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THIS. IS. JEOPARDY. CHA CHA CHA CHANGES. NATURAL CAPITAL. THE PYRAMIDS. FARMER BROWN. DIRTY. CALCULATION STATION. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 200. 200. 200. 200. 200. 200. 300. 300. 300. 300. 300. 300. 400. 400. 400. 400. 400. 400. 500. 500. 500. 500. 500.

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  2. CHA CHA CHA CHANGES NATURAL CAPITAL THE PYRAMIDS FARMER BROWN DIRTY CALCULATION STATION 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 500

  3. This is the term used to describe thin surface layer of the Earth’s crust consisting of mineral and organic matter that has been modified by: Weather Wind Water Organisms A 100

  4. The relative sizes of sand, silt, & clay. A 200

  5. The term used to describe human actions that lessen the quality of soil and two examples. A 300

  6. These are the 4 types of soil degradation. A 400

  7. These are 5 types/examples of soil conservation measures. A 500

  8. The equation used to determine NIR (Natural Increase Rate) B 100

  9. The equation used to calculate the time it takes for a given country’s population to double. B 200

  10. A human population has a birth rate of (30/1000 people) & death rate of (12/1000 people) Calculate the NIR for this population B 300

  11. A local human population has a birth rate of (50/10,000) & a death rate of (100/10,000) Calculate the NIR for this population and describe the population trend. B 400

  12. A human population has a birth rate of (40/1000 people) & a death rate of (10/1000 people) Calculate the NIR and doubling time for this population And identify this country as a LEDC, NIC, or MEDC. B 500

  13. The demographic classification of Nigeria based upon this age structure diagram. C 100

  14. Identify these countries as having a stable population, a declining population, & an expanding population. 1 2 3 C 200

  15. The classification of this country, & a description of the TFR (Total Fertility Rate) C 300


  17. Identify & describe a real-world example of a country that would fit with each of these age sex pyramid models. C 400

  18. Compare the NIR, TFR, Life Expectancy, & GDP (Gross Domestic Product) of these two countries. 2 1 C 500

  19. This is the model that describes changes in MEDCs as they industrialized & urbanized. D 100

  20. This is what happens to population growth in most MEDCS after they have industrialized. D 200

  21. This is the term that applies to countries that are making the change from LEDC to MEDC. Identify two examples of these countries. D 300

  22. The correct sequence of demographic stages that reflect the position of various countries as they develop. D 400

  23. The change in China’s TFR from 1960 to 2000 and the reasons for it. D 500

  24. Farmer’s take advantage of this soil property which is determined by the percentages of particles like sand, silt, & clay that it contains. E 100

  25. This is the portion of the Earth in which soil forming occurs. E 200

  26. The 3 stages of soil formation E 300

  27. The 4 cultivation techniques shown here and why farmers use them. E 400

  28. The term used to describe the area affected in this photo from the “dirty 30s” and the causes and effects involved. E 500

  29. This is the general term for the money that can be made if resources are used sustainably. F 100

  30. Natural Capital is used to describe these two measures of resources. F 200

  31. These are the three types of Natural Capital And an example of each. F 300

  32. Explain what is meant by proper management/sustainable use of resources. (using examples) F 400

  33. Evaluate the monetary value of Natural Capital using examples. (+/-) F 500

  34. The Final Jeopardy Category is: Agricultural Practices Please record your wager. Click on screen to begin

  35. Identify & Evaluate this type of agricultural practice.

  36. Identify: High-input High-yield Industrialized Evaluate (+) Evaluate (-)

  37. Thank You for Playing Jeopardy! Template by C. Harr-MAIT Game By Saccone

  38. Soil A 100

  39. Relative sizes of soil particles A 200

  40. Soil Degradation = Human actions that lessen the quality of soil. These include: Overgrazing Deforestation Unsustainable agriculture (industrialized) Irrigation A 300

  41. 4 Types of degradation include: 1.Soil erosion (precipitation/irrigation) 2.Toxification (build up of toxins in soil) 3.Salinization (build up of salt from irrigation & evaporation) 4.Desertification (deserts created or made larger due to human actions) A 400

  42. NIR (%) = cbr - cdr Natural Increase Rate = crude birth rate – crude death rate NIR (%) = cbr - cdr _________ 10 B 100

  43. Doubling time = 70/NIR “The rule of 70” = 70/Natural Increase Rate Doubling Time = 70 ____ NIR B 200

  44. Soil conservation measures • Soil conditioners (lime to increase pH, organic materials) • Wind reduction techniques (wind breaks, shelter belts, strip cultivation) • Cultivation techniques (terracing, contour-plowing) • Efforts to stop plowing of marginal lands. A 500

  45. A human population has a birth rate of (30/1000 people) & death rate of (12/1000 people) The NIR for this population NIR = cbr – cdr/10 NIR = 30 – 12/10 NIR = 1.8% B 300

  46. A local human population has a birth rate of (100/10,000) & a death rate of (50/10,000) The NIR for this population = NIR = (cbr – cdr) / 10 (50/10,000) – (100/10,000)/ 10 (5/1,000) – (10/1,000)/ 10 NIR = (5 – 10) / 10 NIR= -0.5% This population is decreasing. B 400

  47. Birth rate of (40/1000 people) Death rate of (10/1000 people) NIR = (cbr – cdr)/10 NIR = (40/1000 – 10/1000)/10 NIR = 3% Doubling time = 70/3 Doubling time = 23 years Country is an LEDC due to low DT. B 500

  48. Nigeria = LEDC Less Economically Developed Country C 100

  49. 2 3 1 C 200

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