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“Climate change is one of the most complex, multifaceted and serious threats the world faces. The response to this threat is fundamentally linked to pressing concerns of sustainable development and global fairness; of economy, poverty reduction and society; and of the world we want to hand down to our children.” - UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon
Innovate to save the planet Necessity is the mother of invention. An inventor knows no gender. • What everyone wants are solutions which are not only good for the planet, but also good for business and good for development. Technological innovation is seen as the best hope of delivering this state.
Technological solutions are needed for the challenges of both mitigation and adaptation. • Mitigation is about slowing down global warming by reducing the level of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Among the many mitigation technologies already on – or nearing – the market are renewable energy sources, such as, biofuels, biomass, wind, solar and hydro power; low carbon building materials; and emerging technologies which aim to capture carbon out of the atmosphere and lock it away. • Adaptation involves dealing with the existing or anticipated effects of climate change, particularly in the developing, least developed and small island countries, which are most severely affected. In addition to “soft” technologies, such as, crop rotation, hard technologies for adaptation include improved irrigation techniques to cope with drought, and new plant varieties which are resistant to drought or to salt water.
Gender-sensitive technologies to support climate change adapatation and mitigation
Outline What is technology? Why do we need technology? How do we develop and transfer technology? What are the issues in technology development and transfer? What is technology development and transfer? What are the legal framework? What Africa has and know What are the challenges for now and beyond?
What comes to mind when you hear the word “technology”?
Technology • refers to the process by which humans modify nature, products, process, etc. to meet their needs and wants
CSD-17 LEARNING CENTRE COURSE Friday, May 8, 2009, 10:00am to 1:00pmConference Room C, United Nations Headquarters Evaluating the Role of Biofuels in Sustainable Rural Development Introduction to the Course Gail Karlsson, Senior Policy Advisor to ENERGIA, the International Network on Gender and Sustainable Energy, editor of The Role of Biofuels in Rural Development and Empowerment of Women, and a member of IUCN’s Commission on Environmental Law Overview on the Potential of Biofuels for Economic and Social Development Professor Richard Ottinger, Dean Emeritus of the Pace University School of Law and Chair of the Energy and Climate Specialists Group within IUCN’s Commission on Environmental Law, and author of Biofuels – Potential, Problems & Solutions.” Course Instructors: Barbara Bramble, Chair of the Board of the Roundtable on Sustainable Biofuels, and Senior Program Advisor for International Affairs of the National Wildlife Federation Stephen Gitonga, United Nations Development Programme, Bureau for Development Policy, Environment and Energy Group, Sustainable Energy Programme, Energy Policy Specialist. Sabina Anokye Mensah, Gender and Development Coordinator, GRATIS Foundation, Ghana, contributing author to ENERGIA’s publication The Role of Biofuels in Rural Development and Empowerment of Women Coordinated by: Professor Ottinger, tel: 914-422-4121, rottinger@law.pace.edu and Gail Karlsson, tel: 212-267-4239, gkarlsson@worldnet.att.net International Union for the International Network on Gender andConservation of Nature Sustainable Energy
Technology is a product of engineering and science, the study of the natural world 2 parts body of knowledge accumulated over time process-scientific inquiry that generates knowledge (K of design & creation of human-made products & process for solving problems)
Technology • Objects, i.e., tools, machines, instruments, weapons, appliances or the physical as devise for performance • Knowledge or know-how used in technological innovation • Activities or what people do • Process that begins with needs and ends in solution • Socio-technical system or manufacture and use of objects
Is technology gender-neutral?
