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Secure routing in multi-hop wireless networks (II). secured ad hoc network routing protocols; routing security in sensor networks;. outline. 1 Securing ad hoc network routing protocols 2 Secure routing in sensor networks. Some secure ad hoc network routing protocols.
Secure routing in multi-hop wireless networks (II) secured ad hoc network routing protocols; routing security in sensor networks;
outline 1Securing ad hoc network routing protocols 2 Secure routing in sensor networks
Some secure ad hoc network routing protocols • how the countermeasures against security threats can be used in routing protocols to provide security? • Some secure routing protocols: • SRP (on-demand source routing) • Ariadne (on-demand source routing) • S-AODV (on-demand distance vector routing)
SRP (Secure Routing Protocol) • SRP: a secure variant of DSR • uses symmetric-key authentication (MACs) • due to mobility, it is impractical to require that the source and the destination share keys with all intermediate nodes • there’s only a shared key between the source and the destination • key management simplified • an end-to-end authenticated exchange of routing control information provided between the source and the destination • The integrity of the route request message is protected by a MAC generated using the key shared between the source and the destination • The intermediate nodes add their identity to the request message (they do not verify the MAC as they do not know the key with which the MAC was computed; and they do not add their own MACs to the message either)
SRP (Secure Routing Protocol) • the MAC will be verified at the destination, if the verification is successful a reply message will be sent back through the reverse of the path obtained from the route request • integrity of the reply message is ensured by another MAC generated by the destination using the same shared key. • If the MAC is verified successfully by the source node, the route will be accepted to be used to transmit data packet. • An efficient secure routing protocol (only one MAC on the request and one MAC on the reply) • but does not prevent the manipulation of mutable information added by intermediate nodes (the list of IDs) • Doors open for some attacks: e.g. route diversion by modifying the list of intermediate nodes on the reply packet • some of those attacks can be thwarted by secure neighbor discovery protocols
SRP operation illustrated D B G E A H C F A * : [RREQ, A, H, id, sn, macAH, ()] B * : [RREQ, A, H, id, sn, macAH, (B)] C * : [RREQ, A, H, id, sn, macAH, (C)] D * : [RREQ, A, H, id, sn, macAH, (D)] E * : [RREQ, A, H, id, sn, macAH, (E)] F * : [RREQ, A, H, id, sn, macAH, (E, F)] G * : [RREQ, A, H, id, sn, macAH, (D, G)] H A : [RREP, A, H, id, sn, (E, F), macHA] Message Authentication Code: macAH= K_AH{RREQ, A, H, id, sn} Sn: query sequence number maintained by the source and the sestination
Ariadne • Ariadne is another secured variant of DSR • it uses control message authentication to prevent modification and forgery of routing messages • The control message authentication in Ariadne can be based on digital signatures, MACs or TESLA • Two differences to SRP: • in Ariadne not only do the source and the destination authenticate the messages, but the intermediate nodes also authenticate the route requests • Ariadne uses per-hop hash to prevent removal of identifiers from the accumulated route in the route request. • Ariadne with digital signatures is the simplest case among the mentioned variations.
Ariadne with digital signatures D A : hA = macAH( RREQ | A | H | id ) A * : [ RREQ, A, H, id, hA, (), () ] E : hE = H( E | hA) E * : [ RREQ, A, H, id, hE, (E), (sigE) ] F : hF = H(F | hE) F * : [ RREQ, A, H, id, hF, (E, F), (sigE, sigF) ] H A: [ RREP, H, A, (E, F), (sigE, sigF), sigH] (sent via F and E) • Example: A performs the route discovery to destination H. • The source node computes a MAC over the initial route request and broadcasts the message • Each intermediate node hashes the received hash along with its ID (using a publicly known one-way hash function); and computes a digital signature and inserts it to the request message (each signature is computed over the message fields preceding it) • The signature is appended to the list of signatures of the intermediate nodes and the message is re-broadcast. • Hash values computed in this way are called per-hop hash values B G E A H C F
Ariadne with digital signatures • When H receives the RREQ it would verify the MAC of the source and the per-hop hash values ---> if verified it would generate the RREP • Every intermediate node passes the RREP to the next node without modifications • Node A will verify the signatures of H and the intermediate nodes to accept the route returned by the reply
Ariadne with standard MACs D A : hA = macAH( RREQ | A | H | id ) A * : [ RREQ, A, H, id, hA, (), () ] E : hE = H( E | hA) E * : [ RREQ, A, H, id, hE, (E), (macEH) ] F : hF = H(F | hE) F * : [ RREQ, A, H, id, hF, (E, F), (macEH, macFH) ] H A : [ RREP, H, A, (E, F), macHA] • In Ariadne with standard MACs it is assumed that each intermediate node shares a key with the destination • Each intermediate node generates a MAC using such a key • Again per-hop hash mechanism is used to prevent removal of the MACs from the end of the packet by attackers • The destination would verify the MACs and the hash values; if it is successful it will generate a RREP B G E A H C F
Ariadne with standard MACs • The RREP message includes the discovered path and a MAC value generated by the destination which will be verified by the source to authenticate the destination • Note that the source can not authenticate the intermediate nodes and it must trust to the destination to have authenticated them correctly • intermediate nodes can authenticate neither the RREQ nor the RREP
