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Simulation & Hyperreality Jean Baudrillard The Precession of Simulacra, 1980

Simulation & Hyperreality Jean Baudrillard The Precession of Simulacra, 1980. Lecture Outline. Baudrillard’s concepts of simulation and hyperreality Examples of simulation and hyperreality The impact of simulation and hyperreality on everyday life and experience. What is a simulation?.

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Simulation & Hyperreality Jean Baudrillard The Precession of Simulacra, 1980

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  1. Simulation & HyperrealityJean Baudrillard The Precession of Simulacra, 1980

  2. Lecture Outline • Baudrillard’s concepts of simulation and hyperreality • Examples of simulation and hyperreality • The impact of simulation and hyperreality on everyday life and experience

  3. What is a simulation? • A model, an image, a virtual thing, some kind of fiction or artifice

  4. Baudrillard’s definition Simulations are: “models of a Real without origin or reality: a hyperreality”

  5. The four stages of simulation Stage One • Initially, the sign (i.e. image or represent.) is a reflection of a basic reality. Ansel Adams “Horse Racing” by Edgar Degas

  6. The four stages of simulation Stage Two • The sign masks a basic reality. The image becomes a distortion of reality.

  7. The four stages of simulation Stage Three • The sign masks the absence of a basic reality. The image calls in to question whatthe reality is and if it even exists.

  8. The four stages of simulation Stage Four • The sign bears no relation to any reality whatsoever; it is its own pure simulacrum. Example: Cottingham’s simulated image of the boys.

  9. Digital Photography

  10. Traditional Photography • In photography, there is a one-way logical relationship between: • the thing and its photographic image • the original and the “copy”

  11. Digital Photography • Digital simulations undermine the one-way logic of the original and its image: • In a digital photograph there is no necessary origin or actuality which the image reflects, or to which the image refers ”Pure Land” by Mariko Mori, 1997-98

  12. Simulated images • Simulated images break the assumed link between reality and representation • Simulation produces images of things which appear real — out of nothing.

  13. Simulated images Chtulhu People, Image #d6, GulnurGuvenc, Adobe Photoshop

  14. Simulated images • Principal consequence: the truth value, evidentiary status and objectivity that is traditionally ascribed to photographs no longer applies. • The image is pure digital information, endlessly manipulableand remote from any pre-existingreality.

  15. What does all this mean? • Various simulations of reality— images, fictions, artifice etc— are eclipsing or displacing reality itself. • The boundary between fiction, images and artifice on the one hand, and reality or truth on the other hand, has become blurred.

  16. Kate Winslett / Jennifer Lopez Covers

  17. Virtual Environments, Games • The Sims • WOW • Second Life, etc.

  18. Virtual Environments, Games Woman Kills Virtual Husband

  19. The Precession of Simulacra • Media images, simulations and the hyperrealprecede our experience of the real. • We experience simulations before we experience the real thing. These experiences and perceptions shape the way we see reality.

  20. The Precession of Simulacra • Images of great artworks take precedence over the actual artwork, which often pales by comparison Ex: Michelangelo’s “Sistine Chapel”, etc.

  21. The Precession of Simulacra • Armchair tourism - Getaway, Lonely Planet - we typically see media images of the world before we see the real thing

  22. Precession of Simulacra • Digitally alteredimages of womenin magazines determine how real women wish to look

  23. Precession of Simulacra • Plastic surgery simulations - try before you buy

  24. Hyperreal Becomes New Reality • Baudrillard: “signs of the real are substituted for the real itself” • In the end, the signs of the real (i.e. simulations) come to take precedence over the real itself.

  25. Reality Television The stuff of reality becomes the “story”— food for the fictional televisual world. "You no longer watch TV, TV watches you.” - Jean Baudrillard

  26. Reality Television • Real people in “real” situations are used instead of actors:

  27. How real is reality TV? • Reality TV might use real people but they put them in contrived rather than real situations. • Events are set up and manipulated. • Real people are selectively represented, often manipulated and staged as caricatures. • When they are being filmed by a television or video camera, real people “act”.

  28. “The Truman Show” Movie Peter Wier’s 1998 film The Truman Show is the ultimate reality TV show!

  29. Simulacrum is True • We cannot know or experience reality beyond our own experience. In a sense there is no reality beyond our own experience.

  30. Conclusion • Our experience of reality is increasingly mediated (viewed through the lens of a variety of media forms) • These mediated simulations of reality are starting to displace reality and to shape our perception of it

  31. Conclusion • Digital technologies are increasing the scope and seductive power of simulation technologies • In the future, digital technologies such as virtual reality will increasingly blur the boundary between the real and the imaginary (virtual)

  32. Conclusion “simulation threatens the difference between the “true” and the “false,” the “real” and the “imaginary” - Jean Baudrillard

  33. “Dove” Commercial http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iYhCn0jf46U

  34. Erik Johansson – Impossible Photography http://www.ted.com/talks/erik_johansson_impossible_ photography.html

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