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USACE/FEMA 2011 Remedial Action Program Workshop December 6-9, 2011 Orlando, FL

USACE/FEMA 2011 Remedial Action Program Workshop December 6-9, 2011 Orlando, FL. 2011 USACE/FEMA RAP Workshop. Temporary Emergency Power Mission . Temporary Power Mission Capabilities and Improvements.

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USACE/FEMA 2011 Remedial Action Program Workshop December 6-9, 2011 Orlando, FL

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  1. USACE/FEMA 2011 Remedial Action Program Workshop December 6-9, 2011Orlando, FL

  2. 2011 USACE/FEMA RAP Workshop Temporary Emergency Power Mission

  3. Temporary Power Mission Capabilities and Improvements • USACE Resources: 7 PRT’s, DTOS’s, 249th Engineer Battalion, 3 ACI Contracts, World Wide Power Contract • FEMA: ~800 generators at 4 CONUS DC’s and 3 OCONUS DC’s. • Pre-Scripted Mission Assignments developed for 4 different “Configuration Packages” for resources based on mission requirements. • New tools and technology: EPFAT, Temp Power Mission Common Operating Picture (GIS modeling and mission tracking), SAVER (GIS generator tracking/data-bank).

  4. Temporary Emergency Power • Issue Title: Power Mission Support Site Planning • Problem Statement: • Lack of understanding and/or preparedness of the requirements for ISBs and staging areas for temporary emergency power. • Key Discussion Points: • Regions may not be aware of temp power requirements • Need to have ISB/Staging area COP from both region and state and USACE • Action #1: Integrate and identify gaps to current ISB and Staging area locations to interagency COP. • Start Date: Jan 2012 • Est. Completion Date: June 2012 • Action Lead: FEMA • USACE • Action #2: Develop list of USACE facilities for potential use as forward staging areas. • Start Date: Jan 2012 • Est. Completion Date: June 2012 • Action Lead: USACE • Ongoing Resolutions: • Some regions already have ISB locations in SAVER • Hurricane/New Madrid planning • Obstacles: • -Firewall and data sharing protocols • PDT Members (Action #2): • FEMA R5 • USACE • USACE national OMBIL coordinator

  5. Temporary Emergency Power • Issue Title: Doctrine for Multi-jurisdictional ISB’s • Problem Statement: • Current temporary power doctrine lacks the capability to direct or instruct multi-region and multi-jurisdiction events. • Key Discussion Points: • FOS EM declaration and Major declaration PSMAs needed • Discussion on how we will handle multi- jurisdiction Con ops development • Hard part is what color money • Not having enough AO’s for multi state events • Resource allocation and adjudication • Ongoing Resolutions: • - Used algorithm developed by Pittsburgh District • Obstacles: • 1. Lacks institutional knowledge • 2. PRT Staffing limitations • PDT Members: • Jason Wind (FEMA) • Mark Gallagher (FEMA) • Tim Barnett (FEMA) • Tom Murray (FEMA) • Lauren Mclane (FEMA) • Action #1: Assemble PDT and draft doctrine • Start Date: Jan 2012 • Est. Completion Date: June 2012 • Action Co-Lead: Pete Navesky, T.J. Fichera

  6. Temporary Emergency Power • Issue Title: Tools and Technology • Problem Statement: Final integration of interagency technology • Key Discussion Points: • Great progress on: EPFAT, SAVER, LPRAT, USACE COP • Action #1: Finalize the changes with the technology integration • Start Date: April 2011 • Est. Completion Date: June 2012 • Action Co-Lead: Darrell Ransom (FEMA) Dave Bishop (USACE) • Action #2: Develop action plan to provide: outreach, demonstration and presentation to embrace concept by community • Start Date: Jan 2012 • Est. Completion Date: Jan 2013 • Action Lead: Darrell Ransom (FEMA) Dave Bishop (USACE) • Ongoing Resolutions: • - Completion of program development • - Continuation of PDT • Obstacles: • - Firewall and data sharing protocols - USACE visibility of FEMA generator transponders • PDT Members: • Darrell Ransom (FEMA) • Dave Bishop (USACE) • Dana Thorpe (FEMA) • Frank Vargas (FEMA) • Frank Appelfeller (USACE)

  7. Temporary Emergency Power • Issue Title: Customize and tailor temporary power response packages to meet mission requirements • Problem Statement: USACE and FEMA have been increasingly successful at customizing Temporary Emergency Power response packages based on the anticipated requirements and/or the available funding • Key Discussion Points: • Better interagency coordination and early planning • Use tools and technology • Action #1: Develop draft concept of operations to customize the temporary power mission resources to the event. • Start Date: Jan 2012 • Est. Completion Date: Long Term • Action Lead: Dave Bishop (USACE) • Action #2: Develop early pre-event planning for emergency power resources. • Start Date: Jan 2012 • Est. Completion Date: Long Term • Action Lead: Dave Bishop (USACE) • Ongoing Resolutions: • Use of EPFAT • Employment of the 249th • Power Interagency Task Force development • Obstacles: • -Integration between EPFAT and ENGLink • -Understanding state capabilities • PDT Members: • Kerri Stark (USACE) • Dana Thorpe (FEMA) • Jamie Clark (DOE) • T.J. Fichera(USACE) • Kent Weathers (FEMA)

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