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Stratigraphy. The study of sedimentary rock layers. Big Idea 2. Earth is 4.6 billion years old. 2.1 Earth’s rocks provide a record of its history. HUTTON’S DISCOVERY. Giants of Geology. The beginnings of the science…and the big ideas…. Nicola Steno -- 1638 - 1686.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Stratigraphy The study of sedimentary rock layers

  2. Big Idea 2. Earth is 4.6 billion years old. • 2.1 Earth’s rocks provide a record of its history. • HUTTON’S DISCOVERY

  3. Giants of Geology The beginnings of the science…and the big ideas…

  4. Nicola Steno --1638 - 1686 Steno’s Law of Superposition = oldest rocks on bottom Steno’s Law of Original Horizontality = rock layers form from soft sediments horizontally...tilting comes later

  5. Steno & fossils Fossils ARE bones, not just rocks that look like bones

  6. Robert Hooke 1635-1703 Contemporary of Newton, Boyle (gas laws) Fossils are not “sports of nature” but remnants of past life

  7. William Smith 1769-1839 First geologic map of England Law of Faunal Succession-- different fossils are found in different layers...in order! = biostratigraphy

  8. James Hutton 1726 - 1797 “Father of geology” plutonic intrusions and angular unconformities = evidence of “deep time”

  9. James Hutton 1726 - 1797 Siccar Point, Scotland

  10. Charles Lyell 1797 - 1875 Uniformitarianism-- “the present is the key to the past” = gradualism vs. catastrophism...

  11. Scientists of the 19th century

  12. Sedimentary Rocks and Stratigraphy: The three most abundant kinds of sediment: Quartz Sand, Shale, Limestone

  13. Simple Ideal Model for the Evolution of Sedimentary Rocks: HighENERGYLow “Rocks reflect the conditions at which they formed.” --Fichter & Poche

  14. First Premise: • Sedimentary rock compositions depends on • tectonic regime • depositional environment

  15. Second Premise: • Depositional environments are predictable: • From sourceland to basin:

  16. Conclusion: • Changes in: • Sediment composition • Sediment textures • Sedimentary structures • Rock sequences • happen predictably from sourceland to basin

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