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A Streetcar Named Desire Tennessee Williams Chapter 8

A Streetcar Named Desire Tennessee Williams Chapter 8. Synopsis. Three people are sitting at table, it is Blanches birthday. Blanche breaks the silence and the tension to ask a question, “I didn’t know any refined enough for your taste”.

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A Streetcar Named Desire Tennessee Williams Chapter 8

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  1. A Streetcar Named DesireTennessee WilliamsChapter8

  2. Synopsis • Three people are sitting at table, it is Blanches birthday. • Blanche breaks the silence and the tension to ask a question, • “I didn’t know any refined enough for your taste”. • Stanley throws a tantrum, which results in physical violence and causes problems between everyone. • Stella knows something about Mitch not coming, but she wont tell Blanche. This results in Mitch being called. • Stella goes out to the porch, Stanley and her reinforce there “love” by hugging. Stanley talks to Stella about the old times, how it is going to be the same. • Stanley reveals the ticket to Laurel, Stella runs to the bathroom. • Stella and Stanley argue, then Stanley realizes that she has almost become sick because of these issues they are going through.

  3. Character DevelopmentStanley Stanley has Developed: • Negativity • Aggression /Emotion

  4. Blanche / Stella have Developed: • Stronger Personality • Determined Characteristic • State of mind

  5. Language Used • The language used in this play includes a lot of metaphors. For example. • There are all talking about candles which Stella had just put on, she says “candles always burn out in little boys and girls”. • In scene eight there is one scene where Stanley comes straight out, there is no metaphor, he tells us “Every man is a King, And I am the king around here, so don’t forget it”.

  6. Imagery Imagery in this play consist of: • COLOURS – The men's shirts are all coloured to suite there emotions and there feelings. • The lights that are coloured • (blue – depression)

  7. Sound • SOUND – Sound plays a major role • The varsouviana plays in Blanches head- State of mind. • The songs are added in causing more tension between characters or just one character.

  8. More language used? • "El pan de mais,El pan de mais, El pan de mais sin sal” • She speaks in Spanish, she talks about a day where the Spanish remember their dead relatives. It is all in relation to her homosexual, dead husband and plus she is going mad at this point in the book.

  9. END

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