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HiRadMat Project team: WG2 report

Detailed overview of activities completed & planned at HiRadMat project, including removal of cooling pipes, cable trays, lighting, vacuum pipes, MTR shielding, and more. Lessons learned and ongoing tasks discussed.

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HiRadMat Project team: WG2 report

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  1. HiRadMat Project team: WG2 report Agenda Last TS debriefing Lessons learned PR532 monitoring system for remote control Activities planned for Xmas shutdown (first part) Horn removal: plan

  2. Activitiescompleted in the last TS • Cooling pipes dismantling in TJ7 (+TNC) (CERAP) • Cleaning of TJ7 wall and floor (CERAP + RP) • Cable trays in TJ7 (Ineo) • Removal of old lighting and new temporary one in TNC (Ineo, Dino + FSU) • Vacuum pipe removal in TNC (FSU) • MTR shielding dismantling (Altead) • Scaffolding installation in TJ7 (Ouvaroff) • TJ7 structure modification for EN-EL (Ineo)

  3. TJ7 cooling pipes + cleaning + cable trays • Old contaminated pipes were fully disposed of and moved to TT4 (will be cut by Endel in W44) • Floor decontaminated (DG-SCR) • Old cable tray removed (Spie) • 3 new Cable trays installed (Ineo) • Liaison cable tray on the roof of TJ7 installed (Ineo) • Cable trays repairs in TA7 (Ineo)

  4. New temporary lighting • Old lighting was fully disposed of. • New temporary system set up..

  5. DN 250 vacuum pipes • DN 250 Vacuum pipes removed • 18 supports to be dismounted • End temporarily closed • Flange to be installed (like the horizontal one  Dino + Victor)

  6. MTR blockhouse removal MTR magnets + shielding in TCC6 May 2010 October 2010 TCC6 is now ready for primary beam installation during Xmas shutdown!

  7. MTR blockhouse removal MTR magnets + shielding in TCC6 July 2010 May 2010 September 2010 • In 4 Technical stops, more than 600 tons were removed • Beam line and tables: 5 tons • Cast iron blocks: 530 tons • 2 MTR’s magnets: 50 tons • Mobile shielding structure: 15 tons • Without damaging the neighboring TI2 line (but partially removal necessary in July) October 2010

  8. MTR blockhouse removal T1 block inventory liste des blocs stockes dans TCC 6 et TT 61. TTC 6 Ø  842 = 3 Ø  844 = 5 Ø  882 = 3 Ø  884 = 37 Ø  1682 = 2 Ø  1684 = 30 TT 61 Ø  842 = 1 Ø  882 = 1 Ø  884 = 3 Ø  1682 = 9 Ø  1684 = 14

  9. Scaffolding installation in TJ7 • All scaffoldings were installed

  10. TJ7 structure modification for EN-EL • Modification completed • Empty fire fighters cupboard removed • DN 250 vacuum pipe dismounted in the corner

  11. Activities in progress in the last TS and to becontinued • « Cremaillere » cleaning: tool installed • PR 532: 2 motions ready (translation + direction) • TNC air ducts • T1 target dismantling • Cable trays in TNC • Miscellaneous works to be done in TNC

  12. Cremaillere cleaning device • Device installed and successfully tested manually • Will be driven by crane PR532 once operational

  13. Crane PR532 repair • Not possible to move it with elevator • Operational along 2 directions • Load test still to be made • Highest priority for next accesses!

  14. Air duct dismantling • 150 m long air duct to be removed. • Contaminated dust inside and above • Removal test carried out  to be dismantled 2 part by 2 parts (internal link discovered) • New supporting framework manufactured • Lesson learnt: junction between parts must be quickly and easily dismountable  to be included in technical spec. for new air ducts. • Currently about 21 parts were removed (out of 50)

  15. T1 removal 30 T1 removal 300 Blindage mobile 20 300 3000 5000 175 Blindage fixe • 5 step dismantling procedure • Dedicated Lead-shielded container • No need to remove TI2 line • Similar operation in 2005  2 mSv • ISR 6 as long-term storage • Target Monitors (TBID, TBIU) and head removed on 20.10.2010 BAC Potence Moniteur 45 Débit de dose en uSv/h en Mars 2010 Courtesy of D. Grenier

  16. T1 removal T1 removal

  17. TNC Cable trays • Only the consoles were installed waiting for the painting works during Xmas shutdown • 4 ladders up to Irradiation area then 2 up to the end of TNC. • 3 yellow supports in the way and some welded consoles to be removed.

  18. Miscellaneous work to be done in TNC • Cover holes in TNC & TJ7 • Fix Red phone • Remove and rebuild new barrack

  19. Lessons learnt • Transport passage through TJ7 is very difficult during the working hours and time consuming  to be done during the night • Electrical installation in TJ7 to be quickly upgraded: no sufficient 230V plugs  new LV cabinet to be installed asap (Alexandre) • RP safety consumables (shoes covers, Ti-vet, gloves) in shortage  get a larger stock available in BA7 (Nadine, Dino) • Lack of room in TT4 in order to store waste (air ducts for instance)  ISR3 as backup solution • Lack of trailers in order to move air ducts to TT4  Logistics to be improved • Absence of ENDEL  a cleaning company must be present at each TS to intervene quickly if needed. TJ7 floor decontamination was done by DG-SCR. • Alara principle must be applied at the design stage: the difficulties we faced to disconnect air ducts in TNC call a new design and fast release connections. • 2 elevator failures during last TS  foresee plan B

  20. PR532 monitoring system for remote control New tools available • PR532 remotely controlled (operated from TA7)  monitoring system to be installed (TAN like system) • Order must be launched now • New automatic hook ready Courtesy of J-L Grenard

  21. Xmas shutdown: first part • 2 weeks available before Xmas: • Remove horn  2 days • Remove air ducts  3 days (or nights) • General cleaning  3 days • Painting  2 days (or nights) • T9 modification  5 days • 2 weeks of Xmas break: air duct modification in TJ7 (tbc)

  22. Horn removal: plan Stripline: 200 to 400 uSv/h. Downstream part:1300 uSv/h.  Idea: Removal sequence similar to the reflector one (not use the crane) Remove 3 marble plates and cast iron blocks (Transport) Rough cleaning (Endel) Cut stripline and services (FSU) Remove stripline and horn with 2 elevators (Transport) Final cleaning. (Endel)

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