Technology is never gender-neutral In many developing countries, girls’ and women’s access to information and communication technology is constrained by: • Social and cultural bias • Inadequate technological infrastructure in rural areas • Women’s lower education levels and fear of or lack of interest in technology Women’s lack of disposable income to purchase technology services
Technology Development and Transfer : What do we know? Investments in clean, energy-efficient technologies are growing fast, including new financial products and markets Substantial financing gap for the required scale-up of clean, energy-efficient technologies for both mitigation and adaptation are available Private sector incentives are being reinforced Africa has great potential for all of the renewable energy technologies in recent years: wind, solar, biofuels Carbon markets (including CDM) can play important role but Africa is yet to see the benefits Indigenous adaptation technologies already exist in Africa and need to be documented, scaled-up and diffused
Areas of focus for technological intervention • Technology needs and needs assessment • Technology information • Enabling environments for technology transfer • Capacity building for technology transfer • Mechanisms for technology transfer Financing
Gender in Energy Kitchen Improvement for Indoor Air Quality and Health
USEPA PCIA & University of Berkeley, Aprovecho, ARECOP, ENERGIA, UNDP REP-PoR, CIDA-AIT SEA UEMA, WBDM 2007 Name of respondent : Salvacion Calimlim Particulate Matter Before After Percent reduction 18 -19 Mar 26 -27 May 0.60 mg/m3 or 0.26 mg/m3 or 56.67% 600 ug/m3 260 ug/m3 Carbon Monoxide Before After Percent reduction 18 -19 May 26 -27 May 2.66 ppm 1.12 pm 57.89%
Group work (15 minutes) • Group 1 For technology intervention What are your reasons • Group 2 Against technology intervention What are your reasons? • Group 3 For innovation
Key issues to consider What technology development and transfer issues are key challenges for African countries? How do we integrate gender dimensions in TDT? What key issues Africa should focus on? What key sectors Africa needs to focus on in TDT? What can AMCEN and other regional institutions do to support actions by African Countries on gender-responsive TDT? Do you think Africa requires a regional technology action plan for mitigation and adaptation? Why? How will you go about this plan? What will be the mechanism, esp. in gender considerations? How quickly can Africa move to low carbon emission economies? How will gender be integrated in the initiative? What policy approach is needed in Africa to accelerate gender-responsive technology development and transfer for mitigation and adaptation?
What level of investments are required for sustainable technology development and transfer within Africa? How will Africa address the issue of intellectual property rights? What form of international R&D sharing and co-operation should take place? What should be the role and ultimate scope of carbon markets and CDM in TDT? What incentive mechanisms should be in place to stimulate private sector participation in TDT in Africa? What institutional arrangements should be put in place both at the national, sub-regional & international level to facilitate and enhance TDT?
Agenda 21: Chapter 34Transfer of Environmentally Sound Technology, Cooperation and Capacity-building 34.1 Environmentally sound technologies protect the environment, are less polluting, use all resources in a more sustainable manner, recycle more of their wastes and products, and handle residual wastes in a more acceptable manner than the technologies for which they were substitutes. 34.2 ESTs …”process and product technologies”…. “end of the pipe technologies”
The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Kyoto Protocol have paid attention to the need for development and transfer of environmentally sound technologies to developing countries, • For the purposes of enabling these countries to achieve advancement in their development whilst limiting their greenhouse gas emissions and adapting to the impacts of climate change.
The Article 4.1 (c) of the UNFCCC commits all Parties to the Convention to promote and cooperate in the development, application and diffusion, including transfer of technologies, practices and processes that control, reduce or prevent anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases not controlled by the Montreal Protocol in all relevant sectors, including the energy transport, industry, agriculture, forestry and waste management sectors.
Article 4.5 commits the developed country Parties and other developed Parties in Annex II to the Convention to “take all practicable steps to promote, facilitate and finance, as appropriate, the transfer of or access to, environmentally sound technologies and know-how to other Parties, particularly developing country Parties to enable them implement the provisions of the Convention….”
Article 4.7 states that “the extent to which developing countries under the Convention will effectively implement their commitments under the Convention will depend on the effective implementation by developed country Parties of their commitments under the Convention related to financial resources (Article 3.1) and transfer of technology (Article 4.5) and will take fully into account that economic and social development and poverty eradication are the first and overriding priorities of the developing country Parties”.
The Article 3.14 of the KP on commitments, acknowledges the need to minimize the adverse impacts of climate change on developing countries and notes among the “issues to be considered shall be the establishment of funding, insurance and technology transfer”. Article 10.6(b) of KP recognises that adaptation technologies would improve adaptation to climate change.
Article 10.6 (c) of KP commits Parties to “cooperate in the promotion of effective modalities for the development, application and diffusion of, and take all practicable steps to promote, facilitate and finance practices and processes pertinent to climate change, in particular to developing countries including the formulation of policies and programmes for the effective transfer of environmentally sound technologies that are publicly owned or in the public domain and the creation of enabling environment for the private sector, to promote and enhance the transfer of access to, environmentally sound technologies.
