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C-tech: energy in shared spaces workshops. C-tech and the workshops. 60% of UK energy use is in buildings. So meeting carbon reduction targets means more efficient provision of services in buildings – heating, lighting, cooling etc
C-tech and the workshops • 60% of UK energy use is in buildings. So meeting carbon reduction targets means more efficient provision of services in buildings – heating, lighting, cooling etc • But the way building services are used is driven by occupant behaviour and expectations (of comfortable conditions for example) – therefore understanding occupants needs, capacities and attitudes is critical to energy efficiency strategy • Particular set of issues in workplace buildings - where energy services are shared and the individual staff don’t pay the bill • We are looking at this in C-tech - a multidisciplinary 5 year research project exploring how we think about and act on our use of energy in shared spaces (like offices) • Occupants need information, guidance and the opportunity to develop their own solutions to support changes in energy consumption behaviour…. • ..means providing tools which give feedback on energy consumption and communications channels backed up with workshops ..
Workshops Workshop 1: Introduces the c-tech feedback tools and maps energy consumption in the office Workshop 2: Attributes power and thermal energy to activities, people and places Workshop 3: Explores ways for doing things more energy efficiently (whilst still allowing you to do your job in comfort..)
Workshop rules • No right or wrong answers – please be honest and forthright. • Try to take it in turns to contribute – try not to go into huddles or overtalk each other. • We are recording but you will remain anonymous in any transcript. • Can we have verbal consent to record and use your thoughts and ideas in our research? • We don’t have much time - please forgive us if we have to move on to the next section before you’ve finished talking. • Any questions?
Workshop 1 aims • To introduce e-genie • To map activities in the space • To map power consuming devices in the space • To map winter and summer comfort in the space • To map workplaces practices and technologies needed to be comfortable
Introductions • Your name? • Job title ? • Where do you spend most of your time in the building ?
Introducing e-genie A feedback and communications tool accessible via web browser Feedback about energy use The temperature in the space every hour A pin board to flag issues or ideas
Introducing e-genie A pledging tool where you can commit to an energy goal A communications channel to allow you to talk direct to facilities and building managers
Energy activities • What activities are in the various spaces? - e.g. sitting at desks, meeting space (write into floorplan) • Does the activity or usage change through the day? (write for key activities onto the table)
Activity change through the day For one or two main activities describe how they change through the day.
Energy Activities • What are the equipment and services needed to enable the activities ? (write into floorplan)
Summary of energy using activities • Which activities and services for those activities are thought to use a lot of energy? • Are there any hotspots of particularly intense energy use either geographically or in terms of time of day?
Thermal Comfort Map • On the floorplan indicate your comfort for where you sit/spend most of the working day using the dots provided Winter comfort Summer comfort • Indicate comfort in 1 or 2 of the communal areas like meeting rooms
Producing comfort • What and where are the technologies used to provide comfort? (radiators, fans, aircon)? (write answers onto comfort map) • What are the behaviours used to make you comfortable? (e.g. clothing, choice of where you sit) (write answers onto comfort map)
Summary of comfort map • Are there any areas of discomfort in summer? • Are there any areas of discomfort in winter? • What are the reasons for the discomfort? (write into comfort map)
Air temperature Map For a specific sensor here is the temperature calendar. Show temp calendar for particular sensors in real time below: Compare comfort map with air temps recorded by sensors What does this tell us about comfortable air temperatures ?
Wrap up • key comfort issues • key power issues • e-genie is coming – please use it when it becomes available • we will be distributing a questionnaire amongst all staff following this workshop – please encourage your colleagues to complete it
Aims • To think through how energy is used in the office • To allocate ownership and control of the energy consuming activity
Introductions • Your name? • Job title ? • Where do you spend most of your time in the building ?
Groupings Are different areas of the building occupied by distinct groups of staff? (if not already determined)? (write answers onto office map) • Do individuals care about the areas they occupy? • If distinct groups occupy distinct areas how does the group feels about the area they occupy ? (write answers onto office map)
Thermal energy consumption • Project thermal images captured by smart phone app below: (Draw areas of high / low surface temperature onto the office map) • What does this tell us about comfortable air and surface temperatures ? • Which areas of the office appear to be consuming most thermal energy ?
Electrical energy consumption Project power consumption for weekday and weekend onto sheet of paper and annotate.
Electrical energy consumption • What’s causing the demand to rise and fall ? • What are your estimates for proportions of total demand for each activity ? (compare weekend with week day. Annotate drawings on piece of paper or straight into annotation tool) • Estimate peak KW for main activities • Consider whether the activity can be attributable to a distinct group of staff or can only be attributable to all staff (write answers into a table on the flipchart for a weekday and for weekend)
Control of electrical energy • Who has control, or can influence the electrical energy consuming services of each activity in each space? • Who should have control? (write answers into a table on the flip chart)
Control of thermal energy • Who or what has control, or can influence the thermal energy in each space? • Who should have control? (write answers into a table on the flip chart)
Wrap up • Groupings? • Groupings associated with areas? • Disaggregation of power - main activities using power • Control of services using electrical energy? • Control of services using thermal energy?
Aims of the workshop • To identify some more energy efficient ways of doing things • To think through what is needed to make the energy efficient alternatives happen • To identify which behaviours and practices we should focus on in an energy management strategy
Introductions • Your name? • Job title ? • Where do you spend most of your time in the building ?
Recap – power practices • Power related practices (identified in previous workshop)
Recap – thermal practices • Power related practices (identified in previous workshop)
An efficient alternative? • What are the ways of doing things we identified above that could be done more efficiently?
Prioritising efficient alternatives Influencability = the degree to which ordinary members of staff can make a change to their behaviour or work practice towards a more efficient way of doing things if given the right support
Prioritising efficient alternatives • Write your efficient thermal alternatives into the grid • Write your efficient power alternatives into the grid • Lets work with 1 green/thermal and 1 green/power in the next exercise…
Working out influencability For each of our two selected efficient alternatives (one thermal, one power) lets work through the COM-B framework.. What would be needed under each COM-B heading to influence the efficient alternative (and make it more likely to happen)….
Power intervention? • What interventions would allow us to deliver the needs under each COM-B heading ? (Examples of interventions: awareness campaign, task lighting for after hours working) • Would the intervention deliver each com–b ? - yes/no /maybe?
Thermal intervention? • What interventions would allow us to deliver the needs under each COM-B heading ? (examples of interventions: awareness campaign, distributing fleeces) • Would the intervention deliver each com–b ? - yes/no /maybe?
Wrap up • Priority thermal practices to work with • Priority power using practices to work with • e-genie switch on • questionnaire number 2
Enjoy your efficient office! THANKS!