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This presentation discusses the generation of frequency-dependent squeezing using EPR entanglement as an alternative to filter cavity in improving gravitational wave detection capabilities. It covers quantum noise in interferometers, the need for Frequency-Dependent Squeezing (FDS), and the use of Filter Cavity and EPR schemes to achieve this goal. The text also highlights the current status and future plans for implementing this technology, with a focus on table-top demonstrator setups and ongoing research efforts in the field.
A proof of principle experiment for frequency-dependent squeezing generation with EPR entanglement: status and plans. Valeria Sequino (INFN sez. Genova) on behalf of the Virgo Collaboration Valeria Sequino - 10th ET Symposium, April 12th 2019
Summary • Quantum noise in GW interferometers • Frequency Independent Squeezing (FIS) in the current detectors • Need of a Frequency DependentSqueezing (FDS) • Filter Cavityas a solution • EPR as an alternative to Filter Cavity • Table-top demonstrator • Current status • Plan Valeria Sequino - 10th ET Symposium, April 12th 2019
Quantum noise in GW detectors Itis due to the vacuum fluctuationsentering the dark port Attendedsensitivity curve SHOT NOISE (SHN) (phasequadrature fluctuations) RADIATION PRESSURE NOISE (RPN) Current detectors are only limited by shot noise (amplitudequadrature fluctuations) Injection of a reducedphasefluctuation (phasesqueezed) vacuum field from the dark port Valeria Sequino - 10th ET Symposium, April 12th 2019
Sensitivityimprovement with using Frequency Independent Squeezing aLIGO: LLO 3.1 dB, LHO 2.2 dB GEO600: 6 dB Advanced Virgo: 3.1 dB (collaboration with AEI) Valeria Sequino - 10th ET Symposium, April 12th 2019
Need for a Frequency DependentSqueezing (FDS) in the next generation detectors J.P. Zendri (VIR-0335A-19) FREQUENCY DEPENDENT Squeezing angle rotation Valeria Sequino - 10th ET Symposium, April 12th 2019
Filter Cavity (FC) for a frequency dependentsqueezing angle rotation A detunedFabry-Perotcavity can rotate the squeezing angle in a frequency-dependent way Rotationinduced by a Fabry-Perot cavityat a frequency Ω < TUNED CONFIGURATION DE-TUNED CONFIGURATION • Cavityparameters to take into account • linewidth • detuning∆ωfc Quantum noisesidebandsdon’texperience the rotation One quantum noisesidebandexperiences the rotation Valeria Sequino - 10th ET Symposium, April 12th 2019
Filter Cavity state of the art 1 For a broadband QN reduction in GW detectors case of a lossless cavity RPNSHN The crossover frequency depends on ITF parameters FREQUENCY DEPENDENT ALREADY DEMONSTRATED • 2005: first demonstration in MHz region. • The cavitylengthwas L=0.5 m(Chelkowski et al. Phys. Rev. A 71 (Jan, 2005) 013806) • 2015: first demonstration in kHz region. • The cavitylengthwas L=2 m (Oelker et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 116 (Jan, 2016) 041102) Valeria Sequino - 10th ET Symposium, April 12th 2019
Filter Cavity state of the art 2 • Need to have a long cavity: • minimize the ratio between the round trip losses (RTL) and the cavitylength • (F. Ya. Khalili, Phys. Rev. D 81, 122002 (2010)) • longeris the cavitylessis the lossesinfluence(VIR-0660A-18) lower finesse IN PROGRESS • TAMANational Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ): plan for a FC 300m long and a rotation frequency 70 Hz. Plan to have FDS in 2020(LIGO-G1900573) PLANNED • Advanced Virgo: design for a FC in progress, plan to use it in O4 • LIGOPlan to develop in LIGO a FC for a rotation angle at about 50Hz Valeria Sequino - 10th ET Symposium, April 12th 2019
Proposed alternative to Filter Cavity:Frequency DependentSqueezing via EPR entanglement Y. Ma et al. Nat Phys 13 no. 8, (Aug, 2017) 776–780 ITF de-tuned for the idler ITF like a Filter Cavity for Idler Idler frequency-dependentsqueezed Measurement of an idlerfixed quadrature SIGNAL CONDITIONALLY SQUEEZED IN A FREQUENCY DEPENDENT WAY
Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) entangledsignal and idlerbeams signal DEGENERATE OPO pump signal idler NON-DEGENERATE OPO detuned pump signal idler The twoproducedbeams are Einstein-PodolskyRosen (EPR) entangled Valeria Sequino - 10th ET Symposium, April 12th 2019
Comparison with Filter Cavity Loss sources • Two squeezedbeams: • double losses • Loss due to armcavities (90 ppm per round trip, around ̴ 4%) • Loss due to SignalRecyclingCavity (2000 ppm per RT) • Input and Readoutlosses • Need for twoHomodyne Detectors and extra OMC BUT • Less expensive • Avoids the 1ppm/m round trip losses for the FC • Flexible vs Signal Recycling Cavity configuration Valeria Sequino - 10th ET Symposium, April 12th 2019
Table-top demonstrator Test of the EPR inducedrotation angle by injecting the twoentangledbeams in a cavityinstead of the interferometer A recentdemonstrationwasperformed by the Quantum Optics group of Prof. SchnabelatInstitute for Laser Physics and University of Hamburg, Germany, using a simplified setup. (results shown at the LVC that took place in Geneve in March 2019. Talk: “Demonstration of Interferometer Enhancement through EPR Entanglement”. Speaker: JanGniesmer) Wealso propose a table-top demonstratorstarting from a test facility for FIS demonstrationthatwealreadydevelepedat the EGO site. Ourdemonstratorwill be tested on SIPS setup (INFN comm. 5 Roma1) thatis a RPN sensitive system. Weexpect to seenoisereductionbelow 2 kHz. SIPS experiment (L.Naticchioni et al.)
