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A moment in time

The Centre for the Use of Research and Evidence Informed Practice A 10 year journey in supporting research and evidence informed practice. A moment in time. We want to: Celebrate what we have achieved together over 10 years of research and evidence informed practice

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A moment in time

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  1. The Centre for the Use of Research and Evidence Informed PracticeA 10 year journey in supporting research and evidence informed practice...

  2. A moment in time • We want to: • Celebrate what we have achieved together over 10 years of research and evidence informed practice • Appreciate and recognise the many partnerships that have contributed to this • Explore and illustrate the sauce for the goose proposition emerging from our work • Consider where we want to be in 10 years time • Thank everybody involved, including our wonderful staff

  3. Some milestones • The far sighted early TTA work – especially initiating National Teacher Research Panel • Via the initiatives of different agencies, the creation of; • multiple points of entry • a range of options re depth of engagement • different kinds of access - from summaries to processes, evidence to implications to tasters; • combining into progressive and iterative pathways • The creation of an increasingly inclusive approach across phases and sectors

  4. Some more milestones • Practising what we preach - systematic reviews about CPD that makes a difference to pupils as well as to teachers • Translating this evidence into a series of policy and practice tools and resources • Especially • the National Framework for Mentoring and Coaching • the Effective Mentoring and Coaching blended learning resources; mediated by • extensive interactive CPD programmes

  5. Why we work the way we do Services Research Continuing Professional Development

  6. Making public the range of CUREE work • Easy to make public circles one and two • But Circle 3 is harder – especially when working at scale and via CPD processes and learning resources • CUREE has worked for 3 years with over 3,500 CPD leaders to build coaching and mentoring skills and capacity and also to explore what professional learners do to make good use of coaching opportunities • Experimenting now with sharing what we have learned from our CPD work

  7. A simple proposition • An increasingly mature evidence base about supporting learning for pupils • ...and about CPD that has an impact on pupils’ learning – about what we do to professional learners and contexts where it works well • But surprisingly little attention is paid to the process of professional learning • So – what do we need to add to what we know about pupil learning to promote and facilitate effective professional learning?

  8. Sauce for the Goose • There’s a risk that we are/ have been focussing too much on the teaching of teachers • We need to think just as hard, perhaps even harder, about teacher learning as we do about pupil learning • An example “I’ll have what he’s having!”

  9. An example • Enquiry and coaching for infusing thinking skills within subjects • Lesson on causes of the plague • Groups of 4-5 elicit key causes from a picture via team process • 1 person per team - 30 secs each to look at the data source - 2 mins to communicate it to team without words – all 4 in turn • Teacher debriefs strategies & pools emerging issues mid-way • Answers pooled in plenary • Questions to rectify omissions & learning strategies debriefed

  10. Some key ingredients Expert knowledge collaboratively designed into active learning processes and resources An element of enquiry & shared vulnerability Ideas and processes in tension Scaffolding, bridging and debriefing Building on existing ideas and beliefs Working out why concrete phenomena matter Wrestling with evidence as part of learning Collaborative problem solving

  11. A professional learning parallel? • Observing concrete representations of new approaches • Creating processes and resources collaboratively • Structured conversations to unpack evidence from experiments and beliefs about learning • Identifying and building on teachers’ aspirations for pupils • Access to specialist expertise and peer support • Facilitating growing independence e.g. through choices and refinements in the light of context • All in all - a learning environment

  12. What could we do next – two examples? • GTC Teacher Learning Academy - fleshing out the 6 core dimensions, e.g. re: access to expertise and to structure in coaching • Masters in Teaching and Learning, built around core principles about professional learning and in-school coaches to build capacity – but depends for collaborative learning experiences on the profession as a whole…

  13. Where in next 10 years? • Systematic evaluation of teachers’ own enquiry and CPD foci and goals • Role modelling of professional learning & enquiry about teaching and learning by leaders • A collective valuing of specialist expertise • An end to transmission thinking – unpacking notions of “sharing and spreading” practices • Many more and better diagnostic tools and an understanding of their formative contribution • I.e. “Learning how to learn” for professionals

  14. Where next.. • In a moment will be your turn • “If we have been successful in exploiting the power of research and evidence informed practice in 10 years time ...” • Write 3 post its, put them up on the wall at the back and we’ll group them, then publish them on our web site

  15. But before handing you back to Richard • I’d like to finish as I began • By thanking all of you for coming • By thanking you for connecting with and supporting this important work and helping us, together, to create a whole greater than the sum of its parts • By commending to you my wonderful team of colleagues • And hoping you have a great evening!

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