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Of the mycotic diseases affecting animals and man, ringworm -first to be recognized and reported

Historical Development of Mycology lecture 1 Prepared and delivered by Dr. Abhishek Scientist and In charge Mycology lab. Of the mycotic diseases affecting animals and man, ringworm -first to be recognized and reported The medical history of the disease is oldest, but also the most voluminous.

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Of the mycotic diseases affecting animals and man, ringworm -first to be recognized and reported

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  1. Historical Development of Mycologylecture 1Prepared and delivered byDr. Abhishek Scientist and In charge Mycology lab

  2. Of the mycotic diseases affecting animals and man, ringworm -first to be recognized and reported • The medical history of the disease is oldest, but also the most voluminous. • 1839, Lagenbeck, first demonstrated yeast like fungus in thrush • 1843, Robin named -Oidium albicans • 1843, Gruby, named Microsporoum audouinii as a causative agent of ringworm in children.

  3. 1845- Lebert –described favus- T schoenleinii 1881- infections in chicken – T gallinae 1894- in cattle – 1896 and 1897-in horse and dog- 1898- in horse- 1890, Zopf, named the fungus Monilia albicans

  4. 1899, Schenck, First report of sporotrichosis. • Rat is the first animal species reported to be infected. • 1900, Seeber, described the causative agent of Rhinosporidiosis. • 1913, Zschokke, First animal case was reported in horse • 1923, Vogelsang and Ayyar & Rao in cattle

  5. 1926, Quinlan and DeKoch-in mules • 1923, Berkhout renamed the monilia albicans to Candida albicans • 1928, Mucor pusilluswas isolated from a nodule in horse. • 1892, Posadas reported the first case of Coccidioidomycosis in man.-neoplastic skin lesion look like protozoan coccidia • 1941, Van Pernis-first recorded the skin testing in humans for histoplasmosis

  6. 1918, Giltner reported first naturally occurring case of Cocci-dioidomycosis in animals (cattle). • 1906, S.T.Darling discovered the causative agent of Histoplasmosis in Panama. • 1894, Gilchrist, first described and reported Blastomycosis in a human. • 1898- Gilchrist and Stokes named the B.dermatitidis • Also called Chicago disease

  7. 1912, Meyer, blastomycosis in dogs. • 1952, Holzworth, first reported Cryptococcosis in cat. • 1953, Seibold in dog • 1894-95, Busse and Buschke reported first human case of Cryptococcosis. • 1905- Hansemann-first human meningitis case

  8. Fresinus introduce the term Aspergillosis. • 1815-Mayer and Emmert- discovered Aspergillosis • Raimond Sabouraud- - Established mycology Published medical mycology book- Lei-stegnes • Nannizzi- perfect stage of fungi. • P.A.Micheli- founder of mycology

  9. Emmons – morphologically classified dermatophytes. Alma Whiffoin- discovered cycloheximides Gold et al- Amphotericin B Vanbrensberghem- hair bait media Hazen ,Elizabath, Brown- Nystatin Gentles - Griseofulvin

  10. Humans probably started using mushrooms as food in prehistoric times. The start of the modern age of mycology begins with Pier Antonio Micheli's 1737 publication of Nova plantarum genera. The term mycology and the complementary mycologist were first used in 1836 by M.J..Berkeley.

  11. 1580- Giambattista della porta- publishes the first observation of fungal spores. 1601- Clusius publishes Rariorum plantarum historia, the first monograph written on fungi, which described 105 species, in 47 genera.

  12. Historical milestones 1588- Giambattista della Porta publishes the first observation of fungal spores. 1601- Clusius publishes Rariorum plantarum historia, the first monograph written on fungi, which described 105 species, in 47 genera. 1665- Robert Hooke, writing in micrographia, recognizes the close connection between fungi and molds, and provides the first illustrations of microfungi. 1671- Marcelo Malpighi described various molds, such as Rhizopus, Mucor, Penicillium.

  13. 1673- Van Leeuwenhoek, in a letter to the Royal society of London, describes the presence of the yeast S. cervease in fermented beer, the first observation of yeast cells.

  14. 1718- Pier Antonio Micheli performs a series of experiments on the culture of agaric mushrooms and molds from spores under a variety of environmental conditions. The techniques he described become standard for the next 125 years, until the development of pur culture techniques and synthetic growing medias. 1729-Pier Antonio Micheli's Nova plantarum genera described 900 species of fungi. 1753-Carl Linnaeus' seminal work species plantarum is published; it is the current starting point for fungal nomenclature.

  15. 1797–1815- Pierre Bulliard's Histroire des champignons de la France is the first mycological book

  16. 1801- Carl Hendrik Persoon publishes Synopsis Methodica Fungorum 1807-Isaac-Bénédict Prévost makes the first observation of motile spores zoospores from the sporangia of a species of albugo. 1845- The parasitic fungus known as late blight (Phytophthora infestans) devastates potao crops in Ireland, causing massive economic and social distress. 1852-Vittadini solidifies media with gelatine during attempts to grow the culture of the muscardine fungus Beauveria bassiana.

  17. 1866-German mycologist H.A. DeBary, in Morphologie und Biologie der Pilze, Flecthen und Myxomyceten gives a broad classification of the fungi. 1869-Jules Raulin elaborates the conditions required to optimize the growth of Aspergillus niger, including the effects of trace minearls  on growth. 1877-A.B. Frank proposes the concept of symbiosis (a relationship where both partners benefit) to describe the association between the algal and fungal components in, lichens

  18. 1885-A.B. Frank coins the term 'Mycorhiza' (later spelled as mycorrhiza) for the fungus roots he found growing in association with the roots of certain trees. 1896-Georg Klebs, working mostly with Saprolegina, advances the field of fungal morphogenesis

  19. 1904-American mycologist Albert Francis Blakeslee discovers heterothallism, the phenomenon in which sexual reproduction requires the involvement of two different thalli. 1905-First version of "International Rules (Code) of Botanical Nomenclature" (ICBN) is approved in Vienna. 1927-The red bread mold Neurospora is discovered by American mycologists C.L. Shear and B.O. Dodge; it later becomes a common test organism for studying the principles of heredity.

  20. 1929- Sir Alexander Fleming discovers the antibiotic penicillin. 1932-Cambridge mycologist E.J.H. Corner elaborates the idea of hyphal analysis, demonstrating that the fruiting bodies of polypores were made up of three main types of hyphae. The use of hyphal structure as a microscopic character later becomes standard practice in fungal classification.

  21. 1940-Chain, Florey and Heath undertake large-scale production of penicillin. 1953- S.J. Hughes differentiates eight main sections of hypomycetes on the basis of condiophore and conidium  development. 1982T-he starting point for fungal nomenclature is moved from Fries (1821) and Persoon (1801) to Linnaeus (1753).

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