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Baker High School Mission Statement. The mission of Baker High School is to provide a safe, caring environment in which students will become productive citizens, conscientious adults, and life-long learners. Baker High School. Annual Title I Parent Meeting Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Baker High School Mission Statement The mission of Baker High School is to provide a safe, caring environment in which students will become productive citizens, conscientious adults, and life-long learners.
Baker High School Annual Title I Parent MeetingTuesday, September 10, 2013 Clem Richardson, Principal
What does it mean to be a Title I School? • Being a Title I school means receiving federal funding (Title I dollars) to supplement the school’s existing programs. These dollars are used for… • Identifying students experiencing academic difficulties and providing timely assistance to help these student’s meet the State’s challenging content standards. • Purchasing supplemental staff/programs/materials/supplies • Conducting parental Involvement meetings/trainings/activities • Recruiting/Hiring/Retaining Highly Qualified Teachers • Baker High School is eligible for Title I funding due to the percentage of students receiving free and reduced lunch. • 46% of students receive free or reduced lunch • Federal guidelines require 40% or more in order to be eligible.
What is the 1% set-aside and how are parents involved? • Any LEA with a Title I Allocation exceeding $500,000 is required by law to set aside 1% of it’s Title I allocation for parental involvement. • Of that 1%, 5% may be reserved at the LEA for system-wide initiatives related to parental involvement. The remaining 95% must be allocated to all Title I schools in the LEA. Therefore each Title I school receives its portion of the 95% to implement school-level parental involvement. • MCPSS is allocated $ 21,565,500.00 in Title I funds, Baker High School is allocated $284,170.00 in local school Title I funds. Parenting is allocated $5,368.00 of that total. • You, as Title I parents, have the right to be involved in how this money is spent.
How will I be notified if my child is taught by a teacher who is not Highly Qualified? • Parents should be notified if a child has been taught for four or more consecutive weeks by a teacher who is not highly qualified. • Baker High School’s present status of Highly Qualified Teachers is 100%
How did we spend money last year? 2012-2013 Budget $281,094.00 • 94 desktop computers • 29 laptop computers • SMARTBoards & SMARTSlates • $15,000 in new library books • Portable PA system • Classroom instructional materials • Paid for all copying and printing needs • Laptop for Parenting Resource Room • Parent resource materials
Title I Budget Baker High School 2013-2014 $284,170.00 • $5,368.00 • $74,877.00 • $173,924.00 • $30,000.00 Where is the money being spent? • Parenting materials & supplies • Salaries (Parent Organizer & 2 Retract Paraprofessionals) • Desktop and laptop computers • SMARTboards • After School Tutoring • Professional Development • Classroom Instructional Supplies • Copier supplies
What is the LEA Parental Involvement Plan? • This plan addresses how the LEA will implement the parental involvement requirements of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. It includes… • The LEA’s expectations for parents • How the LEA will involve parents in decision-making • How the LEA will work to build the schools’ and parents’ capacity for strong parental involvement to improve student academic achievement • You, as Title I parents, have the right to be involved in the development of this plan.
What’s included in the Parental Involvement Plan? • This plan addresses how the school will implement the parental involvement requirements of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. Components include… • How parents can be involved in decision-making and activities • How parental involvement funds are being used • How information and training will be provided to parents • How the school will build capacity in parents and staff for strong parental involvement • You, as Title I parents, have the right to be involved in the development of your school’s Parental Involvement Plan.
What is the School-Parent Compact? • The compact is a commitment from the school, the parent, and the student to share in the responsibility for improved academic achievement • You, as Title I Parents, have the right to be involved in the development of the School-Parent Compact.
How can parents be involved at Baker High School? • Join the PTSA • Communicate with the Parent Advisory Board • Volunteer • Stay informed by utilizing the BHS website, INOW, and Remind 101 • Make sure your address and phone number is current in INOW in order to receive School Messenger calls and mail outs. • Attend Parenting Day and any other workshops/activities made available to you.
Parent Advisory Board • Donald Greene greeneda@bellsouth.net • Harriette Holland tharriette@yahoo.com • Chuck Oates chuckoatespt@gmail.com • Tracy Reed tntreed@medicombb.net • Gloria Schmidt gschmidt@usouthal.edu • Karen Swanson karenswanson@centralite.com • Jamie McCullough jmccullough@mcpss.com • Dee Ann Parvino troydee2@mchsi.com
PTSA Board for 2013-2014 Dee Ann Parvino 639-1849 President troydee2@mchsi.com Danielle Swindle 645-2440 Vice President dswindle@mchsi.com Rebecca Kraft 298-8591 Secretary bhsptsamomvolunteer2013@gmail.com Marcina Lang 709-4697 Treasurer celebrationsbymarcina@gmail.com
Questions? The Mobile County Public School System’s LEA/Parent Resource Center Office of Home-School-Community Involvement 1 Magnum Pass Paula Reese, Parent Specialist 221-5218 preese1@mcpss.com