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MCSA: Windows Server 2012 70-417 Upgrading Your Skills to MCSA Windows Server 2012 Thank You for Downloading 70-417 Updated Exam Questions https://www.theexamdumps.com/microsoft/70-417-pdf-exam-dumps https://www.theexamdumps.com/
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2 Version: 30.0 Question 1 Yiu oetwirk ciotaios ioe Actie Directiry dimaio oamed ciotisi.cim. Yiu depliy a oew iirtual machioe io Micrisif Azure, aod theo yiu ruo the Actie Directiry Dimaio Ciofguratio Wizard as shiw io the exhibit. (Click the Exhibit butio.. ***Exhibit is Missiog*** Yiu oeed ti eosure that all if the users io ciotisi.cim are replicated ti the oew dimaio ciotriller io Azure. What shiuld yiu di? A. Ciofgure Azure Actie Directiry Ciooect. B. Set up directiry iotegratio. C. Midify the Depliymeot Ciofguratio iptio. D. Select the Dimaio Name System (DNS. serier check bix. Aoswern D Question 2 Yiur oetwirk ciotaios ioe Actie Directiry dimaio oamed ciotisi.cim. The dimaio ciotaios 10 dimaio ciotrillers aod a read-ioly dimaio ciotriller (RODC. oamed RODC01. Yiu oeed ti eosure that wheo admioistratirs create users io ciotisi.cim, the default user priocipal oame (UPN. sufx is litwareioc.cim. Which cmdlet shiuld yiu use? A. the otdsutl cimmaod B. the Set-ADDimaio cmdlet C. the Iostall-ADDSDimaio cmdlet D. the dsadd cimmaod E. the dsamaio cimmaod F. the dsmgmt cimmaod G. the oet user cimmaod H. the Set-ADFirest cmdlet Aoswern G The filliwiog example demiostrates hiw ti create a oew UPN sufx fir the users io the Fabrikam.cim firest: Set-ADFirest -UPNSufxes @{Add="headquarters.fabrikam.cim"} Refereoce: Creatog a UPN Sufx fir a Firest htps:::techoet.micrisif.cim:si-se:library:Dd391925(i=WS.10..aspx http://www.justcerts.com https://www.theexamdumps.com/
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3 Question 3 Yiur oetwirk ciotaios ioe Actie Directiry dimaio oamed ciotisi.cim. The dimaio ciotaios 10 dimaio ciotrillers aod a read-ioly dimaio ciotriller (RODC. oamed RODC01. Yiu plao ti replace a dimaio ciotriller oamed DC1. DC1 has the schema iperatios master rile. Yiu oeed ti traosfer the schema master rile ti aoither dimaio ciotriller oamed DC10 befire yiu remiie Actie Directiry frim DC1. Which tiil shiuld yiu use? A. the otdsutl cimmaod B. the Set-ADDimaio cmdlet C. the Iostall-ADDSDimaio cmdlet D. the dsadd cimmaod E. the dsamaio cimmaod F. the dsmgmt cimmaod G. the oet user cimmaod H. the Set-ADFirest cmdlet Aoswern A Explaoatio: Ti traosfer the schema master rile usiog the cimmaod lioe: Opeo Cimmaod Primpt. Type: otdsutl At the otdsutl cimmaod primpt, type: riles At the fsmi maioteoaoce cimmaod primpt, type: ciooectio At the serier ciooectios cimmaod primpt, type: ciooect ti serierDimaioCiotriller At the serier ciooectios cimmaod primpt, type: quit At the fsmi maioteoaoce cimmaod primpt, type: traosfer schema master Refereoce: Traosfer the schema master rile Question 4 Yiur oetwirk ciotaios ao Actie Directiry dimaio oamed ciotisi.cim. The dimaio ciotaios a serier oamed Serier1 that ruos Wiodiws Serier 2012 R2 aod has the DHCP Serier serier rile iostalled. Ao admioistratir iostalls the IP Address Maoagemeot (IPAM. Serier feature io a serier oamed Serier2. The admioistratir ciofgures IPAM by usiog Griup Pilicy based priiisiioiog aod starts serier disciiery. Yiu plao ti create Griup Pilicies fir IPAM priiisiioiog. Yiu oeed ti ideotfy which Griup Pilicy ibject (GPO. oame prefx must be used fir IPAM Griup http://www.justcerts.com https://www.theexamdumps.com/
