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Don’t fall away!. Don’t Depart!. Don’t neglect your salvation!. Don’t cast away your confidence!. Don’t harden your heart!. Don’t drift away!. A Study Of The Apostle Paul’s Letter To The Hebrews. How can we neglect so great a salvation? ~ Hebrews 2:3 . Hebrews: Christ Is Superior!
Don’t fall away! Don’t Depart! Don’t neglect your salvation! Don’t cast away your confidence! Don’t harden your heart! Don’t drift away! AStudyOf TheApostlePaul’s LetterTo The Hebrews How can we neglect so greata salvation? ~ Hebrews 2:3
Hebrews: Christ Is Superior! Superior Person (1:1—4:13) Superior to Prophets (1:1-3) Superior to Angels (1:4—2:18) Superior to Moses (3:1-19) Superior to Joshua (4:1-13) Superior Priest (4:14—7:28) Superior to Aaron (4:14—6:12) Superior to Melchizedek (6:13—7:10) Superior to Levi (7:11-28)
Hebrews: Christ Is Superior! Superior Pact (Covenant) to Moses’(8:1—10:18) Superior Promises (8:1-13) Superior Sanctuary (9:1-15) Superior Sacrifice (9:16-28) Superior Results (10:1-18) Superior Principle (Faith) to Moses’ (10:19—13:25) Superior Things (10:19-39) Superior Actions (11:1-40) Superior Relationship (12:1-29) Superior Way of Life (13:1-25)
Hebrews 1:1-2a God, who at vari-ous times and in various ways spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets, hasin these last days spoken to us by His Son…
We know this is God the Father because it says in verse 2 that He has spoken by His Son. God, who at vari-ous times and in various ways spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets, hasin these last days spoken to us by His Son…
This literally means in many parts; i.e., revelation to us con-cerning our redemp-tion was given a piece at a time, not all at once. God, who at vari-ous times and in various ways spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets, hasin these last days spoken to us by His Son…
In Isa. 28:13 God’s Word is spoken of as being revealed pre-cept upon precept … lineuponline…here a little, there a little. Allthisindicatesthat revelationtoman wasprogressive: a little inthe starlight age,a little more inthe moonlight age,then its fullness inthe sunlight age. God, who at vari-ous times and in various ways spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets, hasin these last days spoken to us by His Son…
This means that re-velation came to us in many different ways: Ed Fudge said, Amos gave God’s mes-sage by oracles & direct statements from God, Hoseabytypicalexperi-ences in his own life, Habakkuk by argument & discussion, Malachi byquestions&answers, Ezekiel by strange & symbolic acts, Haggai by sermons, and Zecha-riah by signs. God, who at vari-ous times and in various ways spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets, hasin these last days spoken to us by His Son…
During the time Paul wrote this, Jesus was fulfilling and making clear all the types and shadows which Peter said the prophets and angels desired to under-stand(1Pet.1:10-12). God, who at vari-ous times and in various ways spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets, hasin these last days spoken to us by His Son…
This is an interesting phrase. There are two Greeks terms for old: archaios, which means old in point of time, and the one Paul used here, palaios, which means old in point of use, worn out, ready to be dis-placed by something new (cf. Wuest). The point is this… God, who at vari-ous times and in various ways spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets, hasin these last days spoken to us by His Son…
God gave His revela-tion of redemption in two stages… 1.The Old Testa- ment Stage: This stage (which was in its last phase of ful-fillmentinPaul’stime and which includedboth the starlight and moonlight ages) prepared man for redemption. God, who at vari-ous times and in various ways spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets, hasin these last days spoken to us by His Son…
2.The New Testa- ment Stage: This stage shows how the OT stage was being fulfilled through Christ. Today, while the OT revelation is com-pleted and fulfilled, the NT revelation is final and eternal (cf. Heb.13:20). God, who at vari-ous times and in various ways spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets, hasin these last days spoken to us by His Son…
Although this may have reference to the fathers of the moonlight age due to the next phrase, yet (because God even called Abe a prophet, Gen. 20:7), I believe it can easily include the patriarchs, lead-ers, elders, et. al. of both the starlight and moonlight ages included in the OT. God, who at vari-ous times and in various ways spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets, hasin these last days spoken to us by His Son…
This literally meansinthe prophets; i.e., a prophet was God’s instrumentofrevela-tion, as Peter wrote, Prophecy … came by … holy men of God … as they were moved by the Holy Spirit (2 Pet. 1:20-21). God, who at vari-ous times and in various ways spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets, hasin these last days spoken to us by His Son…
This phrase is very important: It comes from a phrase which literallymeansinthe last of these days.Infact,the original word for last means the outermost, the extreme,lastintime. It’s harder to get any closer to the end than that, unless one says with John, it is the last hour(1 John 2:18). God, who at vari-ous times and in various ways spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets, hasin these last days spoken to us by His Son…
