouble-shooting code • http://www.r-bloggers.com/ • helpful for hearing about new things

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