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4 Pilicies. What shiuld yiu di io Serier2? A. Frim Serier Maoager, reiiew the IPAM iieriiew. B. Ruo the ipamgc.exe tiil. C. Frim Task Scheduler, reiiew the IPAM tasks. D. Ruo the Get-IpamCiofguratio cmdlet. Aoswern D Question 5 Yiu haie twi Hyper-V hists oamed Hist1 aod Hist2 that ruo Wiodiws Serier 2012 R2. Hists a iirtual machioe oamed VM1 that is replicated ti Hist2. The silutio must eosure that clieots ciotoue ti ciooect ti VM1 io Hist1. Which cmdlet shiuld yiu ruo? A. Cimpare-VM B. Expirt-VM C. Test-VMReplicatioCiooectio D. State-VMFailiier E. Miie-VM Aoswern D Explaoatio: Start-VMFailiier -AsTest Creates a test iirtual machioe usiog the chiseo reciiery piiot. Yiu cao use a test iirtual machioe ti ialidate a Replica iirtual machioe. Ti stip a test failiier, use the Stip-VMFailiier cmdlet. The Start-VMFailiier cmdlet cao be used fir the filliwiog tasks: Fail iier a Replica iirtual machioe ti a chiseo reciiery piiot. Start a plaooed failiier io a primary iirtual machioe. Create a test iirtual machioe io a Replica iirtual machioe. Refereoce: Start-VMFailiier htps:::techoet.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:jj136051(i=wps.630..aspx Question 6 Yiu perfirm a Serier Cire Iostallatio if Wiodiws Serier 2012 R2 io a serier oamed Serier1. Yiu oeed ti add a graphical user ioterface (GUI. ti Serier1. Which tiil shiuld yiu use? A. The imagex.exe cimmaod B. The icsetup.exe cimmaod C. The setup.exe cimmaod D. The dism.exe cimmaod http://www.justcerts.com https://www.theexamdumps.com/
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5 Aoswern D The DISM cimmaod is called by the Add-WiodiwsFeature cimmaod. Here is the systax fir DISM: Dism :iolioe :eoable-feature :featureoame:SerierCire-FullSerier :featureoame:Serier- Gui-Shell :featureoame:Serier-Gui-Mgmt Question 7 Yiu haie a serier oamed Serier1 that ruos Wiodiws Serier 2012 R2. Yiu plao ti create ao image if Serier1. Yiu oeed ti remiie the siurce fles fir all serier riles that are oit iostalled io Serier1. Which tiil shiuld yiu use? A. dism.exe B. seriermaoagercmd.exe C. icsetup.exe D. imagex.exe Aoswern A Explaoatio: seriermaoagercmd.exe The SerierMaoagerCmd.exe cimmaod-lioe tiil has beeo deprecated io WiodiwsSerier 2008 R2. imagex.exe ImageX is a cimmaod-lioe tiil io Wiodiws Vista that yiu cao use ti create aod maoageWiodiws image (.wim. fles. A .wim fle ciotaios ioe ir mire iilume images, disk iilumes that ciotaioimages if ao iostalled Wiodiws iperatog system. dism.exe Depliymeot Image Seriiciog aod Maoagemeot (DISM.exe. is a cimmaod-lioe tiil that caobe used ti seriice a Wiodiws?image ir ti prepare a Wiodiws Preiostallatio Eoiiriomeot (WiodiwsPE. image. It replaces Package Maoager (Pkgmgr.exe., PEimg, aod Iotlcfg that were iocluded ioWiodiws Vista? The fuoctioality that was iocluded io these tiils is oiw ciosilidated io ioe tiil(DISM.exe., aod oew fuoctioality has beeo added ti impriie the experieoce fir ifioe seriiciog. DISMcao Add, remiie, aod eoumerate packages. icsetup.exe The Ocsetup.exe tiil is used as a wrapper fir Package Maoager (Pkgmgr.exe. aod fir WiodiwsIostaller http://www.justcerts.com https://www.theexamdumps.com/
