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LCPS Teacher Incentive Fund (TIF) an Engine for Change

LCPS Teacher Incentive Fund (TIF) an Engine for Change. Improved = Teacher Effectiveness & Student Outcome. Prescriptive PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT.

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LCPS Teacher Incentive Fund (TIF) an Engine for Change

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  1. LCPS Teacher Incentive Fund (TIF) anEngine for Change Improved = Teacher Effectiveness & Student Outcome Prescriptive PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Teacher/Principal Evaluation Standards Based Instruction & Assessments DATA Warehouse PROFESSIONAL LEARNING COMMUNITIES LCPS TIF SCHOOL-WIDE PLANNING

  2. U.S. Department of Education Goals of the TIF Performance Based Compensation System • Improving student achievement by increasing teacher and principal effectiveness; • Reforming teacher and principal compensation systems so that teachers and principals are rewarded for increases in student achievement; • Increasing the number of effective teachers teaching poor, minority, and disadvantaged students in hard-to-staff subjects; and schools • Creating sustainable performance-based compensation systems

  3. Lowndes County Public School TIF ProgramGoal The goal of the Lowndes County Public School Teacher Incentive Fund Program is to further develop the pedagogical Skills and content knowledge of the teachers of the Lowndes County School System, Alabama, and provide additional incentives For the teachers and principals to provide the level of instruction Necessary to bring student performance up to the national average.

  4. Lowndes County Public School TIF ProgramObjectives • At the end of the 2011-2012 school year, 25% of students in all grades will score at the national average or above on the Stanford Achievement Test 10 in all tested subjects and the percentage of students scoring at grade level or above will increase by 10% each successive year. • By the end of 2011-2012 and each year thereafter, all schools will make AYP as determined by the Alabama Department of Education. • By the end of the 2011-2012 academic year, the graduation rate will be 71% for both high schools and increase by 2% each successive year. • 80% of teachers will improve their pedagogical skills and/or content knowledge each year. • 50% of all critical –need vacant teacher positions will be filled each year.

  5. Core Element (A)Communication Communication: A plan for effectively communicating to teachers, administrators, other school personnel and the community at –large the components of its PBCS.

  6. The Communication Plan must: • Include all the stakeholders listed in the core element itself (i.e., teachers, administrators, other personnel, and the community at-large). • Describe the general content of the planned communication and target dates.

  7. Strategic Communication Plan 2010-2015

  8. Strategic Communication Plan 2010-2015

  9. Lowndes County Public SchoolCommunication Partners • Lowndes Signal Newspaper • Montgomery Advertiser • Mosses Milestone • Lowndes County Public School newsletters • WAKA News Station • WNCF News Station • WSFA News Station • www.lowndesboe.org • www.alsde.edu • Meetings (PTSA, AEA, church) • Marquee

  10. Core Element (B)Stakeholder Engagement The involvement and support of teachers, principals, and other personnel (including input from teachers, principals and other personnel in the schools and LEAs to be served by the grant) and the involvement and support of unions in participating LEAs (where they are the designated exclusive representatives for the purpose of collective bargaining) that is needed to carry out the grant

  11. Lowndes County Public SchoolTeacher Incentive Fund Project Advisory Council Council Members • Elementary Teacher Mr. Michael Taylor • High School Teacher Mr. Clifford Porter • Middle School Principal Mr. Archie Curtis • LCPS Curriculum Mr. Bernard Mitchell • LCPS Human Resource Ms. Angela Martin • LCPS Technology Dr. Benitha Mathews • LCPS Para Professional Ms.Julia Hyde • AEA Representative Ms. Julie Swann • AL Senate Senator Hank Sanders • Mayor of Mosses Mayor Walter Hill • SABIC Mr. Les Butler • ASU In-service Center Dr. Evelyn Hodge • WCCS President Dr. James Mitchell • Parent Ms. Shanakaw Rudolph • LCPS TIF Project Director Ms. Mary Phelan-Jackson • LCPS Superintendent Dr. Daniel Boyd

