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Search Engine Optimisation. PAGNIER Hugo INMAS gpe C TERRADE Joffrey. Introduction a - Preconceptions b- Some dates c- What is at stake ?. Search Engine Optimisation. PAGNIER Hugo INMAS gpe C TERRADE Joffrey. Activity. Introduction a- Preconception & definition.
SearchEngine Optimisation PAGNIER Hugo INMAS gpe C TERRADE Joffrey
Introduction a-Preconceptions b-Some dates c-Whatisatstake? SearchEngine Optimisation PAGNIER Hugo INMAS gpe C TERRADE Joffrey
Activity Introduction a- Preconception & definition According to YOU, whatissearchengine optimisation ?
Introduction a- Preconception & definition • Natural SEO isdonenaturally • A highlyvisitedwebsite has good SEO • A SEO is durable • When optimisation isdone, youdon’t have to do itagain • « Mywebsiteiswellranked, I don’t have to makeother modifications » • Natural SEO isonly a question of links • Flash is not a problem in SEO • Mywebsiteisvalidated by W3C, I amsurelywelloptimised • Repeat keywords a lot in the text
Introduction b- Some dates • Began in the mid 1990’s • Initially, submit the address of a page, or URL to the variousengines • Extract links to other pages from the original page and return information on the page to beindexed • First “SearchEngine Optimisation“ approach in 1997 • The importance of ranking • Appearing in a marketing group • First algorithmsrelied on webmaster-providedinformation: • MetaTags • Couldbean inaccuraterepresentation of the site'sactual content.
Introduction b- Some dates • Google creation in 1998 • Introduction of links, headings, and site structure • Stillconsidering Meta Tags, page rank and keyword frequency • 2004: the leadingsearchenginedo not sharetheiralgorithms • SEO practitionerstry to findthemand sharetheir opinion • 2005: Google starts to personalizesearchresults for each user
Introduction b- Some dates • December 2009: Google use the web searchhistory of all itsusersin order to populatesearchresults. • February2011: Google annouced the “Panda Update“thatpenalizeswebsitescontaining content duplicatedfromotherwebsites and sources. (Copyscape) • April 2012: The Google’s“Penguin Update“thatpenalizeswebsitesthatusedmanipulative techniques to improvetheirrankings on the searchengine.
Introductionc- Whatisatstake ? • A funnyexample ! Result for the search: “Trou du cul“ on Google in 2010
Introductionc- Whatisatstake ? • A funnyexample ! Stillappearstoday
Introductionc- Whatisatstake ? • The e-reputation • Men & women • Companies • Political issues • … • Commercial issues • Companies • Competitors • To be visible in the mass of information
1-How does SEO works? a-Page rank b-White and black hat c-Limits SearchEngine Optimisation PAGNIER Hugo INMAS gpe C TERRADE Joffrey
1-How does SEO works ? a- Page rank • Whatis page rank ? • Google technology • A mark to a page
1-How does SEO work ? a- Page rank • Whatis page rank ? Google PR: Google PageRank of current page Google index: Number of indexed pages. Google links: Number of links, pointing to the current page. Google version (Except links from concerned domain).
1-How does SEO works ? a- Page rank • Whatis page rank ? • “Buy online“
1-How does SEO works ? a- Page rank • How to determine the page rank? Spiders or robots (bots) are software that the search engine uses to crawl your site. http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_is_crawling_in_seo_and_how_it_is_useful
1-How does SEO works ? a- Page rank • How a spider seesyourwebsite ?
Activity 1-How does SEO work? a- Page rank Try it !
1-How does SEO works ?b- Black and white hat Black hat SEO: fool the search engine into ranking your site better. White hat SEO: make the site better ranked without attempting to manipulate the search engine!
1-How does SEO works ? b- Black and white hat Black hat SEO: fool the search engine into ranking your site better. White hat SEO: make the site better ranked without attempting to manipulate the search engine!
1-How does SEO works ? c-Limits If you use black hat SEO, Google may remove your website from the results pages…
Activity 1-How does SEO work? c-Limits Random data : the user !
2-Major points of websitecreation a-Searchengine documentation b-Keywords c-Contents SearchEngine Optimisation PAGNIER Hugo INMAS gpe C TERRADE Joffrey
2-Major points of websitecreation a- Searchengine documentation
2-Major points of websitecreation a- Searchengine documentation
2-Major points of websitecreation b- Keywords • What keyword would a customer use when looking for your website ? • Optimize your website for a few keywords • Check the competitors’ keywords
Activity 2-Major points of websitecreation b- Keywords Find keywords and write a small description of your project !
2-Major points of websitecreationc- Content Be readable ! • Use a robots.txtfile • Avoid forms : SE can’t fill them ! • Avoid flash websites • Deal with broken links • Redirect using a 301
2-Major points of websitecreationc- Content • Avoid duplicate content: • The tool Copyscapeexplores the web and finds plagiarism • Validate your website by the W3C validator
2-Major points of websitecreationc- Content • Use h1, h2 tags: • <h1>THIS IS THE FIRST LEVEL OF TITLE</h1> • <h2>This is the second level of title</h2> • CSS files instead of styleattributes • altattributes for images
2-Major points of websitecreationc- Content Structure : TAGS in the <head></head> <title></title> <metaname=« description » content=« …. » /> <metaname=« keywords » content=« word1, word2, … » /> 1 page = 1 title + 1 description
2-Major points of websitecreationc- Content • The navigation of a website is important in helping visitors find the content they wantquickly. But it is the same thing for robots! • For example using breadcrumb lists (“Fild’Ariane”) • An XML sitemap file: submit it through • Google's Webmaster Toolsmakes it easier for Google to discover the pages on your site
Activity 2-Major points of websitecreation c- Content Write a bit of code !
3-How to maintain the rate a-Analyze the results b-Dynamic content c-Backlinks SearchEngine Optimisation PAGNIER Hugo INMAS gpe C TERRADE Joffrey
3-How to maintain the rank? a- Analyze the results • Google Analytics
3-How to maintain the rank? a- Analyze the results • Google Analytics
3-How to maintain the rank? a- Analyze the results • Google Analytics
3-How to maintain the rank? a- Analyze the results • Google Analytics
3-How to maintain the rank? a- Analyze the results • Wordpress
3-How to maintain the rank? a- Analyze the results • Wordpress
3-How to maintain the rank? a- Analyze the results • Facebook
3-How to maintain the rank? a- Analyze the results • Facebook
3-How to maintain the rank? a- Analyze the results • Facebook
3-How to maintain the rank? a- Analyze the results • Facebook
Activity 3-How to maintain the rank? b- Dynamic content According to YOU, whatisdynamic content ?
3-How to maintain the rank? b- Dynamic content • Add and update regularly the content of the websiteto makeit live • Need to change main pages more frequently to encourage web-users to return to site. • Avoiddead links • Makeit simple for the administrator • Databases • Html • User interface