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Exploring JAK3 Inhibition Effects on STAT3 and Proliferation in NK Cells

Investigation of JAK3 inhibition impact on STAT3, cell proliferation & invasion in NK cell lines. Comparison of different inhibitors & their effects on cell behavior. Study conducted on MEC04, SNK6, KHYG1, and NKL cell lines.

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Exploring JAK3 Inhibition Effects on STAT3 and Proliferation in NK Cells

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  1. Supplemental figure S1 IP: JAK3 IB: STAT3 IP: JAK3 IB: JAK3 Ig NKL SNK6 MEC04 KHYG1 Normal NK MEC04+IL-2

  2. Supplemental figure S2 SNK6 cell line 10 8 0 6 5 Proliferation (x105/mL) WHI-P154(µM) 10 20 4 50 2 0 Day 1 Day 2 Day 0

  3. Supplemental figure S3 A. Vehicle Galardin 10 µM MEC04

  4. Supplemental figure S3 B. Vehicle Galardin 10 µM MDA-MB231 16 P < .0001 14 12 10 Number of invasive cells/microscopic field 8 6 4 2 0 Vehicle Galardin

  5. Supplemental figure S3 C. MDA-MB231 Vehicle 20 * ** *** 18 16 14 12 Number of invasive MDA-MB231 cells per microscopic field 10 8 6 4 2 CP-690550 50 nM 0 Vehicle CP-690550 50 nM CP-690550 500 nM M475 500 nM CP-690550 500 nM

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