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Selection Criteria for the Managing Agent and the Administrative Agent

Module 7. Selection Criteria for the Managing Agent and the Administrative Agent. Selection Criteria for the Managing and Administrative Agents. Objectives of this Module.

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Selection Criteria for the Managing Agent and the Administrative Agent

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  1. Module 7 Selection Criteria for the Managing Agent and the Administrative Agent

  2. Selection Criteria for the Managing and Administrative Agents Objectives of this Module From this module participants should understand the responsibility of the Managing Agent (MA) and the Administrative Agent (AA) From this module participants should understand key considerations for selecting the Managing Agent (MA) and the Administrative Agent (AA)

  3. Responsibilities of the Managing Agent (MA) Pooled Fund Option MA is responsible for programme and financial accountability. MA supports the national partner in managing the JP on behalf of Participating agencies. MA is responsible for supporting the IP to manage the JP activities in the Joint Programme Document The MA is accountable for administration of all resources (funds and supplies) received and disbursed. MA is responsible for monitoring, narrative and financial reporting. Participating Agencies in the JP sign an MoU with the MA (Annex F of the Guidance Note).

  4. Responsibilities of the Administrative Agent (AA)- Pass-Through Fund Option Administration of all the funds received and disbursed Disbursement of funds, under instruction from the Joint Steering Committee Compilation & distribution of consolidated financial reports The key role of the AA is administrative. Thus programmatic and financial accountability rests with the Participating Agency. The AA may also be a Participating Agency in a JP. Participating Agencies in the JP sign an MoU with the AA (Annex G of the Guidance Note) The AA signs an MoU with Donors (Annex H of the Guidance Note)

  5. Selection of the Managing and Administrative Agents Selection of the MA or AA must be based on which UN Agency has the highest number of relevant skills that will add-value to the JP. Guidance for Selection: Comparative Assessment table

  6. End Module 7

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