Just as was the cus-tom of the Jews to place the history of the world into two great periods—the time before Messiah and the time after Messiah, so Paul placed it in two peri-ods here. Notice… God, who at vari-ous times and in various ways spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets, hasin these last days spoken to us by His Son…
These days (1:2) and the present time (9:9) refer to the time Paul was living in, and the world to come (2:5), the age to come (6:5), the time of reformation (9:10), and the city to come (13:14) re-ferred to the time of the coming of the kingdom in its full-ness—AD 70. God, who at vari-ous times and in various ways spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets, hasin these last days spoken to us by His Son…
So God spoke to us through His Son, as Daniel put it, at the time of the end of the first period; and later(9:26)Pauleven said that Jesus sac-rificed Himself at the end of the ages. Ear-lier he had told the Corinthians that they were those on whom the ends of the ages have come (1:10:11). God, who at vari-ous times and in various ways spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets, hasin these last days spoken to us by His Son…
Just one little note here:Noticethecon-trast between God speaking to the fath-ers and God speak-ing to us; i.e., it’s much more personal now—insteadof talk- just to certain lead-ers, He speaks to all of us. God, who at vari-ous times and in various ways spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets, hasin these last days spoken to us by His Son…
This is literallyina son. What’s the sig-nificance? The con-trast Paul meant for his readers to see is much more apparent; i.e.,attheendofthat age, God fully and finally spoke in a son —His Son, instead of in mere prophets. God, who at vari-ous times and in various ways spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets, hasin these last days spoken to us by His Son…
Previous revelations were in prophecies, types, and shadows; but an impersonal revelation of a per-son is always an im-perfect one. So God sent a son, because only a personal re-velation of a person can be a perfect re-velation. The auth-ority of one’s son should be the most respected of all (cf. Mark 12:1-2). So… God, who at vari-ous times and in various ways spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets, hasin these last days spoken to us by His Son…
Hebrews 1:2b …whom (Jesus) He (the Father) has appointed heir of allthings,through whom also He madetheworlds…
For Jesus to be heir, there were two con-ditions: 1.He must be God’s Son: Psa. 2:7-8 read, You areMy Son,today I have begotten You…. I will give You the nations for Your inheritance and … possession. …whom (Jesus) He (the Father) has appointed heir of allthings,through whom also He madetheworlds…
2.There must be something to in- herit: Like Psa. 2,the parable in Luke19:12-27 speak ofChristasreceiv- ingakingdom(ful- filling numerous pro- phecies, of course). …whom (Jesus) He (the Father) has appointed heirof allthings,through whom also He madetheworlds…
Being the primary heir, Jesus is Lord of all or (as here) all things(cf. Gal. 4:1 & Acts 10:36where Peter used this phrase to re-fer to Jesus as being Lord of the Gentiles as wellastheJews—allna-tions as Psalm 2 says; cf.Rev. 15:4, 21:24, 21: 26, & 22:2). So… …whom (Jesus) He (the Father) has appointed heir of allthings,through whom also He madetheworlds…
What did Paul mean by this phrase? I be-lievethathenotonly meant allpeoples, but also allthings related to the pro-mised kingdom—His being crowned pro-phet, priest, & king, for examples. See, Jesus inheriting the physical universe was never the point. …whom (Jesus) He (the Father) has appointed heir of allthings,through whom also He madetheworlds…
SincetheGreekterm for made here can mean two things, it must be interpreted bythecontext;itcan mean either created or(aslater in11:3)ar-ranged. So let’s dis-cuss the original terms for world and worlds: …whom (Jesus) He (the Father) has appointed heir of allthings,through whom also He madetheworlds…
The word for world in 10:5 is, primarily, the Greek term for planet (kosmos, cf. 11:7); the word for world in 1:6 is the term for people (oikoumene); & the word for worlds here is the term for ages (aion). (While kosmos is the term usually used to refer to planet Earth, it’s often used metaphorically of the inhabitants; on the other hand, oikou-mene nearly always refers to inhabitants. Although aion indirectly includes people, it always refers to an age, and never to literal planet Earth or the universe.) So…
Depending on its contextual use, it goes from planet, to an age/ages of the planet, to the people of an age/ages of the planet. Thus the Greek term for worlds here isn’t the word used to include our planet; it’s the term for ages; besides ages being the correct translation, there are other rea-sons to render it as such:
The word is plural: not only does worlds make this a very unnatural statement, but—unless Hebrews is the only place—the Bible never speaks of God creating the worlds … plural; but, as we’ll soon see, this book does concern two cove-nant worlds/ages. Also, since Paul used the Greek term for the physical creation in 10:5 when he wrote of Jesus coming into the world, he obviously knew the difference. In fact…
