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The Prophecy of The Small Scroll: Citizen Cyborg & Pandemic Prescription for Earth

Dr. W. Deagle MD reveals chilling revelations about medical procedures, dark government projects, and globalist plans to reduce world population. Witness abominable events and bio-weapon games unraveling a tale of death and disarmament. Prepare for a chilling journey through apocalyptic prophecies and covert operations.

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The Prophecy of The Small Scroll: Citizen Cyborg & Pandemic Prescription for Earth

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  1. ClayAndIron.comDr. W. Deagle MD “The Mark is a Medical Procedure” The Prophecy of The Small Scroll

  2. Citizen Cyborg & Pandemic Prescription for Earth: • 1978 – UCLA, VA Wadsworth, Dr. Wallace Tourtellotte, M.D., Ph.D. Neuroscientist – 3/5 projects NSA/CIA Cyborg brain electrode implants – ‘volunteer’ prisoners from West Orange and Irvine State Peniteniaries • 1971 – Dr. Robert Brown Ph.D., Bacteriologist, Rutgers Campus, N.J. – Class 4 Bioweapons lab loss of T-Virus containment, all his colleagues incinerated at 2,000

  3. Directed Energy Weapons: • 1988 – 1994: Pratt & Witner Jet Aircraft Parts Occupational Med – Halifax Intl, Canada – CIA/NSA – DNA Harmonic Apoptosis Induction Weapons with Focused Sideband Microwaves tuned to DNA – Lethal up to 8 miles – Took care of employees and plant scientists with accidents and medical side effects.

  4. Occupational Med Classified Projects Witness of American Abominations: • 1994 – 1995: CCOM, St. Francis – NORAD; Shriver AFB – Falcon,CO – Echelon, US Space Command, Cray 4 and Cray 5 Gallium Arsenide Molecular Supercomputer; Ft. Carson – Tank Division and Forensic Munitions Team to Alfred P. Murrah Bldg, Classified Microchip & Supercomputers

  5. Dark Winter and Top Off FEMA, CDC, and FBI BioWeapons Games: • 1997 – 1999: Rocky Mountain Occupational Medicine – Reserve Adm. Dr. John Hughes M.D. – Operation Top Off and Dark Winter with FEMA, State of CO, FBI and CDC – Supercomputer simulation of Smallpox to OK City, Denver Performing Arts Center – Pneumonic Plague release simulation, Anthrax simulation 17th Ave, Denver,CO

  6. Global Satellite Control Grid: • 1994 – 2000: Occupational Physician, first hand evidence of global control grid – Lockheed Martin, Atmel Corp., Lucent Technologies, IBM, Sun Microsystems, Symbio Logic, Cray Supercomputers, Iridium Satellite Network…. Etc…

  7. Globalist Plan Pandemic Plagues to Reduce World Population: • March, 1997: HLI – Human Life International – WHO, World Bank, IMF, UN, Gorbachev Foundation, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation – 6” of WHO + Documents • 1] Bioengineered global plagues to eliminate 85 to 90 % of the global population • 2] Vaccinations to sterilize sub-Saharan Africans  antibodies to placenta in monthly vaccine for tetanus.

  8. WHO Pandemic Plans: Feeding the Pale Horse of Pestilence • H5N1 Avian Flu 25 to 100% Fatal depending on genetic substrain Final Genetic Recombination to Speed Human-Human transmission • H2N2 1957 Live Pandemic Lab Test Kit 2004 and 2005 to 4,000 labs – Amer College Clinical Pathologists • Marburg – Ebola partial recombinant, Started with WHO Uige Under 1 Year Old Childhood Vaccination Hospital Program, end 2004

  9. Culture of Death and Disarmament  Columbine High School, Littleton, CO: April 20th 1999 • Mark Taylor, survivor and patient – Nazi Swastikas for months around school, trenchcoats, duffle bags – 8 bullets, 7 to chest, two 14+ hours trauma surgeries – Retained scrapnel chest abcess – Miraculous healing. • “Death Eduction” NBC 12 years prior program (VHS copy) – ‘Good Death’ with Mock Executions Videotaped in School Classrooms. • 240 hours ‘mock’ shootings with Harris and Kleibold plus students part of video elective, still school property • 42 State & Fed Agencies, One of Joint Chiefs