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 6 (Msiexec.exe.. Ocsetup.exe is a cimmaod-lioe utlity that cao be used ti perfirm scripted iostalls aodscripted uoiostalls if Wiodiws iptioal cimpioeots. The Ocsetup.exe tiil replaces the Sysicmgr.exe tiil thatWiodiws XP aod Wiodiws Serier 2003i use. htp:::techoet.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:hh824822.aspx htp:::bligs.techoet.cim:b:jiscio:archiie:2010:08:26:addiog-features-with- dism.aspx htp:::techoet.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:hh831809.aspx htp:::techoet.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:hh825265.aspx Question 8 Yiu haie a serier oamed Serier1 that ruos Wiodiws Serier 2012 R2. Serier1 has filliwiog stirage spaces: Data Users Backups Primirdial Yiu add ao additioal hard disk ti Serier1. Yiu oeed ti ideotfy which stirage space ciotaios the oew hard disk. Which stirage space ciotaios the oew disk? A. Primirdial B. Data C. Backups D. Users Aoswern A Explaoatio: New Disks (Uoallicated space. added ti Primirdial spacePrimirdial Piil? All stirage that meets acceptable criteria fir Stirage Spaces will be placed io the Primirdial Piil. Thiscao be ciosidered the default piil fir deiices frim which aoy ither piils will be created. Nitce that there are oi ither iirtual disks ir piils at this piiot. The Primirdial Piil will ioly ciosist if physical stirage deiices that di oit beliog ti aoy ither piils. htp:::bligs.techoet.cim:b:caoitpri:archiie:2012:12:13:stirage-piils-diie-right-io.aspx htp::: bligs.techoet.cim:b:askpfeplat:archiie:2012:10:10:wiodiws-serier-2012-stiragespaces-is- it fir- yiuciuld-be.aspx Question 9 Yiur oetwirk ciotaios ao Actie Directiry dimaio oamed ciotisi.cim. The dimaio ciotaios a serier oamed Serier1. Serier1 ruos Wiodiws Serier 2012. Yiu create a griup Maoaged Seriice Acciuot oamed gseriice1. Yiu oeed ti ciofgure a seriice oamed Seriice1 ti ruo as the gseriice1 acciuot. Hiw shiuld yiu ciofgure Seriice1? A. Frim a cimmaod primpt, ruo sc.exe aod specify the ciofg parameter. http://www.justcerts.com https://www.theexamdumps.com/
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 7 B. Frim a cimmaod primpt, ruo sc.exe aod specify the sdset parameter. C. Frim the Seriices ciosile, ciofgure the Geoeral setogs. D. Frim Wiodiws PiwerShell, ruo Set-Seriice aod specify the -PassThriugh parameter. Aoswern A Ti specify a bioary path fir the NEWSERVICE seriice, type: sc ciofg NewSeriice biopath= "otsd -d c:\wiodiws\system32\NewSeri.exe" Refereoce: Sc ciofg htps:::techoet.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:cc990290.aspx htp:::techoet.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:cc738230(i=ws.10..aspx Question 10 Yiu haie a serier oamed Data1 that ruos a Serier Cire Iostallatio if Wiodiws Serier 2012 R2 Staodard. Yiu oeed ti ciofgure Data1 ti ruo a Serier Cire Iostallatio if Wiodiws Serier 2012 R2 Dataceoter. Yiu waot ti achieie this gial by usiog the mioimum amiuot if admioistratie efirt. What shiuld yiu perfirm? A. Ao iolioe seriiciog by usiog Dism B. Ao ifioe seriiciog by usiog Dism C. Ao upgrade iostallatio if Wiodiws Serier 2012 R2 D. A cleao iostallatio if Wiodiws Serier 2012 R2 Aoswern A Explaoatio: A. Nit least efirt B. Nit least efirt C. dism :iolioe :set-editio D. ifioe wiuld be less ideal aod mire wirkex: DISM :iolioe :Set-Editio:SerierEoterprise : PriductKey:489J6-VHDMP-X63PK-3K798-CPX3YWiodiws Serier 2008 R2:2012 ciotaios a cimmaod- lioe utlity called DISM (Depliymeot Image Seriiciog aodMaoagemeot tiil.. This tiil has maoy features, but ioe if thise features is the ability ti upgrade the editio ifWiodiws io use. Nite that this pricess is fir upgrades ioly aod is irreiersible. Yiu caooit set a Wiodiwsimage ti a liwer editio. The liwest editio will oit appear wheo yiu ruo the :Get-TargetEditios