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Object Oriented Programming Group. Featuring: James Webber II Topics Include: OOP Smalltalk. 3 Key language features. Abstract Data Types Requires abstraction: I don’t want to know what’s in a car that makes it work, it just needs to work with the definitions given to me
Object Oriented Programming Group Featuring: James Webber II Topics Include: OOP Smalltalk
3 Key language features • Abstract Data Types • Requires abstraction: I don’t want to know what’s in a car that makes it work, it just needs to work with the definitions given to me • Basically unique data type defined by programmer • Inheritance • Bestow, add, or modify characteristics of an existing class by creating a subclass with the same basic characteristics • Dynamic call of method calls to methods • Basically means accessing methods of a subclass by using a base class’ pointer (aka polymorphism)
Smalltalk: The First OOPL • Program consists entirely of objects & everything is treated uniformly • Messages can be parameterized with variables that reference objects • ALL objects referenced from heap and all objects are implicitly dereferenced • No explicit dereferencing: there is a garbage collection process • Smalltalk is also a pure OOPL in that all data types are objects and all operations on them are methods
Inheritance • What is the point of inheritance? • Organize & Modify programs • Organize accessible data of subclasses • Modify existing data by redifining definitions of the superclass in a subclass Mammal -> primate -> human -> student -> CS student beast Remove sleep and finances Throw in intelligence Further increase intelligence at the cost of social skills and remove 30 minutes of life Increase intelligence (theoretically)
Inheritance Terminology • Object: Class Instances • Method: subprograms which define operations on objects • Message: call to a method • Message protocol: entire collection of methods • Overridden method: a base class method which is redefined in a derived class
An Inheritance issue • The Diamond Problem • Classes B and C both inherit from A • Class D inherits from both B and C • If method in D calls a method in A and both B and C have overriden the method, which method does D inherit? • The Diamond Solution • Different languages solve this problem in different ways
Access Control: What is inherited? • Public: publicly accessible members inherited from the base class stay publicly accessible in derived class • Protected: members are not accessible from outside the class except in derived classes (they remain protected there) • Private: public and protected members of the base class are made private in the derived class C++ terminology
Dynamic Binding • Polymorphic reference / pointer: when a pointer to a base class’ object has the capability to point to a derived class’ object • These are determined at run-time via the object’s type • Abstract method: a protocol that is within the body of the base class (a hollow shell) which is defined in the derived class • A class that includes at least one abstract method is called an abstract class C++ terminology
Alan Kay • Designer of smalltalk • Wrote thesis on “dynabook” concept • Described laptops / tablet PCs (kind of) • Described small & portable computer • Described infinite battery life • Described purpose: teach children (target audience is not adults) • Performed studies on children • Children learn best kinetically with motion using images, symbols, abstract representation • Heavy influence on OLPC (one laptop per child) • Employed by Xerox Parc at time Smalltalk Invented
Development of Smalltalk • Developed by Xerox Palo Alto Research Center employees • Most notable are Alan Kay(design) and Adele Goldberg (group leader/implementation management) • When people reference smalltalk, they normally reference the 1980 version dubbed “smalltalk-80”
Smalltalk Timeline: • 1971- Kay creates smalltalk due to bet: “page of code” message passing programming language • 1971-1972- an actually researched smalltalk-72 is created • End of 1976- a development environment included (GUI) • 1980- first language made available outside of Xerox PARC • Added metaclasses (class whose instance is a class) • Apple, HP, universities called for “peer review” • Made ANSI standard in 1998
Smalltalk’s Diamond solution • Recall that the diamond solution is different for every language • Inheritance can be a real pain, keeping track of multiple inheritance can be worse if there are more overriden classes like B and C • Smalltalk’s solution: let’s not deal with it… only single inheritance is allowed
The Single Inheritance Life • The life of a message: • Message to object causes class to be searched for corresponding method dynamically • Search fails… go to superclass • Repeat until system superclass OBJECT • Has no superclass • If not found… ERROR! • The price of the message: • Due to this process being performed for everything dynamically (everything is an object) smalltalk programs are significantly slower than its comparable programs on different languages
Classes and Inheritance • A subclass inherits all instance variables, instance methods and class methods of its super class • A subclass’ own instance variables must differ from those of superclass • if override method of superclass in a subclass then the superclass’ definition becomes hidden
Smalltalk Typechecking • The only method of typechecking is ensuring that a message matches some method • Variables aren’t typed: names can be bound to any object • Variable types are irrelevant as long as they are consistent • Meaning of operation on variable determined by class of the object to which it is bound
Methods, Messages, Blocks • Method: class subprogram which defines operation on object • Message: most fundamental language construct • 42 factorial “sends factorial to object 42” • 2 raisedTo: 4 “4 is argument to raisedTo and this is passed into 2” • Block: a block of code expressed as a literal value • An object that holds executable statements, what it does with the code is dependent on the context • [ :x | x+1 ] “the same as f(x)=x+1” • iftrue: [ ^somevalue]. • Iffalse:[^somevalue].
Let’s Program w/ Squeak! • http://www.squeak.org/ • Supports: Windows, Mac, Linux • Also Developed by Alan Kay Remember: everything is an object and Smalltalk has limited keywords!
Current Status and the Future of Smalltalk • Currently has a large following, very popular • Implemented in the OLPC as the primary OS • Multinational language support; open source SQUEAK is available for those who want to try it
Conclusion • OOP • ADTs • Inheritance • Dynamic Calls to Methods • SmallTalk • First OOPL • pure OOPL • Contributed to modern GUI • Everything is an object • As a result, everything runs slowly • Order of Operations: left to right regardless (parenthesis support)
References • Sebesta: OOP, Smalltalk Basics • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diamond_problem • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alan_Kay • http://www.squeak.org/ • http://gnu.paracoda.com/software/smalltalk/gst-manual/gst_34.html#SEC75 • http://www.outbacksoftware.com/smalltalk/smalltalk.html • James Webber II: Squeak Images & implementation