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Series’ ogo. Namenseinblender. NICOLAS LEGLER. 1. THE MAN ON THE MAT. Seiteneinblender.
Namenseinblender NICOLAS LEGLER
1. THE MAN ON THE MAT Seiteneinblender
A fewdayslater, when Jesus againenteredCapernaum, thepeopleheardthat he hadcomehome. So manygatheredthatthere was noroomleft, not even outside thedoor, and he preachedthewordtothem. Somemencame, bringingtohim a paralytic, carriedbyfourofthem. TheBible, Mark 2:1-3 Seiteneinblender
2. THE FRIENDS AT THE MAT Seiteneinblender
Therefore, just as sin enteredtheworldthroughone man, anddeaththrough sin, and in thiswaydeathcameto all men, because all sinned. TheBible, Romans 5:12 Seiteneinblender
He will wipeeverytearfromtheireyes. There will benomoredeathormourningorcryingorpain, fortheoldorderofthingshaspassedaway. TheBible, Revelation21:4 Seiteneinblender
Not everyonewhosinsgets sick. Not everyonewhodoesn‘t sin remainshealthy. Seiteneinblender
Sincetheycould not gethimto Jesus becauseofthecrowd, theymade an opening in theroofabove Jesus and, after diggingthroughit, loweredthemattheparalysed man was lying on. TheBible, Mark 2:4 Seiteneinblender
Whatgoodisit, mybrothers, if a man claimstohavefaith but hasnodeeds? Can such faith save him? (…) In the same way, faithbyitself, ifitis not accompaniedbyaction, isdead. TheBible, James 2:14,17 Seiteneinblender
3. THE JUMP FROM THE MAT Seiteneinblender
When Jesus sawtheirfaith, he saidtotheparalytic, Son, yoursinsareforgiven. I tellyou, getup, takeyourmatandgohome. He gotup, tookhismatandwalked out in fullviewofthem all. This amazedeveryoneandtheypraisedGod, saying, Wehaveneverseenanythinglikethis! TheBible, Mark 2:5,11-12 Seiteneinblender