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The Glade. By: Ryan Hafen, Carter Stupyra & Anthony Bashur. Chapter 1: Setting. S The Glade.
The Glade By: Ryan Hafen, Carter Stupyra & Anthony Bashur
SThe Glade The book takes place in a place called the Glade, the glade is located in the middle of a maze. Inside the glade there are the Gardens, Bloodhouse, Homestead, and the Deadheads. The Gardens are where they grow the crops. The Bloodhouse is where they raise the animals (like a farm), and butcher them. The Homestead is the main meeting house, hospital, bathroom, rooms. The Deadheads are a forested graveyard.
S This is a picture of what the glade might look like.
Thomas C Physical description: Thomas is very curious, and is really confused about his surrounding environment. Character Traits: Thomas is 16 years old, has dark brown hair, his height at about 5’ ft 9” and he’s ugly (according to the book). He is the main character, he is an antagonist and Thomas is very dynamic. This is a picture of what Thomas might look like.
Chuck C Chuck is short and chubby, Chuck was the newest member to the glade until Thomas arrived, so Chuck is his best friend, and mentor. He is very smart about the glade and its environment. He is a main character, protagonist, and static. This is a picture of what Chuck might look like
Minho C Minho is average height, stubborn and is very dependant, dark tan skin and short black hair. Minho is a main character, protagonist because he helps Thomas and other people, and he is static. Minho is the keeper of the runners. This is a picture of what Minho might look like.
Gally C Gally is the tallest member of the glade, he has blond hair, pale white skin, and a square jaw. He’s very independent, and hates taking orders from anyone. He really doesn't trust anyone, and usually has a very short temper. He’s a main character, he’s an antagonist, and he’s static, his personality never changes. This is a picture of what we think Gally might look like.
Teresa C Teresa is the first girl to ever enter the glade, and the last person to be sent to the maze. She has long black hair, pale skin, she’s 15 years old, and she’s 5ft 5”. She’s a really nice person, but she’s very serious about escaping the glade. She is a main character, antagonist and dynamic. This is a picture of what Teresa might look like.
PExposition • The exposition is the flat part on a plot map, it is the introduction where it explains everything to give the reader a better understand of what is going on. • In the exposition Thomas finds himself in a metal box. He has no idea who he is, where he is or what anything else is. All he knows is his name: Thomas. This is a picture of a metal elevator like the one that Thomas and all of the other gladers came up in.
PRising Action • Rising action is the uphill slope on the plot map. Rising action is all of the events/action leading up to the climax after the exposition. • Thomas sees Ben sick and going through the changing. • For no reason Thomas feels the urge to be a runner. • He feels like everything is familiar. • Newt shows Thomas a griever. • A girl comes in the box and is said to be the last person to come through the box. • Thomas feels like he has a connection with her. • Minho sees a “dead” griever. • Ably & Minho get trapped outside the maze. • At the last second Thomas runs out to save them and gets trapped too.
PRising Action cont. • Minho sets Alby at the entrance and says that it will make it easier to find the body. • Minho runs off and leaves Alby & Thomas to die. • Thomas comes up with the ingenious idea to climb up the wall to hide from the grievers. • The grievers can climb walls too. • Thomas leaves Alby hanging and the griever follows Thomas and leaves Alby. • Minho & Thomas trick the grievers into falling off the cliffs and into the abyss. • Minho & Thomas come back and Alby is still alive and gets the serum and goes through the changing. • Thomas gets one day in the slammer and becomes a runner. A girl comes up the box and says everything is going to change.
PClimax • The climax is the top/highest of the plot map. The climax is the biggest or most important part event. • The glade walls eventually stop closing and the sky turns gray. • Gally comes back on a griever completely insane saying that the grievers will come and kill members of the glade one by one. The sky turning gray
P Falling Action • The falling action is the downhill slope of the plot map, after the climax. The falling action is the events leading down to the resolution. • They jump through the griever hole and type in the code but cannot type in the last word “push” then Chuck finds a big red button and they push it and a door opens and the grievers shut off. • 18 more people jump through the griever hole, including Newt and Minho. • They go through the door, find a hole, jump into the hole and slide into a lab. This is a picture of what we think the griever hole might look like.