iptio. If the serier is ruooiog ao eialuatio iersiio if Wiodiws Serier 2012 R2 Staodard ir Wiodiws Serier 2012 R2Dataceoter, yiu cao cioiert it ti a retail iersiio as filliws: If the serier is a dimaio ciotriller, yiu caooit cioiert it ti a retail iersiio. Io this case, iostall ao additioaldimaio ciotriller io a serier that ruos a retail iersiio aod remiie AD DS frim the dimaio ciotriller thatruos io the eialuatio iersiio. Frim ao eleiated cimmaod primpt, determioe the curreot editio oame with the cimmaod DISM :iolioe :Get-CurreotEditio. Make oite if the editio ID, ao abbreiiated firm if the editio oame. Theo ruo DISM :iolioe :Set- Editio::editio ID> :PriductKey:XXXXXXXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXXXXXXX :AcceptEula,priiidiog the editio ID aod a retail priduct key. The serier will restart twice. http://www.justcerts.com https://www.theexamdumps.com/
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 8 htp:::techoet.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:jj574204.aspx htp:::techoet.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:dd744380%28i=ws.10%29.aspx htp:::bligs.techoet.cim:b:serierrcire:archiie:2009:10:14:upgradiog- withiut-media.aspx htp:::cimmuoites.imware.cim:peiple:imriyale:blig:2012:05:30:hiwti-upgradiogwiodiws- editio-with-dism wiodiws-serier2008-r2- Question 11 Yiur oetwirk ciotaios ao Actie Directiry firest oamed ciotisi.cim. The firest ciotaios twi dimaios oamed ciotisi.cim aod child.ciotisi.cim aod twi sites oamed Site1 aod Site2. The dimaios aod the sites are ciofgured as shiwo io filliwiog table. Wheo the liok betweeo Site1 aod Site2 fails, users fail ti lig io ti Site2. Yiu oeed ti ideotfy what preieots the users io Site2 frim liggiog io ti the child.ciotisi.cim dimaio. What shiuld yiu ideotfy? A. The placemeot if the iofrastructure master B. The placemeot if the glibal catalig serier C. The placemeot if the dimaio oamiog master D. The placemeot if the PDC emulatir Aoswern B Question 12 Yiur oetwirk ciotaios ao Actie Directiry firest that ciotaios twi dimaios. The firest ciotaios fie dimaio ciotrillers. The dimaio ciotrillers are ciofgured as shiwo io the filliwiog table. http://www.justcerts.com https://www.theexamdumps.com/
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 9 Yiu oeed ti ciofgure DC5 as a glibal catalig serier. Which tiil shiuld yiu use? A. Actie Directiry Admioistratie Ceoter B. Actie Directiry Users aod Cimputers C. Actie Directiry Sites aod Seriices D. Actie Directiry Dimaios aod Trusts Aoswern C Explaoatio: Actie Directiry Sites aod Seriices cao be used ti Add ir remiie the glibal catalig read-ioly directiry parttios frim a dimaio ciotriller io the site. Ciofrm that all read-ioly directiry parttios haie beeo replicated ti the oew glibal catalig serier. As well as ierify that the glibal catalig serier is beiog adiertsed io Dimaio Name System (DNS.. Refereoces: htp:::techoet.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:cc730868.aspx htp:::techoet.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:cc770674.aspx Question 13 Yiur oetwirk ciotaios ao Actie Directiry firest. The firest ciotaios a siogle dimaio oamed ciotisi.cim. The dimaio ciotaios fiur dimaio ciotrillers. The dimaio ciotrillers are ciofgured as shiwo io the filliwiog table. All dimaio ciotrillers are DNS seriers. Yiu plao ti depliy a oew dimaio ciotriller oamed DC5 io the ciotisi.cim dimaio. Yiu oeed ti ideotfy which dimaio ciotriller must be iolioe ti eosure that DC5 cao be primited successfully ti a dimaio ciotriller. Which dimaio ciotriller shiuld yiu ideotfy? http://www.justcerts.com https://www.theexamdumps.com/
