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Chimney sweeps have special tools and powerful cleaners that really can’t be substituted with what a homeowner can buy at the hardware store. Most of the time, if you attempt to buy strong enough cleaners to get the worse stains off, you may just end up creating a mess and harming your fireplace, your skin and your home. Visit http://www.allstarchimneysweeps.com/mobile/ for more information and advice.
Your Guide to an Easy DIY Fireplace Cleaning If you want an intense fireplace cleaning that makes it look as good as new, there’s really no doubt a professional cleaning is the way to go. Chimney sweeps have special tools and powerful cleaners that really can’t be substituted with what a homeowner can buy at the hardware store. Most of the time, if you attempt to buy strong enough cleaners to get the worse stains off, you may just end up creating a mess and harming your fireplace, your skin and your home. But sometimes all your fireplace needs is a quick clean to get rid of some of the most noticeable soot stains before you invite over guests, and in those instances calling a professional might not really be worth it Luckily, there are lots of homemade fireplace soot cleaners you can easily make and use to give your fireplace a fast but effective clean to prepare it for your next dinner party. How to safely do your own fireplace cleaning: One of the best at home fireplace cleaning mixtures is made by combining cream of tartar with a small amount of water to make a paste. This is a great cleaner because it’s all-natural and unlike other cleaners is not so strong that it will harm your skin, walls or floors. When you use it, you don’t have to worry about covering your whole living room with tarps or wearing protective clothing, so it really makes for the easiest cleaning process. Many people also already have cream of tartar at home, so it doesn’t even require a trip to the store. Here’s our step by step guide on how to use this combination: 1.Sweep up all the ashes in and around your fireplace so you don’t risk disturbing them and creating a mess. 2.Place a tarp or cloth on the floor by your fireplace to catch any liquid that falls. 3.Place some of the mixture on the areas of your fireplace that have soot stains with a cloth. Let sit for 5-10 minutes. 4.Rinse the paste off of your fireplace with warm water. If the stain is still noticeable, repeat the process until you get the desired result. This process is so simple you’ll be pleasantly surprised at how well it works. But if you aren’t able to remove all the stains you wanted, consider calling a professional to remove those tougher stains. Your local professional Chimney Sweep Mobile AL can tell you more about Fireplace Cleaning. Article Source: http://chimneycleaning.inube.com/blog/8052264/your-guide-to-an-easy-diy- fireplace-cleaning/