Furthermore, Article 11.1 (b) of the KP commits developed countries Parties and other developed Parties in Annex II to the Convention to “provide financial resources, including the transfer of technology, needed by developing countries to meet the agreed full incremental costs of advancing the implementation of existing commitments under Article 4.1 of the Convention
The design of Article 12 of the Kyoto Protocol i.e. Clean Development Mechanism should also lead to the transfer of environmentally sound technologies. According to the World Development Report 2010: Development and Climate Change, ... a two-degree Celsius warming above pre-industrial levels could permanently reduce Africa's annual per capita consumption by four to five per cent....The report calls on industrialised countries, which have released most of the greenhouse gases, to lead the way in charting a new low-carbon economic path. In addition, the report calls for financial support to enable developing countries adapt to climate change and lay the foundation for low-carbon economies.
Several decisions have been made since the adoption of the UNFCCC and later the KP In Marrakech, 2001 the Expert Group on Technology Transfer (EGTT) was established and with a 5-year mandate EGTT was placed under the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) to provide advice and recommendations to SBSTA The Special Climate Change Fund was also agreed upon – but with limited funds
The EGTT • Over the years (since 2001) EGTT has produced very good technical papers • But has not lived to the expectations of developing countries in terms of actual technology development and transfer to developing countries. Because the EGTT under the SBSTA has failed to addresses the following • The setting up of specific technology goals • Development of indicators and accounting systems to track progress on technology transfer? • Unable to undertake implementation actions under SBSTA because of the limitations of the SBSAT itself. • In 2006 in Nairobi, developing countries did not see the need to renew the mandate of the EGTT
In Bali in 2007 an agreement was reached to renew the mandate of the EGTT Now the EGTT reports both to the SBSTA and the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI). The difference here is that Parties now recognize that implementation of the UNFCCC and the KP commitments on technology development and transfer has not been met and that there is the need to urgently address DTT implementation under SBI. As a consequence the COP by its decision 4/CP.13 called the GEF to elaborate on a strategic programme to scale up investment in technology development and transfer.
TDT and the Bali Action Plan (BAP) Decision 1/CP.13 - the BAP rightly recognizes againthat development and transfer of technologies to developing countries as one of the means to support implementation of actions on mitigation and adaptation to climate change. TDT is one of the four major building blocks to be discussed and agreed upon in Copenhagen.
Achievements after Bali Following from Bali (4/CP.13), the GEF has now elaborated a strategic programme aimed at scaling up development and transfer of technologies – the Poznan Strategic Programme GEF has already issued a call for proposals (CFP) for pilot technology development and transfer projects – CFP closes in August 2009
Key issues under the Bali Action Plan on TDT • Effectiveness of tools & mechanisms for technology co-operation • Removal of barriers to promoting technology transfer including: • Financing • Intellectual property rights • Tariffs and non-tariffs • Capacity building • Ways to accelerate deployment, diffusion and transfer of technologies • Co-operation on research and development
What should Africa look for under the BAP? Call for the creation of an international framework agreement for technology development and transfer or new mechanism that addresses both mitigation and adaptation, in order to boost the effectiveness in innovation and investment required around the world to address climate change.
TDT mechanism of framework agreement should: Be informed by the shared vision for long-term cooperative action, including a long-term global goal for emission reductions, to achieve the ultimate objective of the Convention and the urgent need for adaptation to the impacts of climate change Include an incentive package to scale up technology development and transfer to developing country Parties in order to promote access to affordable environmentally sound technologies through creation of additional value and crediting for participation in technology development, deployment, diffusion and transfer for greenhouse emissions reduction and enhanced resilience to impacts of climate change
Incorporate an institutional mechanism and tools for supporting, supervising, monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of the implementation of agreed actions on technology development and transfer; Provide for a compliance and enforcement regime for development and transfer of technologies linked to quantified emissions reduction and limitation commitments and increased resilience of communities and ecosystems to the impact of climate change Support capacity building and capacity development in developing countries for technology development, adoption, deployment, diffusion and transfer including, inter alia, support for national systems of innovation
Ensure improved access to new and additional, adequate, predictable, appropriate, equitable and sustainable public-sector financial resources and investments to support mitigation and adaptation and technology development and transfer and technology cooperation Promote substantial private-sector participation, finance and investments in technologies for mitigation and adaptation Ensure protection of intellectual property rights that guarantees access to and use of technologies by avoiding over-protectionism
Ensure access to technology information, including in particular the costs and performance of technologies • Provide for international programme for joint or collaborative research, demonstration and early stage deployment of technologies • Provide guidance on national/domestic government policies needed to, notably creating a higher level of long-term policy certainty • (a) over future demands for low carbon technologies, upon which the private sector including the industry’s decision makers can rely, and • (b) for private financing of technologies for adaptation.