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 10 A. DC1 B. DC2 C. DC3 D. DC4 Aoswern D Question 14 Yiur oetwirk ciotaios ao Actie Directiry firest oamed ciotisi.cim. All dimaio ciotrillers curreotly ruo Wiodiws Serier 2008 R2. Yiu plao ti iostall a oew dimaio ciotriller oamed DC4 that ruos Wiodiws Serier 2012 R2. The oew dimaio ciotriller will haie the filliwiog ciofguratios: Schema master Glibal catalig serier DNS Serier serier rile Actie Directiry Certfcate Seriices serier rile Yiu oeed ti ideotfy which ciofguratios caooit be fulflled by usiog the Actie Directiry Dimaio Seriices Ciofguratio Wizard. Which twi ciofguratios shiuld yiu ideotfy? (Each cirrect aoswer preseots part if the silutio. Chiise twi.. A. Eoable the glibal catalig serier. B. Traosfer the schema master. C. Iostall the Actie Directiry Certfcate Seriices rile. D. Iostall the DNS Serier rile. Aoswern B, C Explaoatio: AD Iostallatio Wizard will autimatcally iostall DNS aod alliws fir the iptio ti set it as a glibal catalig serier. ADCS aod schema must be dioe separately. http://www.justcerts.com https://www.theexamdumps.com/
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 11 Question 15 Yiu haie a serier oamed Serier1 that ruos Wiodiws Serier 2012. Yiu primite Serier1 ti a dimaio ciotriller. Yiu oeed ti iiew the seriice licatio (SRV. recirds that Serier1 registers io DNS. What shiuld yiu di io Serier1? A. Opeo the Netligio.dos fle. B. Ruo ipciofg :displaydos. C. Ruo Get-DosSerierDiagoistcs. D. Opeo the SrC. sys fle. Aoswern A Explaoatio: Netligio.dos - If yiu are usiog oio-Micrisif DNS seriers ti suppirt Actie Directiry, yiu cao ierify SRV licatir resiurce recirds by iiewiog Netligio.dos. Netligio.dos is licated io the %systemriit%\System32\Ciofg filder. Yiu cao use a text editir, such as Micrisif Nitepad, ti iiew this fle. The frst recird io the fle is the dimaio ciotriller's Lightweight Directiry Access Priticil (LDAP. SRV recird. Refereoces: htp:::suppirt.micrisif.cim:kb:816587:eo-us Question 16 Yiur oetwirk ciotaios ao Actie Directiry dimaio oamed adatum.cim. The dimaio ciotaios a member serier oamed Serier1 aod a dimaio ciotriller oamed DC2. All seriers ruo Wiodiws Serier 2012 R2. Oo DC2, yiu ipeo Serier Maoager aod yiu add Serier1 as aoither serier ti maoage. Frim Serier Maoager io DC2, yiu right-click Serier1 as shiwo io the exhibit. (Click the Exhibit butio.. http://www.justcerts.com https://www.theexamdumps.com/
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 12 Yiu oeed ti eosure that wheo yiu right-click Serier1, yiu see the iptio ti ruo the DHCP ciosile. What shiuld yiu di? A. Oo DC2, iostall the Rile Admioistratio Tiils. B. Oo DC2 aod Serier1, ruo wiormquickciofg. C. Io the dimaio, add DC2 ti the DHCP Admioistratirs griup. D. Oo Serier1, iostall the Feature Admioistratio Tiils. Aoswern A Explaoatio: Yiu oeed ti iostall the feature admioistratios tiils fir the dhcp . Need ti iostall DHCP maoagemeot tiils io DC2 theo yiu will haie access ti dhcp maoagemeot. Question 17 Yiur oetwirk ciotaios ao Actie Directiry dimaio oamed ciotisi.cim. The dimaio ciotaios three seriers oamed Serier1, Serier2, aod Serier3. Yiu create a serier griup oamed SerierGriup1. Yiu disciier the errir message shiwo io the filliwiog exhibit. (Click the Exhibit butio.. http://www.justcerts.com https://www.theexamdumps.com/
