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Joint Mathematics Meetings AMS Special Session. Conjectures on Cops and Robbers. Anthony Bonato Ryerson University. Cops and Robbers. C. C. R. C. Cops and Robbers. C. C. R. C. Cops and Robbers. C. R. C. C. cop number c(G) ≤ 3. Cops and Robbers.
Joint Mathematics Meetings AMS Special Session Conjectures on Cops and Robbers Anthony Bonato Ryerson University Cops and Robbers
Cops and Robbers C C R C Cops and Robbers
Cops and Robbers C C R C Cops and Robbers
Cops and Robbers C R C C cop number c(G) ≤ 3 Cops and Robbers
Cops and Robbers • played on a reflexive undirected graph G • two players Cops C and robber R play at alternate time-steps (cops first) with perfect information • players move to vertices along edges; may move to neighbors or pass • cops try to capture (i.e. land on) the robber, while robber tries to evade capture • minimum number of cops needed to capture the robber is the cop number c(G) • well-defined as c(G) ≤ |V(G)| Cops and Robbers
Conjectures • conjectures and problems on Cops and Robbers coming from 5 different directions, touch on various aspects of graph theory: • structural, algorithmic, probabilistic, topological… Cops and Robbers
1. How big can the cop number be? • c(n) = maximum cop number of a connected graph of order n Meyniel Conjecture: c(n) = O(n1/2). Cops and Robbers
Henri Meyniel, courtesy Geňa Hahn Cops and Robbers
State-of-the-art • (Lu, Peng, 13) proved that • independently proved by (Frieze, Krivelevich, Loh, 11) and (Scott, Sudakov,11) • (Bollobás, Kun, Leader,13): if p = p(n) ≥ 2.1log n/ n, then c(G(n,p)) ≤ 160000n1/2log n • (Prałat,Wormald,14+): proved Meyniel’s conjecture for all p = p(n) Cops and Robbers
Graph classes • (Andreae,86): H-minor free graphs have cop number bounded by a constant. • (Joret et al,10): H-free class graphs have bounded cop number iff each component of H is a tree with at most 3 leaves. • (Lu,Peng,13): Meyniel’s conjecture holds for diameter 2 graphs, bipartite diameter 3 graphs. Cops and Robbers
Questions Soft Meyniel’s conjecture: for some ε > 0, c(n) = O(n1-ε). • Meyniel’s conjecture in other graphs classes? • bipartite graphs • diameter 3 • claw-free Cops and Robbers
How close to n1/2? • consider a finite projective plane P • two lines meet in a unique point • two points determine a unique line • exist 4 points, no line contains more than two of them • q2+q+1 points; each line (point) contains (is incident with) q+1 points (lines) • incidence graph (IG) of P: • bipartite graph G(P) with red nodes the points of P and blue nodes the lines of P • a point is joined to a line if it is on that line Cops and Robbers
Example Fano plane Heawood graph Cops and Robbers
Meyniel extremal families • a family of connected graphs (Gn: n ≥ 1) is Meyniel extremal if there is a constant d > 0, such that for all n ≥ 1, c(Gn) ≥ dn1/2 • IG of projective planes: girth 6, (q+1)-regular, so have cop number ≥ q+1 • order 2(q2+q+1) • Meyniel extremal (must fill in non-prime orders) • all other examples of Meyniel extremal families come from combinatorial designs (B,Burgess,2013) Cops and Robbers
Minimum orders • Mk = minimum order of a k-cop-win graph • M1 = 1, M2 = 4 • M3 = 10 (Baird, B,12) • see also (Beveridge et al, 14+) • M4 = ? Cops and Robbers