time key disclosure schedule K3 K1 K2 Symmetric-key broadcast authentication with TESLA K1 K2 K3 K4 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 K0 • MAC keys are consecutive elements in a one-way key chain: • Kn Kn-1 … K0 • Ki = h(Ki+1) • TESLA protocol: • setup: K0 is sent to each node in an authentic way • time is divided into epochs • each message sent in epoch i is authenticated with key Ki • Ki is disclosed in epoch i+d, where d is a system parameter • When Ki is disclosed it can be verified by checking h(Ki) = Ki-1 and then the authentication can be verified • example:
Ariadne with TESLA • Ariadne with TESLA is very similar to Ariadne with digital signatures, but instead of the signatures the intermediate nodes compute MACs on the route request with their current TESLA keys • assumptions: • each source-destination pair (S, D) shares a symmetric key KSD • each node F (intermediate node) has a TESLA key chain KF,i • each node knows an authentic TESLA key of every other nodes • route request (source S, destination D): • S authenticates the request with a MAC using KSD • each intermediate node, F, appends a MAC computed with its current TESLA key • D verifies the MAC of S • D verifies that the TESLA key used by F to generate its MAC has not been disclosed yet
Ariadne with TESLA • route reply: • D generates a MAC using KSD • each intermediate node delays the reply until it can disclose its TESLA key that was used to generate its MAC and then appends its TESLA key to the reply • S verifies the MAC of D, and all the MACs of the intermediate nodes using their disclosed TESLA keys • Advantage: MACs can be calculated more efficiently than digital signatures (because of using symmetric cryptography) • Disadvantage: key disclosure delay of TESLA
Ariadne with TESLA D B A *: [ RREQ, A, H, id, hA, (), () ] E *: [ RREQ, A, H, id, hE, (E), (macKE,i) ] F *: [ RREQ, A, H, id, hF, (E, F), (macKE,i, macKF,i) ] H F: [ RREP, H, A, (E, F), (macKE,i, macKF,i), macHA, () ] F E: [ RREP, H, A, (E, F), (macKE,i, macKF,i), macHA, (KF,i) ] E A: [ RREP, H, A, (E, F), (macKE,i, macKF,i), macKHA, (KF,i, KE,i) ] • Example: A is going to discover a route to H • A broadcasts the RREQ and each intermediate node (E and F consequently) computes its MAC and the per-hop hash value appends them to the message • H would verify that the TESLA keys used have not been disclosed yet; then it will verify the per-hop hash values of intermediate nodes • If verifications are successful, a RREP will be sent back by H over the discovered route, A-E-F-H. G E A H C F
Ariadne with TESLA F waits until it can disclose KF,I and then appends the key to the RREP before passing it to E (who will do the same). A will authenticate the intermediate nodes by verifying their MAC values using the keys KF,I and KF,I, and also authenticates the MAC generated by H to accept the route.
SAODV (Secure AODV) • SAODV: a secure variant of AODV • Provides authenticity, and integrity of routing messages and prevents the manipulation of hop-count information • non-mutable information on the routing messages (including the IDs and the sequence numbers of the sender and the receiver) is protected with a digital signature (of the originator of the RREQ or the RREP packets) • uses hash chains for the protection of the HopCount value • new non-mutable fields (added to AODV routing packets): • MaxHopCount (= TTL (Time To Live): max number of hops that the packet can go) • TopHash • new mutable field: • Hash (contains the current hash value corresponding to the HopCount value)
SAODV (Secure AODV) • operation • When a node initiates a routing message, it would set: • the Hash field to a random seed value • the HopCount field to zero • the MaxHopCount field to TTL value • The TopHash field to the iterative hash of the random seed for MaxHopCount times • each time a node increases HopCount, it also replaces Hash with H(Hash) • verification of the HopCount is done by hashing the Hash field (MaxHopCount-HopCount) times and checking if the result matches TopHash • If the attacker decreases the HopCount the above verification would fail and therefore the manipulation will be realized by the intermediate node • But the attacker still can do the following attack: • Passing the message without increasing the HopCount value and without updating the hash field
Provable security for ad hoc network routing protocols • the security of the “secure” routing protocols needs to be analyzed to ensure they are free of flaws • It has been done mainly by informal means • informal reasoning about security protocols is prone to errors • some attacks have been found against Ariadne and S-AODV • To prove the security of protocols one needs more assurances • mathematical models • precise definitions • sound proof techniques
Elements of such a framework • Network model • multi-hop communication and the broadcast nature of radio channels are explicitly modeled using a graph (each vertex models a node and each edge models the link between two node who can hear each other) • Adversary model • The abilities and the power of the adversary (computational power, ability to capture nods, etc.) • Configuration • Includes the network graph, the set of adversarial nodes, labeling of the nodes with identifiers, assignments of costs to the nodes and the links • Correctness criteria • Secure routing: e.g. only ‘existing’ routes are returned by the protocol
Elements of such a framework • Dynamic representation of the system • real-world model • describes the behavior of the real system • ideal-world model • How the system should work ideally • Formal definition of security • Once the models are defined, the goal is to prove that for any real-world adversary there exists an ideal-world adversary that can achieve essentially the same effects in the ideal-world model as those achieved by the real-world adversary in the real-world model. • The existence of such a proof means no attack could be possible in real-world model, because otherwise it should be possible in the ideal-world model too (which is by definition impossible).
