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The environmental benefits of metal roofing are well documented. Metal roofing contains recycled content and because using recycled material in the manufacturing process is more economical than using virgin material, this trend is likely to expand and grow.
METALROOFING B E N E F I T S Ametalroofingsystemwillserveahomeowner betterthananyothercurrentlyavailableroofing materials. 01 F I N A N C I A LB E N E F I T S Thevalueofyourhomewill increasethemomentyour installationiscomplete. Whether youareplanningonlivinginyour homefortwentyyearsorsellingit infive, ametalroofwillneverbea 02 costagain. AESTHETICQUALITIES Metalroofinglooksgreatandwill addcurbappealtoanyhome. Metalroofingsuccessfulmimicsall otherroofingmaterials. This combinedwithitswiderangeof stylesandcolorsmakeitsuitable inanyneighborhood. Inaddition, theflexibilityoftheproduct enablesittobeusedinalmostany situationandallowsitsfull integrationwithmost constructionmaterials. 03 E N V I R O N M E N T A L B E N E F I T S Theenvironmentalbenefitsof metalroofingarewell documented. Metalroofing containsrecycledcontentand becauseusingrecycledmaterialin themanufacturingprocessis moreeconomicalthanusing virginmaterial, thistrendislikely toexpandandgrow. 04 P E A C EO FM I N D Intheend, metalroofingprovides ahomeownerwithpeaceof mind. Aproperlyinstalledmetal roofingsystemwilllastalifetime andhasstrongwarrantiesbehind ittosupportthisclaim. Ametal roofrequireslessmaintenance andthecostofthatmaintenance isminimal. 0 5 F I R ER E S I S T A N C E Becausemetalroofsare noncombustible, they’regivena ClassAfirerating (themost resistant). Partofaroof’s classificationdependson materialsbeneaththesurfacethat couldigniteinintenseheat. Most metalroofsappliedovera combustiblematerialsuchas woodshingleshavealower, Class To install metal roofs in Virginia at your home, please visit us at www.alpharain.com Crating.