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A large number of bicycle accidents in San Francisco and all across California are caused by poor road conditions in the areas controlled and maintained by the city. However, suing the city for poor road conditions and recovering damages is not as easy as it might seem. If you have been injured while riding a bicycle on public roadways, sidewalks and bike lanes, do not hesitate to consult with the San Francisco bicycle accident attorney at Allegiance Law and get a free consultation today. Call Their offices at 415-404-6395.<br><br>
Can You Sue San Francisco For Poor Road Conditions After A Bicycle Accident?
A large number of bicycle accidents in San Francisco and all across California are caused by poor road conditions in the areas controlled and maintained by the city. However, suing the city for poor road conditions and recovering damages is not as easy as it might seem. “Many cyclists in San Francisco and elsewhere in California blame themselves whenever they get injured in an accident caused by potholes, cracks in the asphalt, or other poor road conditions,” says their San Francisco bicycle accident attorney. “Instead, they should be blaming the city if it failed to maintain the roads in proper condition.”
Poor Road Conditions That Cause Bicycle Accidents In California Under California’s premises liability law, the city, municipality, or county can be held liable for injuries caused by poor road conditions in the public areas controlled and maintained by the government.
Their experienced bicycle accident attorney in San Francisco at the Allegiance Law has outlined the most common road conditions that can lead to a bike accident: Uneven pavement and surfaces Elevated asphalt or pavement Lifted sidewalks due to tree roots Lack of or damaged road signs
Under California’s premises liability law, you can sue a business, property owner, or the city if they fail to Potholes maintain their property properly. A bicycle accident can occur on commercial property, private property, or Cracks in the road even city property, which is why it is important to establish who owns, controls, and maintains the area in which the accident occurred. Public roads fall under the Loose gravel jurisdiction of the city, municipality, or county that has control of the area.
How The City Can Be Held Liable For Your Bicycle Accident “If the city is aware of the poor road condition and/or prior bicycle accidents caused by that condition, you may have legal grounds to sue the city and recover compensation, as proving that the city was aware of the dangerous condition and failed to remedy it is the No. 1 requirement for filing a premises liability lawsuit,” explains their San Francisco premises liability attorney at the Allegiance Law. If you think the problem is only in the negligence that prevails in Los Angeles and San Francisco, think again. These two cities are not exceptions. Unfortunately, roads, sidewalks, and bike lanes all across California and other states are not properly maintained and inspected by the authorities.
Authorities neglect the safety of their residents and fail to repair the roads with potholes, cracks, uneven surfaces, and other conditions. These road conditions place millions of bicyclists in San Francisco and all across California at a high risk of injury or even death. If you have been injured while riding a bicycle on public roadways, sidewalks, and bike lanes, do not hesitate to consult with a lawyer. Contact San Francisco bicycle accident attorney at Allegiance Law and get a free consultation today. Call their offices at 415-404-6395.
Contact : Allegiance Law 871 Page Street San Francisco, CA 94117 415-404-6395 https://www.allegiancelaw.com/contact-us/