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Carolina antoniadis. By : Jose ignacio velasquez. Claudio gallina.
Carolina antoniadis By : Joseignaciovelasquez
Claudio gallina • Claudio gallina born in argentina and Graduated from the National School of Fine Arts PrilidianoPueyrredón He studied with Professor Lerchundi scenery and costume designer of the Teatro Colón, and Osvaldo attended the workshop Attila, Cristina Santander, and Armando Sapia among others. Conducted Stage designs for television and theater today he is a artist.
Claudio techniques • The techniques that claudiogallina use are different from others artists that we watch all the time , he take the paper and start drawing the work then he add some colors but usually are like blue tones and dark tones then he make like if the drawing was on a notebook or something different outside the work.
Carolina antoniadis • Carolina Antoniadis was born on October 24, 1961, in Rosario, Santa Fe currently lives and works in Buenos Aires makes the painting faculty at the National School PrilidianoPueyrredónen 1984, he became actively engaged in teaching in various public and private institutions among which include the School of Fine Arts Prilidianopueyrredon last year as head of painting and UBA where he is attached to the chair of Andrea Salzman fashion design and textiles.
Carolina techniques • Theworks of carolina haddifferenttechniquessuch as more lifecolors in thepaintingorthenot use of eyes in thecharacters of thework.
Conections • When we see the two profiles of the artists we can observe that they had many things in common such as their country or the way they make their works .
argentina • One of the most oviousconections is that they both born in argentina so their culture , traditions and his history are similar so that could affect the works topic such as the games in the claudiogallina works .
National School of Fine Arts PrilidianoPueyrredón • The second connection that i found was that they studied at the same shool of arts the National School of Fine Arts PrilidianoPueyrredón, so the way they paint could be similar but in this case they use different contrasts and topics so it is no so similar.
The bases • Thethirdconnectionthatwe can seeisthatthey use thesame bases tocreatetheirworks ,theinspiration of theirlifes so theytakeanimage of theirlifesuch as a classontheschoolormaybe in the case of carolina hisfamilywhenshewas a girl.
Artists Seen This Year • Hugo Lugo • Yoshitomo Nara • Osamu Tezuka • Claudio Gallina • Mariko Mori • Katsushika Hokusai
Hugo Lugo and Claudio gallina • Hugo lugo and claudio gallina hadsomeconectionsbecauseboth are fromamerica so they use diferenttechniquessuch as the oleos orsomethinglikethat • Theybothdrawcotidianthings
Yoshitomonara and claudio gallina • Thistwoartistshadthesameage of workthe 90s • Theybothmake in theirworkmanyviewsfortheespectatortodecifrateit.