Maria Rola My Personal Presentation
About Me I´m 24 years old, I am Portuguese and I study Psychology of Deviant Behavior and Justice.I have several issues that I give a special attention like domestic violence, sexual abuse of children, prostitution, drugs but I am also very interested in other subjects linked more to social sciences. I have very strong feelings about civic responsibility and I think that volunteering work is important. My personal interests are travelling, meeting new cultures and reading.
My experience as volunteer… • Volunteering is something that I am interested in, but I never had the opportunity to be involved in volunteeractivities • I was a part of a International Project “IP Chalid Challenges to Identity in the Context of Globalization: Multidisciplinary and Multicultural Perspectives” exploring the sense of belonging in youth • Espaço 107/37 – A Project ofthe Portuguese Red Cross – is a recentprojectthat I aminvolved. The project aims to the promotion of new meanings of citizenship • “Education for sustainable development: Exploring hopeful pathways to preferable local and global futures“ is another project that I am involved. The main goal is to reflect about issues of education for sustainability
Why be a volunnter • Make a difference • Help someone • Civic and Social responsibility • Exercise of citizenship • Commitment and respect • Solidarity • Learning “There is no other way to human solidarity but to demand and respect individual dignity.” Pierre Lecomte Du Nouy