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Kickoff meeting WP2 Introduction

Kickoff meeting WP2 Introduction. Thorsten Reitz February, the 17th, 2011 Barcelona. WP 2 Introduction. Goal: Provide a set of traceable, verifiable, consistent and unambiguous requirements representing the needs of the diverse relevant user groups to inform WP3, WP4 and WP5 Objectives:

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Kickoff meeting WP2 Introduction

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  1. Kickoff meetingWP2 Introduction Thorsten Reitz February, the 17th, 2011 Barcelona QUAlity aware VIsualisation for the Global Earth Observation system of systems

  2. WP 2 Introduction • Goal: • Provide a set of traceable, verifiable, consistent and unambiguous requirements representing the needs of the diverse relevant user groups to inform WP3, WP4 and WP5 • Objectives: • Identify and categorize main user groups, based on a model of their context • Review state of the art on data and metadata quality assessment and visualisation • Collect and review user feedback, e.g. from the GEOSS portal • Analyze and interpret the identified user needs and requirements Kick off meeting. February 17th, 2011

  3. WP2 Tasks • Task 2.1: User requirements for quality aware visualisation of EO data • Lead: Fraunhofer IGD • Contributors: UAB, 52N, AST, CEA, CNR, ESA • Result: D2.1 User Requirements document (PM13) • Task Goals: Development of a methodology for the classification of users and their context • Based on the methodology, collection of requirements related to: • Quality based search and discovery • Visualisation of quality information in 2D and 3D • Usage with mobile devices Kick off meeting. February 17th, 2011

  4. WP2 Tasks • Task 2.2: Technical specifications for GeoViQua components • Lead: Fraunhofer IGD • Contributors: CREAF, UREAD, 52N, AST, CNR, ESA • Result: D2.2 Technical Requirements Document (PM14) • Task Goals: Collection of technical requirements related to: • Relevant quality indicators (positional, thematic and temporal) • Strategies to obtain quality information (data-based, user-based, provenance-based) • End user device technical requirements, especially for mobile devices • Submit resulting paper as a discussion paper to OGC Kick off meeting. February 17th, 2011

  5. WP2 Tasks • Task 2.3: Requirements management • Lead: CREAF • Contributors: ESA(, FRAUN) • Result: Online requirements management system • Task Goals: Provision and maintenance of an online requirements management tool allowing to trace progress on each requirement Kick off meeting. February 17th, 2011

  6. WP 2 Milestones / Timeline Kick off meeting. February 17th, 2011

  7. WP2: Work organisation • Task 2.1: • Effort: ~45 % of total efforts in WP • Roles to be clarified • Task 2.2: • Effort: ~45 % of total efforts in WP • Roles to be clarified • Task 2.3: • Effort: ~10 % of total efforts in WP • Roles to be clarified Kick off meeting. February 17th, 2011

  8. WP2 Methodology Kick off meeting. February 17th, 2011

  9. Overall process Kick off meeting. February 17th, 2011

  10. Methodology for Requirements Elicitation • Overarchingmethodology: Object-Oriented Analysis, producesartifactsof different abstractionlevelwrttotheactualsystem design • User Stories • (Detailed) Use Cases • Requirements • Functional • Technical • Organisational/Legal • Wesuggestusingalreadyplannedusecasesasstartingpointsforthediscussions. Stakeholdersmay: • addnewusecasestheyseeas relevant, • maketheexistingonesmoreprecise • ortosubtypeexistingones. Titel, Ort, Datum - Vorname Name

  11. User Stories A userstoryischaracterisedthroughthefollowingelements: • Itiswrittenfromtheperspectiveof a single, concreteuserrepresentativeof a user/stakehodlergroup; • Itdescribesexactlyonepaththroughusingthesystem, novariants; • Itiswritten in theuser‘slanguage, usinghis/her specificterminology; • Itisfreeofimplementationdetails such asthe type of UI elements (insteadofwriting „clicks on a button“ just write „confirms“) • User storieshelp in ensuring a commonunderstandingbetweenthe different stakeholdergroups (developers, end users). • Theycould also beseenas a scriptfor a demonstratortobedevelopedlater on. • In GeoViQua, theycanbedevelopedfromthe Pilot Cases andothersources.

  12. Use Cases • A use case is described by the following elements: • A name, identifier and version of the use case; • Description • Active actors • Start conditions • End conditions • Event Flow (e.g. UML Activity Diagram) • Variations • Additional requirements (e.g. on interactivity, quality) and notes; • Relations to other use cases, such as taxonomic (<<extends>>) or temporal relations (<<precedes>>)

  13. Requirements on requirements • Thereareseveral meta-requirements, whichmakeitworthwhileactuallymanagingthem: • Requirementsshallbetraceable; • Requirementsshallbeexpressed in a qualifiedway, includinginformation on the rationale fortherequirementand on theacceptancecriteriabythestakeholdersinitiatingit; • A processforhandling a newrequirementsor a changerequestto an existingrequirementshallbeestablished, includingstatusnotificationstotheinitiator(s); • Requirementsshouldbemanaged in a requirementsmanagementsystemwithclearstatusinformation;

  14. Next steps • Methodological aspects (Task 2.1) • Decide and detail requirements gathering and analysis methodology, including a process for requirements management from different sources • Documentation of State of the Art findings • Identify and categorize user groups • Collection of internal requirements • Technical Requirements (Task 2.2) • General organisational approach for task to be clarified • Requirements Management (Task 2.3) • Discuss system set-up Kick off meeting. February 17th, 2011

  15. Thanks! Thorsten ReitzFraunhofer IGDthorsten.reitz@igd.fraunhofer.detel. ++ 49 6151 155 416 QUAlity aware VIsualisation for the Global Earth Observation system of systems

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