  10. Columbine High School, Littleton, CO: April 20th 1999 • Littleton Fire Department: Ladder-man, my patient – Told he would be fired upon and killed if attempted rescue of injured teacher, 2nd floor window shot in chest • Rohrbah and other children shot by SWAT team, who waited hours to clear building • Debriefed parents – two weeks after Columbine – Military Base, Texas • Luvox sealed liability settlement to all parents, including Kliebold and Harris

  11. Oklahoma City Bombing, April 19th 1995 – Micronukes / C4 by FBI and ATF Special Units: • 1995, CCOM: Exit Examination of Five Munitions Forensic Investigation Team from Fort Carson, CO • Two Baseball sized micro-nuclear devices unexploded removed by forensic team • One large C4 bomb unexploded • Forensics 1/7th the ANFO as Khobar Towers, Ryad, Saudi Arabia – Same Forensics Team • Pillars vaporized to powder greater distance from McVeigh truck ANFO bomb – RED FLAG!

  12. Prior Knowledge of 911 – Dr. Jay Reddington, Bioterrorism National CDC & National FBI Directors Lunch Meeting, March 1st 2001: • No substantive improvements in early release of CBM weapons notification • No first line responder support: Docs, EMT, Hospital Ers, Fire/Police, etc. • FBI National Bioterrorism Director – “A Pearl Harbor Event” 95 % likely in 24 months • Jet aircraft into NY City Buildings simulations ongoing plans and future simulations • Expect event to kill 50,000 to 500,000 and initiate MARTIAL LAW and National ID with Implantable ID to Follow Quickly.

  13. Four Riders of the Apocalypse: • White Horse – Emperor of Earth – “False Prophet of Global Peace and Socialist Democratization”A US President “Lone Superpower”  Fourth Reich • Red Horse – PNAC Document – “Wars and Rumors of Wars” Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Iran, Korea…62 target nations • Black Horse – Global Finance Depression.. Rise of the Amero and Euro “Jachin Boaz” – “He shall restore .. In strength”  Global Phoenix Cyber-currency, 2014. • Pale Horse – Global Pandemics, Pestilence, Death from Starvation and Wars

  14. April 19th ‘A Date With Infamy’ • Sacrifice to Molech & Baal: Ancient Day of Spring Sacrifice – Ultimate Abomination Sacrifice of Children of Israel • April 19th – Birthdate of Hitler – 3rd Reich Anti-Christ • April 19th 2005 – ‘Ratzy’ – German Nazi Pope • April 20th – Death of Hitler in Bunker • April 19th – WACO, Tx • April 19th – Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

  15. Global Beast Computer – Falcon, CO  Shriver AFB • Cray 4 and 5 Gallium Arsenide Molecule Supercomputer Array – 1994 first hand evidence – All other databases controlled, from England to Tokyo • Heath Card Technologies – Madison, WI: 4 MB Flash Memory, Multi-password protection, GPS tracker chip, 120 cm reader distance, biometrics, DNA biochip verification, military, educational, traffic, library, etc. Records  Cell Phone Towers / Smart Highways Tollways

  16. Convergent Technologies: The Lie of NanoCyberCogno – “You will not surely die, but be as God” • Elite Life extension – Living Centuries to Millenia • Nanotech and Cyborg connectedness to the M.A.T.R.I.X. –Mother Articifical Terrestrial Reality of Integrated eXistence. • Casts of Elite Genetically and NanoCyberCogno ‘Rich’ and Cyborg Un-altereds, and Subhuman Chimera slave classes, and Sim-Robots • Terraform Titan, Mars, Moon, etc. • Five Compact Cities, Re-wilding of Earth • 2010 – ½ of Airforce and Military Ground Forces Mechanized Robotic & Remote Control

  17. Dialectic M.A.R.K. – Multiple Addressable Readable Kryptographic – Cyborg Chip • Universal Biometric Global ID • World Electronic Phoenix Currency, 2014 to 2025 • ELF Behavior Control and Mind-Uplink Chips for Bidirectional Data Global Hive Mind Control • Health, Anti-terrorism, Security Access, Cast Privilege Access, Firearms Chips

  18. “They shall mingle themselves with the seed of men, the iron with the clay” • Serpent Kings of Ancient Cush, Sumer, Egypt, Greece, Rome  Russian & European Kings  US Presidents, and Leaders of Global Corporations – Bilderbergers, Royal Society for International Studies, Council on Foreign Relations • “As in the days of Noah, so shall it be..”