Conjectures on mk, Mk Conjecture: Mk monotone increasing. • mk = minimum order of a connected G such that c(G) ≥ k • (Baird, B, 12) mk= Ω(k2) is equivalent to Meyniel’s conjecture. Conjecture:mk= Mk for all k ≥ 4. Cops and Robbers
2. Complexity • (Berrarducci, Intrigila, 93), (Hahn,MacGillivray, 06), (B,Chiniforooshan, 09): “c(G) ≤ s?” sfixed: in P; running time O(n2s+3), n = |V(G)| • (Fomin, Golovach, Kratochvíl, Nisse, Suchan, 08): if s not fixed, then computing the cop number is NP-hard Cops and Robbers
Questions Goldstein, Reingold Conjecture: if s is not fixed, then computing the cop number is EXPTIME-complete. • same complexity as say, generalized chess • settled by (Kinnersley,14+) Conjecture: if s is not fixed, then computing the cop number is not in NP. Cops and Robbers
3. Genus • (Aigner, Fromme, 84) planar graphs (genus 0) have cop number ≤ 3. • (Clarke, 02) outerplanar graphs have cop number ≤ 2. Cops and Robbers
Questions • characterize planar (outer-planar) graphs with cop number 1,2, and 3 (1 and 2) • is the dodecahedron the unique smallest order planar 3-cop-win graph? Cops and Robbers
Higher genus Schroeder’s Conjecture: If G has genus k, then c(G) ≤ k +3. • true for k = 0 • (Schroeder, 01): true for k = 1 (toroidal graphs) • (Quilliot,85): c(G) ≤ 2k +3. • (Schroeder,01): c(G) ≤ floor(3k/2) +3. Cops and Robbers
Distance k Cops and Robber (B,Chiniforooshan,09) • cops can “shoot” robber at some specified distance k • play as in classical game, but capture includes case when robber is distance k from the cops • k = 0 is the classical game C k = 1 R Cops and Robbers
Distance k cop number: ck(G) • ck(G)= minimum number of cops needed to capture robber at distance at most k • G connected implies ck(G)≤ diam(G) – 1 • for all k ≥ 1, ck(G)≤ ck-1(G) Cops and Robbers
When does one cop suffice? • (RJN, Winkler, 83), (Quilliot, 78) cop-win graphs ↔ cop-win orderings • provide a structural/ordering characterization of cop-win graphs for: • directed graphs • distance k Cops and Robbers • invisible robber; cops can use traps or alarms/photo radar (Clarke et al,00,01,06…) • infinite graphs (Bonato, Hahn, Tardif, 10) Cops and Robbers
Lazy Cops and Robbers • (Offner, Ojakian,14+) only one can move in each round • lazy cop number, cL(G) • (Offner, Ojakian, 14+) • (Bal,B,Kinnsersley,Pralat,14+) For all ε > 0, . Cops and Robbers
Questions on lazy cops • Question: Find the asymptotic order of . • (Bal,B,Kinnsersley,Pralat,14+)If G has genus g, then cL(G) = • proved by using the Gilbert, Hutchinson,Tarjan separator theorem • Question: Is cL(G) bounded for planar graphs? Cops and Robbers
Firefighting Cops and Robbers
A strategy • (MacGillivray, Wang, 03): If fire breaks out at (r,c), 1≤r≤c≤n/2, save vertices in following order: (r + 1, c), (r + 1, c + 1), (r + 2, c - 1), (r + 2, c + 2), (r + 3, c -2),(r + 3, c - 3), ..., (r + c, 1), (r + c, 2c), (r + c, 2c + 1), ..., (r + c, n) • strategy saves n(n-r)-(c-1)(n-c) vertices • strategy is optimal assuming fire breaks out in columns (rows) 1,2, n-1, n Cops and Robbers
¼-grid conjecture Cops and Robbers
Infinite hexagonal grid Conjecture: one firefighter cannot contain a fire in an infinite hexagonal grid. Cops and Robbers
. A. Bonato, R.J. Nowakowski, Sketchy Tweets: Ten Minute Conjectures in Graph Theory, The Mathematical Intelligencer34 (2012) 8-15.