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These are my top six dog toys based on many years of keeping pet and show dogs and more importantly 20 plus years in the pet trade selling them to the public
DogToysInteractivepuzzles These aremytop sixdogtoys based on many years of keepingpet and show dogsand moreimportantly20 plusyears in the pet tradesellingthem to thepublic. Ballflingerballisticball thrower Dogs love tochasethings, ifyou’reluckytheymight even liketo retrieve!This tennis balland flingerduo is agreat wayto playfetchwithyour pooch. Thedurableplastic and unique shapeof theflinger makes throwingthetennis ballreallyeasy,so it’s perfect forall ages of owners!Youcan also avoidhandlingadirtyor wet tennis ball as ithas ascoop perfect for pickingupand carryingyour dog’s favouriteball. Check out thenew rangeof Hyper Pet ballthrowers, thecatapult and Kannon typesareideal ifyou don’t haveagoodthrowing arm. Ballona rope Dogs love tochaseand tugandeven throw their toys aroundabit. The classicballon aropeallows them to dothis. You can join in and tugor throw this toyoryour pet willenjoyswinging, throwingandrunningwith this toy.It is also perfect for larger dogs that can’t playwithsmallersized balls, as theywon’t swallow this one! Agreat favourite and veryinexpensive wayof interacting withyour dog. http://www.allpet.co.uk/PBUserLogin.asp?CCode=33
Soft squeakytoys Although not thetoughest things, the manydesigns of squeakysoft toys willkeep your dog amused for hours. Olderdogs and lessactivedogs willenjoycuddling, chewingand squeakingthesetypes of toys.Ifyouhavearetrieveryou willknow how much theylove carrying aroundatoyduck, pheasant or rabbit. Wiggly giggly ball or treat ball Thewigglygigglyrangeof toys isgreat fun!Thesesoft plastictoyscome in avariety of shapes dependingonwhatyour doglikes to do. There arelargeballs, jacks, balls on arope, allwith afun surprise… Theyallmakeaunique noise whenrolled, shaken or thrown. This noise is unlike anyother dogtoyand keepsyour companion amused forages. Treat balls are agreat wayof keepingyour dog amused, stuffwithyour pets favourite biscuitand let himget on with tryingtoget them out, rollingitaround and pushingwith his nose. Both the above aredeal forwhenyour dogis homealoneor justto allow himto makehis own fun for atime. Frisbees Frisbeesare greatformoreactivedogs. Theyloveto chase, retrieveand catch them in mid air. There are alotof variations in the designs too. For examples smaller dogs might like the ringstyleFrisbeeswhich areaflexibleringof plastic, which many carryaroundtheirneckwhilst retrieving!Largerdogs might like thestylewith a raised areain themiddleso that theycan pick them up oncetheyland on theground. Whateveryour dogspreferencetheyare agreat wayto keepyour dogbusy! Productreview– Kongfordogs TheKongrangeof dogs,cats and birds areinnovative, longlastingand are almost anypet ownersessential,oncetheytrythem. At theheart of therangeis asuperb product simplyknown as‘Kongs’, whichareintended fordogs. Madefromdurable rubber and inanumberof types there reallyis a perfect one for everypooch. So what does it do?Simplyput it’s atoy, but usedin theright waycan become an innovative asimple trainingaid orevenahousesaver ifyour dogsuffersfrom separation anxiety.Generallytheyareformed ina‘blobby’coneshapeorahexagonal coneshape,with a largehole in one end andasmaller hole(for easeofcleaning) in the other. Thisunique shapehelps them to bounce, roll and balancelikenootherdog toy.But thereis more, thehole can bestuffedwith treats and dependingon what sort you use,can transform theKongfordifferent purposes. For example,you can usesmall bits ofyour dog’sfavourite kibble, whichwillcome out when rolled orthrown. This makes agreat interactivetoyfor anydog,italso provides mental stimulation as theyroll and shakethe Kongtoget to the treats. However, Kong‘Stuff’em’s’ are afantasticbiscuitwith a strangeshape, that get wedged in theKong. This can befunforyour dog as he eventuallygets them outor
can beusedas atraining aid forretrieving, asyoucan easilyremove onetreat as a reward for bringingitback. Kong also has practical applications. You can leavethe Kongtoyas adistraction for dogs that become distressed at beingleft. Putting tastymorsels in the Kong and sealingitwith eitherfrozen cream cheeseorKong ‘stuff’n’ paste makesagreat distraction. Thedogs becomeso engrossed atgettingthe food bythe timetheyhave, theyforget aboutyou leaving,graduallyreducing the stress theyfeel whenyou leave the house. Anothergreatideais stuffthe end withatreat or kibble, then fillingwith waterto befrozen.In hotweatherthis makes afantastic treat that helps keep dogs cool! But surelyallthis food and fun would makethe doglove it to death?WellKonghave even thought of that. TheKongscome in differentsizes, from puppyto small, medium, largeand evengiant! Along with thesesizingtheyhavedifferentsoftness. For puppies adifferent typeof rubber is used, so theyaresoft ongums andaid teething. Thesmall medium and large comein thestandard softness, whichis durable enough not to bebrokenor ripped but stillkind toyourcompanion’s teeth!But what about thedogs thatcan seeminglychomp their waythroughanything?Well the medium, largeandgiantsizes come in avariationcalled ‘extreme’. This typehas the mostsolid rubber and is virtuallyindestructible,makingKongsagood investment! Gordon Bloomfield © 2014www.allpet.co.uk