  19. The Book of the Twelve StonesThe Small Scroll of Rev 10Chapter 1 0f 12 A Prophecy Against America and the Nations of the World • CHAPTER ONE RUBEN – RUBY “Behold a Son” • The words of William, son of William, in the line of Aaron who was among the physicians of Colorado, which he saw concerning America in the days of Clinton, President of America, two years before Y2K.

  20. Chapter 1 of 12: Small ScrollA Prophecy Against America • “Thus says the Lord; Have I not called you from before the day of your birth in nineteen hundred two score, ten and second year. Did I not say to you, " At the time of the end you would know and you would tell my people!"

  21. Chapter 1 of 12: Small ScrollA Prophecy Against America • Did you see from your eighth year from the gates of heaven and high above "my blue jewel the earth", how I will reign down judgment upon this world. Did not the prophets of old tell of such a day, but those who call themselves my people said prophecy not, but tickle our ears with comforts and ever increasing self-righteousness and power with the Holy One of Israel.

  22. Chapter 1 of 12: Small ScrollA Prophecy Against America • Did I, Jesus, not show you these things that must happen so that all mercy, grace and justice is served, and then the end shall surely come.

  23. Chapter 1 of 12: Small ScrollA Prophecy Against America • “Did not the fireballs rise all over my blue jewel, heat, brimstone and the red smoke of the abyss roll as a scroll across the horizon to cover in deepest darkness. Let there be two score years from the day that you my servant have been called until these days of the wrath of the evil one are cast upon the earth.

  24. Chapter 1 of 12: Small ScrollA Prophecy Against America • For he knows that his time is short, and great is his wrath. When my angel casts him down into the abyss, surely he will never rise for my kingdom will be from everlasting to everlasting.

  25. Chapter 1 of 12: Small ScrollA Prophecy Against America • “I, the Sovereign Lord of Hosts do declare that the day of the Lord is near, even at the doors. From the going forth of this word, there will be times, times, times, times and half a times, until the great and terrible day of wrath of the Lamb.

  26. Chapter 1 of 12: Small ScrollA Prophecy Against America • For in the fullness of the Gentile times, the prayers of the saints rise up as a fragrant incense to my nostrils and I am stirred and there will be no more time that My Spirit will strive with the spirits of men.

  27. Chapter 1 of 12: Small ScrollA Prophecy Against America • “And this is a mystery, My wrath is to see my face and be forever forgotten from my body, the church. The wrath of the evil one is to steal, kill, and destroy until the fullness of the wrath, six trumpets, six bowls and six vials.

  28. Chapter 1 of 12: Small ScrollA Prophecy Against America • Only when I break the seals may the wrath of the evil one be poured out upon those who bear the Mark and worship the Bearer of Light and not the Creator. I am the Holy One who died and shed the living waters of life that you would never thirst, but you would not drink.

  29. Chapter 1 of 12: Small ScrollA Prophecy Against America • Therefore, you will receive my wrath, which is the seventh trumpet, the seventh bowl and the seventh vial in completing your iniquity and I decree a separation as an adulterous bride forever from her groom. This alone is my wrath upon a dying people and a passing world.

  30. Chapter 1 of 12: Small ScrollA Prophecy Against America • “And he said, Thus says the Lord; For thou O nation which appears as a lamb but speaks with the voice of a dragon, You who have a sea of my Word but do not drink, Thy transgressions have called out to my ears for judgment. You America, who carry the word of my testimony to the world, have taken your heart far from Me.

  31. Chapter 1 of 12: Small ScrollA Prophecy Against America • “Hear this word that the Lord hath spoken against you, O children of America, which I have brought up from all the lands of persecution. Your nation I have set high above all nations as a light to truth and justice, for you feared my Words. You were children of Light and not of Darkness. Therefore, I will punish you for your iniquities.

  32. Chapter 1 of 12: Small ScrollA Prophecy Against America • “Today, I blow a trumpet for my people, come out of her daughter of Babylon the Great. She has made the whole earth drunk with the wine of her outrageous profits, of every stock option, dividend and contract.

  33. Chapter 1 of 12: Small ScrollA Prophecy Against America • You who rob the poor, crush the weak and sell with insider information, while you convince the foolish enough to believe your lies and buy until their wealth is dust and sand that have fallen between their fingers.

  34. Chapter 1 of 12: Small ScrollA Prophecy Against America • “The evil one stalks a prey and I reveal it to my servants the prophets. Those who hear these words, who heed and obey, will escape 'through' the days of trouble, as my people did to the land of Goshen, when I sent the plagues upon the land of Egypt.