PResolution The 18 remaining gladers are taken to a place called the Scorch. • The resolution is the flat bottom part of the plot map. The resolution is the ending, it can be a cliff hanger, happily ever after or whatever the author decides. • They find the creators and a kid who is wearing a big sweat shirt, it’s Gally. • Gally was controlled by the creators. • Gally tries to kill Thomas by throwing a knife at him, but chuck jumps in front of him and dies. • Thomas jumps on top of Gally and starts punching him until Minho and Newt pull him off. • Police barge in killing the creators and leading the glader’s out to a bus they board the bus and leave’s to a safe house. • The gladers eat dinner, then go to bed, but Teresa is put in a different room.
CMan vs. Man • The gladers are challenged to exit a maze and they are determent to kill the creators of the maze and have to survive the horrors of the maze. These horrors are manmade. Such as grievers.
CMan VS Self • When Thomas was confused and did not know what was happening he had to fight the urge to ask questions that were in his head and say things that would make him sound crazy like the fact that he wanted to be a runner after he saw what was in the maze that could kill him.
CMan VS Fate • Thomas makes a promise to Chuck that he will take him home to his parents and family and he almost fulfilled that promise, but Gally killed him right before the cops got there and saved all of them. So Thomas could never live normally again knowing that Chuck had died before Thomas could fulfill his promise, he had the feeling of failure and like he owed him something.
T Theme • The theme of this novel is Dystopia, a perfect (so to speak) world that turns bad. • The Glade was never a perfect world, but when Thomas came to the maze, he caused terrible things to happen inside and outside of the maze. • A quote from the novel to prove the theme is; “As you all know, the last few days have been bloody crazy, and a quite bit centered around our Green bean, Tommy, seated before us.” (p. 152). • This quote was said by Alby after about a week after Thomas came to the maze, and all the recent catastrophes were caused by Thomas.
R Resolution • They find the creators and a kid who is wearing a big sweat shirt, it’s Gally. • Gally was controlled by the creators. • The creators were all standing behind a big glass wall. • Gally tries to kill Thomas by throwing a knife at him, but chuck jumps in front of him and dies. • Thomas jumps on top of Gally and starts punching him until Minho and Newt pull him off. • Police barge in killing the creators and leading the glader’s out to a bus they board the bus and leave’s to a safe house. • The gladers eat dinner, then go to bed, but Teresa is put in a different room. This is a picture of a glass wall like the one in the lab.
The Maze Runner Online Game • http://www.randomhouse.com/teens/mazerunner/mazerunner-missions.php
Citations!!!!!!!!! • Title Page Background: • http://themazerunner.weebly.com/the-glade.html • Setting: • http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/201/3/e/the_glade___sketch_by_tzuiassassian-d414ajx.jpg • Characters(in chronological order): • http://harrypotterforum.com/discussion/8179/the-maze-runner-trilogy-movie-news-director-wes-ball-has-been-chosen • http://mazerunnerfandom.net/tag/chuck/ • http://mazerunnerfandom.net/2012/06/08/maze-runner-dream-cast-week-6-minho/ • http://mazerunnerfandom.net/2012/06/08/maze-runner-dream-cast-week-6-minho/ • http://www.tumblr.com/tagged/gladers?before=1335464799 • Plot(in chronological order): • http://www.forms-surfaces.com/levele-105-elevator-interiors • http://www.tumblr.com/tagged/gladers?before=1335464799
Citations cont.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! • Plot cont.: • http://www.google.com/imgres?start=153&num=10&um=1&hl=en&tbo=d&biw=1366&bih=610&tbm=isch&tbnid=8pZp9GS5QJK-SM:&imgrefurl=http://www.paulteigenphotography.com/BlackWhite_Outdoor_Photography.htm&docid=xaLCMk5ri8PDOM&imgurl=http://www.paulteigenphotography.com/Photos/BW/IMG_9677aBW.jpg&w=300&h=206&ei=9PS7ULTOI4m9yAH754DYCQ&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=788&vpy=304&dur=420&hovh=164&hovw=240&tx=142&ty=32&sig=107817768167531496596&page=7&tbnh=145&tbnw=205&ndsp=27&ved=1t:429,r:77,s:100,i:235 • http://patrickpurrachiosummerenglishproject.blogspot.com/ • http://mazerunner.wikia.com/wiki/File:Scorch_trials_movie_poster.png • Resolution: • http://www.playcon.com/m/content/article.php?content_id=25