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A Graphical Development and Simulation Environment for TinyOS-based Wireless Sensor Networks

A Graphical Development and Simulation Environment for TinyOS-based Wireless Sensor Networks. Elaine Cheong February 13, 2007 Seventh Biennial Ptolemy Miniconference Berkeley, California. Wireless Sensor Networks. module SenseToInt { provides { interface StdControl; } uses {

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A Graphical Development and Simulation Environment for TinyOS-based Wireless Sensor Networks

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  1. A Graphical Development and Simulation Environment for TinyOS-based Wireless Sensor Networks Elaine Cheong February 13, 2007 Seventh Biennial Ptolemy Miniconference Berkeley, California

  2. Wireless Sensor Networks Elaine Cheong, UC Berkeley, Ptolemy Miniconference

  3. moduleSenseToInt { provides { interface StdControl; } uses { interface Timer; interface StdControl as TimerControl; interface ADC; interface StdControl as ADCControl; interface IntOutput; } } implementation { ... } configurationTimerC { providesinterface Timer[uint8_t id]; providesinterface StdControl; } implementation { components TimerM, ClockC, NoLeds, HPLPowerManagementM; TimerM.Leds -> NoLeds; TimerM.Clock -> ClockC; TimerM.PowerManagement -> HPLPowerManagementM; StdControl = TimerM; Timer = TimerM; } TinyOS and nesC configuration SenseToLeds { } implementation { components Main, SenseToInt, IntToLeds, TimerC, DemoSensorC as Sensor; Main.StdControl -> SenseToInt; Main.StdControl -> IntToLeds; SenseToInt.Timer -> TimerC.Timer[unique("Timer")]; SenseToInt.TimerControl -> TimerC; SenseToInt.ADC -> Sensor; SenseToInt.ADCControl -> Sensor; SenseToInt.IntOutput -> IntToLeds; } Elaine Cheong, UC Berkeley, Ptolemy Miniconference

  4. SenseToLeds in Viptos Elaine Cheong, UC Berkeley, Ptolemy Miniconference

  5. Converting between nesC and MoML • nc2moml • nesC component code  MoML class (Ptolemy actor) • ncapp2moml • nesC application code  MoML entity (Ptolemy model) Elaine Cheong, UC Berkeley, Ptolemy Miniconference

  6. Generating MoML for TimerC.nc – nc2moml <?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE plot PUBLIC "-//UC Berkeley//DTD MoML 1//EN" "http://ptolemy.eecs.berkeley.edu/xml/dtd/MoML_1.dtd"> <class name="TimerC" extends="ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.lib.NCComponent"> <property name="source" value="$CLASSPATH/tos/system/TimerC.nc" /> <port name="StdControl" class="ptolemy.actor.IOPort"> <property name="input" /> <property name="_showName" class="ptolemy.kernel.util.SingletonAttribute" /> </port> <port name="Timer" class="ptolemy.actor.IOPort"> <property name="input" /> <property name="multiport" /> <property name="_showName" class="ptolemy.kernel.util.SingletonAttribute" /> </port> </class> Elaine Cheong, UC Berkeley, Ptolemy Miniconference

  7. Generating MoML for SenseToLeds.nc – ncapp2moml ... <entity name="MicaCompositeActor" class="ptolemy.domains.ptinyos.lib.MicaCompositeActor"> <entity name="Main" class="tos.system.Main" /> <entity name="TimerC" class="tos.system.TimerC" /> <entity name="SenseToInt" class="tos.lib.Counters.SenseToInt" /> <entity name="IntToLeds" class="tos.lib.Counters.IntToLeds" /> <entity name="DemoSensorC" class="tos.sensorboards.micasb.DemoSensorC" /> ... <link relation="relation1" port="Main.StdControl" /> <link port="IntToLeds.StdControl" relation="relation2" /> <link relation1="relation2" relation2="relation1" /> <link port="SenseToInt.StdControl" relation="relation3" /> <link relation1="relation3" relation2="relation1" /> <link relation="relation4" port="SenseToInt.Timer" /> <link port="TimerC.Timer" relation="relation5" /> <link relation1="relation5" relation2="relation4" /> ... </entity> ... Elaine Cheong, UC Berkeley, Ptolemy Miniconference

  8. SenseToLeds – Physical Environment Elaine Cheong, UC Berkeley, Ptolemy Miniconference

  9. SenseToLeds – Hardware Elaine Cheong, UC Berkeley, Ptolemy Miniconference

  10. SenseToLeds – Software Elaine Cheong, UC Berkeley, Ptolemy Miniconference

  11. PtinyOSDirector Elaine Cheong, UC Berkeley, Ptolemy Miniconference

  12. SenseToLeds – PhotoSource Elaine Cheong, UC Berkeley, Ptolemy Miniconference

  13. SenseToLeds – PhotoChannel Elaine Cheong, UC Berkeley, Ptolemy Miniconference

  14. SenseToLeds – WirelessDirector Elaine Cheong, UC Berkeley, Ptolemy Miniconference

  15. SenseToLeds – Simulation Elaine Cheong, UC Berkeley, Ptolemy Miniconference

  16. How it works Elaine Cheong, UC Berkeley, Ptolemy Miniconference

  17. How it works (cont.) Elaine Cheong, UC Berkeley, Ptolemy Miniconference

  18. How it works (cont.) Elaine Cheong, UC Berkeley, Ptolemy Miniconference

  19. SendAndReceiveCnt Elaine Cheong, UC Berkeley, Ptolemy Miniconference

  20. SendAndReceiveCnt Elaine Cheong, UC Berkeley, Ptolemy Miniconference

  21. SendAndReceiveCnt Elaine Cheong, UC Berkeley, Ptolemy Miniconference

  22. SendAndReceiveCnt – Simulation Elaine Cheong, UC Berkeley, Ptolemy Miniconference

  23. Multihop Routing – Surge Elaine Cheong, UC Berkeley, Ptolemy Miniconference

  24. Performance Evaluation – SenseToLeds Elaine Cheong, UC Berkeley, Ptolemy Miniconference

  25. Performance Evaluation – SendAndReceiveCnt Elaine Cheong, UC Berkeley, Ptolemy Miniconference

  26. Related Work • ns-2 • OPNET Modeler, OPNET Wireless Module • OMNeT++, NesCT • J-Sim • Prowler • Em*, EmTOS • TOSSIM, TinyViz Elaine Cheong, UC Berkeley, Ptolemy Miniconference

  27. Conclusion • http://ptolemy.eecs.berkeley.edu/viptos • Elaine Cheong, Edward A. Lee and Yang Zhao. “Joint Modeling and Design of Wireless Networks and Sensor Node Software”, EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley, Technical Report No. UCB/EECS-2006-150, November 17, 2006. Elaine Cheong, UC Berkeley, Ptolemy Miniconference

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