  35. Chapter 1 of 12: Small ScrollA Prophecy Against America • “Proclaim in the streets of Islam and Russia, that America knows not how to do right. I send among you Gorbachev, who seeks to tell another gospel and you write the Earth Charter as your new commandments. He bears a Green Cross and defiles the cross I bore for you my people. Because you have forsaken your first love, America, I will send you Global Eco-Communism and Islamic Terror.

  36. Chapter 1 of 12: Small ScrollA Prophecy Against America • “Did I not tell you before it was that the city of seven hills would send one with mitre and the septre of a shepherd to lead away all those that love not the truth, and he knows me not, but you O wayward people did follow the Harlot of Babylon, all you daughters of harlotry.

  37. Chapter 1 of 12: Small ScrollA Prophecy Against America • Were not those I gave my servant Moses enough law to condemn all those upon the earth, that none are righteous, not even one. Did I not write on the flesh of your heart my commandments, to love your God with all your heart, soul and mind and love your neighbor as yourselves. You made yourselves righteous in your own eyes.

  38. Chapter 1 of 12: Small ScrollA Prophecy Against America • “I call upon these peoples of oil and fire for judgment upon this nation, for America knows not to do right. You O America, who store up and prepare violence against your own people and plots to inter them in concentration camps and make covenants with the illuminated sons of Satan. I have judged you and found my cup of wrath full with anger against you.

  39. Chapter 1 of 12: Small ScrollA Prophecy Against America • “You O America, who conspire to spoil the bread and steal the light, to place a Mark on all your people, I have this against you. Moreover, you force the whole world to worship other gods of trees and crawling things and waters which were foreign to you, so that all may take this Mark.

  40. Chapter 1 of 12: Small ScrollA Prophecy Against America • You croak as the voices of frogs are heard from the pits of your throats the song of a sustainable world without my Holy Name. No repentance is seen in your actions, for your hearts are far from me and My spirit will not strive long with the spirits of men.

  41. Chapter 1 of 12: Small ScrollA Prophecy Against America • . You, O America swear by your power and might that by that false prince that comes, surely now we have "Peace and Security"! A sustainable planet will not surely die!

  42. Chapter 1 of 12: Small ScrollA Prophecy Against America • “You O America, who swear to destroy my people, this is what the Sovereign Lord says, I will send fire upon your coastlands and upon your cities and I will send a hoard from Russia and Islam and all the nations with them.

  43. Chapter 1 of 12: Small ScrollA Prophecy Against America • I will enrage them, and draw them with hooks forward into your lands for your arrogance and blasphemy against My throne and my Name. You who conspire to kill their innocents like lambs at slaughter in Iraq, and yet let there leader live to serve your purposes.

  44. Chapter 1 of 12: Small ScrollA Prophecy Against America • “You who cry, "Leave Clinton finish his term, our portfolio is bursting with the last quarterly earnings, and peace and security are surely ours to rule the earth, and profits wash away a multitude of sins".

  45. Chapter 1 of 12: Small ScrollA Prophecy Against America • “You say, who cares if we who send His word to all the world, send gifts to our enemies of the technology and money to destroy us. For we speak as a Dragon, and who can make war with America.

  46. Chapter 1 of 12: Small ScrollA Prophecy Against America • You call yourself a Lamb but are like a raging lion that threatens to rain fire from heaven on all your enemies. You say in your heart, We will sell them bullets but we will bind them tightly with our computer bytes, and surely none will escape our all seeing eyes!

  47. Chapter 1 of 12: Small ScrollA Prophecy Against America • “You O America, who oppress the poor and sell the needy nations of the earth the seeds of famine, I will send you death. You O America, have who have set yourselves up to be the god of this world, I will bring you very low, and your murmurs for mercy will cry to Me from the dust and ashes of your nation.

  48. Chapter 1 of 12: Small ScrollA Prophecy Against America • “You O America, have not only shed the blood of my littlest ones but have denied care to your poor and elderly. Your have forced the heathen nations of the earth to kill there little ones and I see there blood upon your hands.

  49. Chapter 1 of 12: Small ScrollA Prophecy Against America • It cries to Me from many lands for justice; How long O Lord will our sisters and brothers die in their mothers wombs at that hands of America and its multinational corporations.

  50. Chapter 1 of 12: Small ScrollA Prophecy Against America • Have I not declared that you must not make any of your children to walk through the fire for Molech or Baal, but you did.

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