  12. Lowndes County Public SchoolTeacher Incentive Fund Project Steering Committee Committee Members • Elementary Teacher Mr. Michael Taylor • High School Teacher Mr. Clifford Porter • Middle School Principal Mr. Archie Curtis • LCPS Curriculum Mr. Bernard Mitchell • LCPS Human Resource Ms. Angela Martin • LCPS Para Professional Ms. Julia Hyde • LCPS Parent Ms. Shanakaw Rudolph • AEA Representative Ms. Julie Swann • LCPS TIF Project Director Ms. Mary Phelan-Jackson • LCPS Superintendent Dr. Daniel Boyd

  13. Lowndes County Public SchoolTeacher Incentive Fund ProjectCompensation Committee Committee Members • Middle School Teacher Ms. Erica Chatman • High School Principal Mr. Kenneth Fair • LCPS Curriculum Mr. Bernard Mitchell • LCPS Human Resource Ms. Angela Martin • LCPS Para professional Ms. Julia Hyde • TIF Project Director Ms. Mary Phelan-Jackson • LCPS Superintendent Dr. Daniel Boyd

  14. Core Element (C) Measurement Issues • Rigorous, transparent, and fair evaluation systems for teachers and principals that differentiate effectiveness using multiple rating categories that take into account student growth (as defined in the Federal Register notice) as a significant factor, as well as classroom observations conducted at least twice during the school year.

  15. Teachers’ Evaluation Rubric Professional Development 15% Attendance 10% Student Assessment 50% Teacher Evaluation 25%

  16. Principals’ Evaluation Rubric

  17. Support Employees’ Evaluation Rubric

  18. Weighted Incentive Configurations • Teacher Model • Weighted impact of 20 • Student contact hours multiplied times the average size of a classroom and divide by 10 • 8.5 x 24 = 20.4 10

  19. Weighted Incentive Configurations • School Administrator Model • Weighted impact of principal : 25 and IA/AP: 22 Salary Schedule

  20. Weighted Incentive Configurations • Transportation Department Model • Weighted impact of 1.5 • Student contact hours multiplied times the average number of students on a bus divided by 100 classroom • 3 x 50 = 1.5 100

  21. Lowndes County Public Schools’Professional Development ActivitiesSupporting TIF A plan for ensuring that teachers and principals understand the specific measures of teacher and principal effectiveness included in the PBCS, and receive professional development that enables them to use data generated by these measures to improve their practice.

  22. Plan Development • Review of Data Components • Individual Evaluations • Employee Survey of Needs • ASU In-service Summary forms for Lowndes • Formal and Informal Observations • School Improvement Plans • Student Assessment Data State Standardized Assessment Local Benchmark Assessments

  23. Prioritized Needs • All data components are reviewed by the administrative team. • Needs are then prioritized • Funding Source Identified (Local, State, Federal)

  24. Professional Development Activities • The LCPS district strives to provide data driven professional development for all individuals employed by the district, following all guidelines as it relates to the No Child Left Behind law. • Data Sources for identifying professional development • LCPS Mega (All Personnel) • Saturday Sessions (Teachers and Administrators) • Dropout Prevention Summit (Teachers, Administrators) • Reading Conference (Teachers, Administrators) • Summer Calendar of Professional Development (Refer to packet) • Local, State and National Conferences (Teachers and Administrators) • USDE Sponsored (Washington) • Regional Minority Conference (Mississippi) • CLAS Conference (Montgomery) • High School That Works National Conference (Tennessee) • State Level Mega Professional Development (Mobile) **Local, Federal, and State Funds are used to coordinate these training opportunities.

  25. Challenges solved with TIF • Retaining individuals within the LCPS district once trained. Personnel have a tendency to get certified, highly qualified, and fully trained for program implementation then leave the district. This results in a total loss for the district. • Recruiting individuals to the area as it relates to relocating is a challenge due to the assumed economic situation of the County. • The TIF Grant serves as an incentive to help retain the best and brightest in Lowndes County, while increasing student learning.

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