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Facilitating undergraduate research for transfer students

Enhance transfer students' engagement in undergraduate research through workshops, advising, and resources. Explore challenges, goals, and strategies to foster research participation.

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Facilitating undergraduate research for transfer students

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  1. Facilitating undergraduate research for transfer students Jennifer Harris, Director, Undergraduate Research Program Jessica E. Salvador, Assistant Director, Undergraduate Research Program April M. Wilkinson, Assistant Director, Mary Gates Endowment for Students Dan Herb, Adviser & Program Coordinator, Undergraduate Research Program UW/CC Advising Conference 2017

  2. introductions Introduce yourself to your neighbors: Your name and role Your institution What brought you here today?

  3. WHO WE ARE The Undergraduate Research Program (URP) facilitates research experiences for students in all academic disciplines through advising, initiatives, and other resources. URP works to expand research opportunities for undergraduates, supports faculty and academic departments to integrate undergraduate research into their curricula and programs, and provides public events for students to present their scholarly work. Undergraduate Research Program • Mary Gates Endowment for Students • The Mary Gates Endowment for Students supports University of Washington undergraduates to become independent learners and community leaders. We encourage students’ development of creative, courageous ideas and efforts. Mary Gates Scholars act with integrity, value inclusivity and impact the world through innovation and service.

  4. RESEARCH … is an inquiry or investigation that makes an original intellectual or creative contribution to a discipline. At UW, Faculty in all disciplines do research, but approach it in different ways. Thousands of UW undergraduates work alongside faculty, graduate students, and staff in research projects each year.

  5. WHAT DOES RESEARCH LOOK LIKE? Working with faculty and other mentors Often interdisciplinary and may happen outside of student’s major/department Year-round and summer research experiences A significant time commitment: 6-12 hours per week for 2-3 quarters on average Usually unpaid (option for academic credit) Funding opportunities (e.g., scholarships, work study) It depends…

  6. BENEFITS OF UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH Enhanced and applied learning: authentic research motivates student learning and application of knowledge Confidence-building: students gain the ability to perform research and contribute to a field Next steps: Preparation for graduate study and careers Impact even greater for first-generation, low-income, and underrepresented students Recognized as a “High Impact Practice”(Kuh, AAC&U, 2008)

  7. Challenges? What are some challenges that students – especially transfer students – encounter that may discourage them from engaging in undergraduate research?

  8. I got here too late to get to know faculty TRANSFER STUDENTS’ PERCEIVED CHALLENGES Research only applies to certain fields (STEM) I have to be in my major first • It’s too late I have a lot of courses to take • Not ready for it I wish I knew sooner Not sure they would want me • Too much to balance I haven’t taken the right classes yet • Lack of sense of belonging • Not knowing about resources & funding Have to work

  9. OUR GOALS FOR STUDENTS Explore and articulate interests in their field Gain awareness of research across various fields Increase confidence and activate support networks Search, apply for, and obtain research positions Connect to resources and funding

  10. Strategies & resources What are some ideas/strategies that would support enhancing undergraduate research participation at your institution, or prepare students to engage in research once they transfer? What are resources on your campuses, if any, that foster undergraduate research? What strategies do you employ to motivate and prepare students for research?

  11. OUR Strategies Courses Undergraduate Research Intensive for Community College Transfer Students Workshops and Info Sessions Advising Peer Mentoring/Networking Summer Research Opportunities

  12. Course: Research intensive for CC Transfer students • Incoming Transfer students (n=30) • 2 credits • 1 day pre-autumn workshop • 50-minute weekly seminar, autumn quarter

  13. Resources and Funding • Goals • Course Components COURSE GOALS AND COMPONENTS • Pre-Autumn Workshop • Faculty Panels • Exploring Research Interests Assignment • Opportunities database • Departmental websites • Symposium proceedings • Explore and articulate interests • Faculty and Undergraduate Researcher panel • Interview with Researcher • Researcher Shadowing • Gain awareness of research across various fields • Faculty and student networks • Faculty Networking Lunch • Individual advising • Imposter Syndrome Session • Time Management and Mindfulness • Researcher Shadowing • Counseling Center • URP Advising • Scholarship offices • Undergraduate Research Leaders • Increase confidence and support networks • Info Session • Cover letter guide • Resume guide • Advising & Drop in • Career Center • Search, apply for, and obtain research • Cover letter and résumé • Interview with Researcher • Applying to Summer Research • Connect to resources & funding

  14. SYLLABUS OUTLINE Weekly Topics Getting Started in Undergraduate Research - Planning and Goals Preparing for the Research Opportunity Faculty Research Presentation Imposter Syndrome and Researcher Interviews Faculty Research Presentation Research Ethics and Responsible Conduct of Research Finding & Re-finding Balance Applying for Research Funding &Summer Research Experiences Course Reflection and Research Plans of Action

  15. ASSIGNMENTS Reflection on Pre-Autumn Intensive Workshop What was learned? Research Exploration Identify two interesting research projects Letter or Email of Interest to Faculty Personal Résumé Interview with a Researcher Shadowing and Site Visit Observation Plan of Action

  16. COURSE EVALUATION HOW DID STUDENTS EXPERIENCE THE CLASS? Rate quality of pre-quarter workshop and weekly class sessions Self-assessment of their level of confidence, knowledge, comfort, and ability regarding learning outcomes Reflections of course benefits and areas for improvement STUDENTS’ NEXT STEPS Current and upcoming academic plans and challenges Undergraduate research aspirations and interests Other educational aspirations Goals for staying connected to staff

  17. INCREASED COMFORT LEVEL Scale: 1 = “not at all comfortable” to 4 = “very comfortable” Please indicate your level of comfort in your ability to:

  18. ASPECTS OF COURSE THAT WERE MOST USEFUL “Contacting faculty, and getting exposed to all the various types of research and researchers. It helped frame all the opportunities and gave me an ability to pursue research through many different channels.” Interacting with faculty

  19. ASPECTS OF COURSE THAT WERE MOST USEFUL “Creating a résuméand cover email to send to a potential faculty mentor. Previously, I had no experience in doing this. The guideline and feedback provided was of great help to me in creating a solid resume and cover letter email.” Writing cover letter emails and résumés

  20. ASPECTS OF COURSE THAT WERE MOST USEFUL “The support network of dedicated, hard-working instructors is probably the most helpful part of this course.” Individualized Advising

  21. “Taking this class was the best decision I made after being accepted as a transfer student. It helped my transition to UW be successful both academically and socially.” ALUMNI QUOTE

  22. LESSONS LEARNED Incorporating changes made a positive impact for students Added content to course (e.g. time management, managing stress, understanding imposter syndrome) New research shadowing experience Adjusting pre-autumn workshop (length, format, and content) Considerations for 2017 Increasing weekly course session length to 80 minutes Streamline matching process for research shadowing experience

  23. What’s next? How will I help students engage in research? What is my next step? Note one action you will take within the next week, quarter, or year to help more students become undergraduate researchers.

  24. Resources Undergraduate Research Program Courses Information Sessions Drop-in advising Website Funding opportunities Year-round and summer research opportunities Undergraduate Research Symposium www.uw.edu/undergradresearch

  25. THANK YOU! Center for Experiential Learning & Diversity (EXPD) 171 Mary Gates Hall | expd.uw.edu Undergraduate Research Program www.uw.edu/undergradresearch Mary Gates Endowment for Students expd.uw.edu/mge Jennifer Harris genoveva@uw.edu Jessica E. Salvador dearjess@uw.edu Dan Herb dherb@uw.edu April M. Wilkinson amwilk@uw.edu

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