Starting point Locatedat the EGO site, athalf of the west arm (1500 W) Squeezingexperimentalreadydeveloped -6 dB of SQZ 15 dB of anti-SQZ Central freq: 1 MHz (M.Vardaro, PhD thesis) Our optical bench in 1500W Valeria Sequino - 10th ET Symposium, April 12th 2019
Proposed optical layout Valeria Sequino - 10th ET Symposium, April 12th 2019
Proposed optical layout Valeria Sequino - 10th ET Symposium, April 12th 2019
Proposed optical layout Valeria Sequino - 10th ET Symposium, April 12th 2019
Proposed optical layout Valeria Sequino - 10th ET Symposium, April 12th 2019
Changes w.r.t. to the actual setup TWO FAST OPPLs ( ∆ ̴ 2GHz) FOUR AOMs ETALON TO SEPARATE THE TWO BEAMS Extra MC TEST CAVITY TWO HDs Mettere etalon Valeria Sequino - 10th ET Symposium, April 12th 2019
Conclusions • Frequency Independent Squeezingalreadyimplemented in GW ITFs. (the detectors joined O3 with an improved high frequency sensitivity) • Plan for the filter cavity (O4: broadband quantum noisereduction) • EPR experiment under construction (post O4, future detectors) Valeria Sequino - 10th ET Symposium, April 12th 2019
Thank you!! Valeria Sequino - 10th ET Symposium, April 12th 2019
Quantum noise (QN) in GW interferometers Attendedsensitivity curve SHOT NOISE (SHN) RADIATION PRESSURE NOISE (RPN) Current detectors are only limited by shot noise Solution: input power increase thermalaberrations and parametricinstabilities Valeria Sequino - 10th ET Symposium, April 12th 2019
QN comes from the vacuum fluctuationsentering the interferometer output port Carlton M Caves. Quantum-mechanical noise in an interferometer. Physical Review D, 23(8):1693, 1981. coherent field: uncorrelatednoisesidebandsat the frequency Ω Quantum noise in a vacuumcoherent field Quantum noise in a coherent field Minimum of the Heisenberg UncertaintyPrinciple Phase quadrature: fluctuationscontribute to SHN Valeria Sequino - 10th ET Symposium, April 12th 2019
Cavityparameterrequirements The filter cavity must compesate the rotation angle induced by the interferometer to the noisesidebands for GW interferometers Frequency atwhich RPN switches to SHN (withouttakinginto account losses) Itdepends on the FP in-cavity power and the spectralcharacteristics of the SRC Valeria Sequino - 10th ET Symposium, April 12th 2019
Signal and Idler quadrature are EPR entangled Amplitude and phase quadrature for signal and idler These quadrature combinationswill be bothsqueezed Wewillhavesqueezing-antisqueezing for combination of signal and idlerquadratures we can squeeze the signal with a squeezing angle Measuring the idler quadrature Valeria Sequino - 10th ET Symposium, April 12th 2019
Sensitivity detector improvement Optomechanicalcouplingbetween vacuum fluctuations and test masses Contains SHN, RPN and output signal To achieve the best sensitivity Wiener filter gain FREQUENCY DEPENDENT SQUEEZED VARIANCE Valeria Sequino - 10th ET Symposium, April 12th 2019
Y. Ma et al. Nat Phys 13 no. 8, (Aug, 2017) 776–780 Armcavity and SRC losses IDLER channel SIGNAL channel The idlerbeamis detunedwrt to the ITF carrier field: itdoesnotexperience RPN The signalbeamis co-resonant with the ITF carrier field: RPN below 50 Hz combinedchannel sensitivityenhancement very small impact < 2 dB Valeria Sequino - 10th ET Symposium, April 12th 2019
Input and Readoutlosses Signal and idler: • collinearpropagation • same optical mode same Input and Readoutlosses broadband squeezingdegradation BUT RPN at low frequency for the signal: readoutlosseffectishigherat high frequencies Y. Ma et al. Nat Phys 13 no. 8, (Aug, 2017) 776–780 H. J. Kimble, Yu. Levin, A. B. Matsko, K. S. Thorne, and S. P. Vyatchanin. Phys. Rev. D,65(022002), 2001. Valeria Sequino - 10th ET Symposium, April 12th 2019