There seems to be a clear distinction be-tween these terms in one verse—9:26a: He then would have had to suffer often since the foundation of the kosmos; but now,at theendof the aion,Hehasappear-ed to put away sin. Even here when Paul wanted to refer to the literal, physical creation and its beginning, he used the term kosmos not aion as in 1:2. A synonym for ages here would be the word times as in Eph. 1:10 where we read of God gathering together all things in Christ in the fullness of the times. So…
The term for made here would mean arranged or ordered, not created (at least not in the sense we’d usually think of it); i.e. God arranged or or-dered the ages. …whom (Jesus) He (the Father) has appointed heir of allthings,through whom also He madetheworlds…
Hebrews 1:3a …who (Jesus), being the bright-ness of His (the Father’s) glory and the express image of His person…
Thisisaprimeexam-ple of the utter im-possibility to accur-ately/fullydescribe Godinhuman terms; this is why Yahweh chose to inspire men to utilize such an enormous amount of symbolic language in the Bible to de-scribe Him as well as blessings like the kingdom from Him. …who (Jesus), being the bright-ness of His (the Father’s) glory and the express image of His person…
This basically means that the Sonisthe light itself which ra- diatesfromitssource —God; and the next phrase simply ela-borates on this. …who (Jesus), being the bright-ness of His (the Father’s) glory and the express image of His person…
This basically means that the Son is the exact replica of God’s reality (nature). …who (Jesus), being the bright-ness of His (the Father’s) glory and the express image of His person…
Interestingly, the Greek term for ex-press image is the wordcharakter, a term which in anci-ent times referred to the image that an engraving or stamp-ing tool left behind; i.e., as we use the word today, it’s that by which a person is recognized. …who (Jesus), being the bright-ness of His (the Father’s) glory and the express image of His person…
John 1:14 reads, The Word became flesh … and we beheld … the glory of the only begottenoftheFath-er; and in John 14:7 & 9 Jesus said, If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also…. He who has seenMehasseenthe Father. …who (Jesus), being the bright-ness of His (the Father’s) glory and the express image of His person…
Hebrews 1:3b …and upholding all things bythe word of His power…
Because this word is actually too passive to accurately com-municate Paul’s meaning, the origi-nal term would be better translated as maintaining; i.e., Paulwasspeakingof how Jesus was ac-tively upholding all things by fulfillingthem. …and upholding all things bythe word of His power…
If we keep our in-terpretation in strict context, this has reference to every-thing concerning man’s redemption down through the ages; so let’s review the context: …and upholding all things bythe word of His power…
In verse 2 it spoke of the Son’s inheri-tance of all things, all things relative to His becoming Prophet, Priest, and King overHis own kingdomorhouse (cf.3:6). Also, in direct connection to that, in verse 2 it spoke of His arranging and ordering the ages (cf. 11:3) to bring about our redemption in the kingdom He was to establish and rule over as the rightful Heir. (Arranging &/or ordering the physical universe has nothing to do with our redemption.) Continuing on…
In the phrase about Jesus being God’s image, Paul spoke of how Jesus (obviously when He was human) was the exact repli-ca of God. And why did He come? To re-deem us. And lastly, in the following phrase of verse 3… …and upholding all things bythe word of His power…
Paul spoke of our sins as cleansed by Jesus who sat down at God’s right hand as our Priest & King. So how could the all things here allude to theuniverse? …and upholding all things bythe word of His power…
The Point: Not only did God the Son ar-range and order the ages (v. 2), but He also (especially at the time of Hebrews) was upholding every-thing by keeping His promises & fulfilling all the prophecies given throughout those ages, conse-quentlyallowingHim to inherit all things. …and upholding all things bythe word of His power…
The original term for word here is notlo-gosbut rhema(as in 11:3) which refers to a command. This means that every-thing in redemptive history was being sustained or fulfilled by the authority of God’s Son & accord-ing to His plan. So… …and upholding all things bythe word of His power…
The same powerful Word that made the prophecies and pro-mises was making good on all of them by vindicating the church through or in Jerusalem’s fall: These are the days of vengeance when all thingswhich are written will be ful-filled (Luke 21:22). …and upholding all things bythe word of His power…
Hebrews 1:3c …when He had by Himself purged our sins (cf. 10:12) sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high.
This means through or by means of Him-self, i.e. His body. …when He had by Himself purged our sins (cf. 10:12) sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high.
This literally means thatHepurifiedusof (not from) our sins. …when He had by Himself purged our sins(cf. 10:12) sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high.