outline 1 Securing ad hoc network routing protocols 2 Secure routing in sensor networks
Secure routing in sensor networks • multi-hop communications: • Increased network lifetime -- > crucial to sensor networks • Problem of secure routing: • Nodes must rely on each other to send their packets to others • The security issues in wireless sensor networks are similar to the ones of ad hoc networks • There is more emphasis on resource constraints (power, memory size, CPU speed) in sensor networks • Such differences are likely to persist in future to keep the price of sensor nodes very low
How are sensor networks different from MANETs? • communication patterns • sensors to base station (many-to-one) • base station to sensors (one-to-many) • limited mobility • sensor nodes are mainly static • topology can change due to node and link failures • resource constraints • sensor nodes are much more constrained in terms of resources • infrastructure support • the base station can act as a trusted entity
Sensor routing protocols: TinyOS beaconing • A topology-based routing protocol for sensor networks, but insecure. • A routing tree is established rooted at the base-station. • The data packets are sent between the base-station and the nodes on the tree. • The tree is established using route update messages(beacon messages) which are broadcast by the sink. • A node receiving the route update message for the first time sets the neighbor, who is receiving the message from, as its parent. sensor base station (sink)
Authenticated TinyOS beaconing • since beacon messages are not authenticated, an adversary can initiate the route update process and become the root of the established tree • to prevent this, the base station should authenticate the beacons • needs broadcast authentication • due to resource constraints, symmetric key crypto should be used • a possible solution is TESLA • this does not entirely solve the problem …
Authenticated TinyOS beaconing • A more subtle attack: • intermediate nodes are not authenticated • an adversary can use spoofing to create a routing loop: • The adversary resides near node u • V is a neighbor of u which is further away from the sink than u itself • The attacker re-broadcasts the beacons in the name of v and therefore u sets v as its parent. • Later, when u re-broadcasts the beacon v will set u as its parent. • Result: a routing loop is created : • The resources of the nodes on the loop will be exhausted • Some packets will never arrive at the sink
IGF (Implicit Geographic Forwarding) • Advantage of position-based routing protocols: • No routing state is required to be maintained by the nodes • Less overhead than topology-based routing protocols (suitable for sensor networks) • also more resistance against attacks aiming at creating incorrect routing states • One example is Implicit Geographic Forwarding (IGF) routing protocol
IGF (Implicit Geographic Forwarding) • position-based routing integrated with the RTS/CTS handshake of the MAC layer • when u wants to send a packet, it broadcasts an RTS • contains the position of u and that of the destination • neighbors in the 60o sextant set their CTS timer inversely proportional to the weighted sum to their distance from u, remaining energy, and their distance to the line between u and the destination • most desirable next hop will send CTS first • all other nodes hear the first CTS and cancel their timers
Securing IGF • an adversarial node can send CTS immediately and become the next hop • Solution: nodes do not cancel their CTS timers • u waits until more neighbors send CTS, and selects the next hop randomly • an adversary can spoof node IDs and appear with multiple identifiers to increase her chances to be selected as the next hop (sybil attack) • Solution: neighbors should be authenticated and next hop should be selected from the set of authenticated neighbors • an insider adversary can still use her compromised identifiers • Solution: monitoring the behavior of neighbors • those that often fail to forward packets should not be selected as next hop (e.g. assigning trust values)
Summary • routing is a fundamental function in networking, hence, an ideal target for attacks • attacks against routing aim at • increasing adversarial control over the communications between some nodes; • degrading the quality of the service provided by the network; • increasing the resource consumption of some nodes (e.g., CPU, memory, or energy) • many attacks (but not all!) can be prevented by authenticating routing control messages • it is difficult to protect the mutable parts of control messages • several secured ad hoc and sensor network routing protocols have been proposed which protect the network against security threats to some extent.