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Clinical placement planning 2014 Preparation Meeting

Clinical placement planning 2014 Preparation Meeting. M. Bernadette Hally Manager, Clinical Training Operations and Governance. Clinical placement planning 2011 – 2014. 2011: - Nursing and allied health participated in multi-lateral negotiations (MLN )

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Clinical placement planning 2014 Preparation Meeting

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  1. Clinical placement planning 2014 Preparation Meeting M. Bernadette Hally Manager, Clinical Training Operations and Governance 28 April 2014

  2. Clinical placement planning 2011 – 2014 2011: - Nursing and allied health participated in multi-lateral negotiations (MLN) 2012: - Nursing participated in clinical placement planning - Rollout of viCPlace 2013: - Nursing, midwifery, allied health assistance, exercise physiology, nutrition & dietetics, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, podiatry, social work, speech pathology and medicine participated in clinical placement planning - viCPlace version 6 released

  3. Clinical placement planning 2011 – 2014 continued… 2014: - Nursing, midwifery, paramedicine, allied health assistance, exercise physiology, nutrition & dietetics, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, podiatry, social work, speech pathology, audiology, optometry, orthoptics, orthotics & prosthetics, psychology, medical laboratory science, biomedical science, pharmacy, medical radiation science and sonography participating - Consultation with medicine 23 June - viCPlace version 7.1 to be released 23 June

  4. Principles of Clinical placement planning • Broad participation and inclusion • Transparency and openness • Consistent approach • Collaboration and collegiality • Facilitation not allocation • Respect for existing relationships

  5. Process Overview 2014 • May: Preliminary activities • 12 – 19 June: Phase 1: Meetings • Discuss collated profiles (Version 1) with partners • Review precommitments • 23 June – 18 July: Phase 2: Preparation in viCPlace • Set up organisation structure, capacity/demand, add/verify users & partnerships • Request/offer/confirm precommitted placements ONLY • 21 July – 23 October: Phase 3: Planning in viCPlace • Request, offer, confirm placements • Review collated profiles (Version 2) including course clinical placement requirements information

  6. From 24 October 2014: Supplementary activities (between organisations) • November: Evaluation Stage 1: survey • March – April 2015: Evaluation Stage 2: updating information in viCPlace

  7. Precommitted placements (precommitments) • Placement bookings which exist prior to the commencement of formal planning activities. The details should be known by both parties. • During Phase 1: Meetings • Discuss with partners and ensure all are agreed • During Phase 2: Preparation in viCPlace • EPs request precommitted placements in viCPlace • CPPs offer precommitted placements in viCPlace • EPs accept offers of precommitted placements in viCPlace.

  8. Course clinical placement requirements • Clinical placement requirements form part of education providers’ course pathways for students to gain the qualification for professional-entry courses • Understanding each course’s clinical placement requirements is an important consideration for clinical placement providers in determining clinical placement capacity • Together with Health Workforce Australia’s minimum efficient pathway approach, course clinical placement requirements are also used by the department to inform and weight funding allocations to Victoria’s public health services • The Framework (p5 & 8) and Participant kit (p8 & 10) have been updated to reflect inclusion of course clinical placement requirements in the collated profiles (Version 2) All queries about course pathways or the department’s T&D grant should be emailed to: peopleinhealth@health.vic.gov.au

  9. Collated Profiles • Profile information has been provided by participants • Profiles can be updated if errors have been made; use the link you have been sent and correct the information (at the end you will prompted to declare this is an amended profile and replaces the previous profile). A reminder about this will be emailed on 23 June. • Version 1: emailed to all on 11 June (prior to Phase 1) • Version 2: including course clinical placement requirements information will be emailed to all on 21 July (start of Phase 3) • Information in the profiles, including Terms and Conditions could be subject to change • Check the information in viCPlace • Relationship agreements, partnership agreements and contracts are the responsibility of the parties involved

  10. Preparation meetings: purpose • Networking • Developing existing relationships/partnerships • Establishing new relationships/partnerships • Discussing collated profiles (Version 1; Version 2 to include EP course clinical placement requirements information) • Discussing clinical placements matters (supervision, service provided for fees, cancellation policy etc.) • Discussing genuine precommitted placements • NOT to make requests/offers/confirmations

  11. Nursing Scope IN: ‘NEW’ REGISTRATION WITH AHPRA • Bachelor of Nursing (including EN to RN students) • Masters of Nursing (where the student will register in nursing for the first time) • Diploma of Nursing (full course) - declare ADF students • Certificate IV in health (nursing) • Initial Registration for Overseas Nurses (IRON) OUT: • Return to practice (RTP) • Conversion from Cert IV to Diploma (even if enrolled as ‘Diploma of Nursing’ students)

  12. Midwifery Scope IN: ‘NEW’ REGISTRATION WITH AHPRA • Bachelor of Midwifery • Graduate Diploma in Midwifery (where the student will register in midwifery for the first time) • Masters of Midwifery (where the student will register in midwifery for the first time) • Initial Registration for Overseas Midwives (IROM) OUT: • Return to practice (RTP)

  13. Allied Health Scope IN: ‘NEW’ REGISTRATION WITH AHPRA (where applicable) • courses which enable students to enter the profession and enable graduates to apply directly for initial registration (where applicable) and employment within the profession OUT: • courses which do not lead to initial entry to the profession. Up-skilling courses, post-registration courses and conversion courses (which do not allow initial entry or registration into the profession) are not within the scope and placements for these courses cannot be arranged within this planning process.

  14. Paramedicine Scope IN: • courses which enable students to enter the profession and enable graduates to apply directly for employment within the profession OUT: • courses which do not lead to initial entry to the profession. Up-skilling courses, post-registration courses and conversion courses (which do not allow initial entry or registration into the profession) are not within the scope and placements for these courses cannot be arranged within this planning process.

  15. Information and assistance • Webpage: http://www.health.vic.gov.au/placements/planning.htm • CTN staff: Contact details on CTN webpage and Participant kit p17 • Framework: http://docs.health.vic.gov.au/docs/doc/Clinical-placement-planning-in-2014--Framework • Participant kit: emailed directly to participants • Factsheet: http://docs.health.vic.gov.au/docs/doc/Clinical-placement-planning-in-2014--Fact-sheet • Q & A: http://docs.health.vic.gov.au/docs/doc/Clinical-placement-planning-in-2014--Questions-and-Answers

  16. Contact M. Bernadette Hally • Manager, Clinical Training Operations and Governance Department of Health p. 03 9096 7808 m. 0427 168 579 e. peopleinhealth@health.vic.gov.au www.vic.gov.au/peopleinhealth

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