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kindness. By: Maya Nelson August 2012. Analogy. Kindness: Evilness::Happiness: Sadness. Picture collage. Personal experience.

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  1. kindness By: Maya Nelson August 2012

  2. Analogy Kindness: Evilness::Happiness: Sadness

  3. Picture collage

  4. Personal experience I have learned that kindness is very important. There are so many pro’s to being kind for starters people will have so much more respect for you when you and when other people see you being kind they will see your advantages they will want to be kind to you and others too. Now don’t get me wrong there will always be “haters” but when you are kind there will not be near as much. Just remember be kind!!!

  5. What does kindness mean to you?

  6. Kindness poem • Smiling is infectious; you catch it like the flu, When someone smiled at me today, I started smiling too. I passed around the corner and someone saw my grin, When he smiled I realized I'd passed it on to him. I thought about that smile then I realized it's worth, A single smile, just like mine could travel round the earth. So, if you feel a smile begin, don't leave it undetected. Let's start an epidemic quick, and get the world infected!! KEEP THE SMILES GOING.

  7. illustration I picked this picture because the girl shows so much kindness to the kitten by taking it in and caring for it like it is her child.

  8. Kindness definition • Kindness-kind·ness  (kndns) n. • 1. The quality or state of being kind. • 2. An instance of kind behavior: Example-I will always remember your many kindnesses to me.

  9. Definition: Thefreedictionary.com • Poem: poeticexpresions.com

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