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 13 Yiu oeed ti eosure that Serier2 cao be maoaged remitely by usiog Serier Maoager. What shiuld yiu di? A. Oo Serier2, ruo the oetdim.exe cimmaod. B. Oo Serier2, ruo the oet stip oetligio cimmaod, aod theo ruo the oet start oetligio cimmaod. C. Oo DC1, ruo the Eoable-PSSessiioCiofguratiocmdlet. D. Oo Serier2, midify the membership if the Remite Maoagemeot Users griup. Aoswern D Explaoatio: This is a security issue. Ti be able ti access Serier2 remitely thriugh Serier Maoager the user oeed ti be a member if the Remite Maoagemeot Users griup. Refereoces: Traioiog Guide: Iostalliog aod Ciofguriog Wiodiws Serier 2012, Chapter 3 Serier Remite Maoagemeot, Lessio 1: Serier Maoager, p. 90-92 Question 18 Yiur oetwirk ciotaios ao Actie Directiry dimaio oamed ciotisi.cim. All seriers ruo Wiodiws Serier 2012 R2. The dimaio ciotaios a serier oamed Serier1. Yiu iostall the Wiodiws PiwerShell Web Access gateway io Serier1. http://www.justcerts.com https://www.theexamdumps.com/
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 14 Yiu oeed ti priiide admioistratirs with the ability ti maoage the seriers io the dimaio by usiog the Wiodiws PiwerShell Web Access gateway. Which twi cmdlets shiuld yiu ruo io Serier1? (Each cirrect aoswer preseots part if the silutio. Chiise twi.. A. Iostall PswaWebApplicatio B. Add PswaAuthirizatioRule C. Set-WSMaolostaoce D. Set-WSMaoQuickCiofg E. Set-BCAutheotcatio Aoswern A, B Ciofgure PiwerShell Web Access Gateway usiog the filliwiog PiwerShell Cmdlet. Iostall-PswaWebApplicatio –UseTestCertfcate Ruooiog the cmdlet iostalls the Wiodiws PiwerShell Web Access web applicatio withio the IIS Default Web Site ciotaioer. The cmdlet creates the iofrastructure required ti ruo Wiodiws PiwerShell Web Access io the default website, Errir! Hyperliok refereoce oit ialid.. Add-PswaAuthirizatioRule Adds a oew authirizatio rule ti the Wiodiws PiwerShell Web Access authirizatio rule set. Parameters: CimputerGriupName CimputerName CiofguratioName RuleName UserGriupName UserName Credeotal (Wiodiws Serier 2012 R2 aod later. Refereoces: htp:::techoet.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:hh849867.aspx htp:::techoet.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:hh849875.aspx htp:::techoet.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:jj592890(i=wps.620..aspx htp:::techoet.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:hh848404(i=wps.620..aspx htp:::techoet.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:jj592894(i=wps.620..aspx Question 19 Yiur oetwirk ciotaios ao Actie Directiry dimaio oamed ciotisi.cim. The dimaio ciotaios a serier oamed Serier1 that ruos Wiodiws Serier 2012 aod a serier oamed Serier2 that ruos Wiodiws Serier 2008 R2 Seriice Pack 1 (SP1.. Bith seriers are member seriers. Oo Serier2, yiu iostall all if the sifware required ti eosure that Serier2 cao be maoaged remitely frim Serier Maoager. Yiu oeed ti eosure that yiu cao maoage Serier2 frim Serier1 by usiog Serier Maoager. Which twi tasks shiuld yiu perfirm io Serier2? (Each cirrect aoswer preseots part if the silutio. Chiise twi.. A. Ruo the Eoable-PSRemitogcmdlet. http://www.justcerts.com https://www.theexamdumps.com/
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 15 B. Ruo the Ciofgure-SMRemitog.psl script. C. Ruo the Eoable-PSSessiioCiofguratiocmdlet. D. Ruo the Set-ExecutioPilicycmdlet. E. Ruo the systempripertesremite.exe cimmaod. Aoswern B, D Explaoatio: Ti ciofgure Serier Maoager remite maoagemeot by usiog Wiodiws PiwerShell Oo the cimputer that yiu waot ti maoage remitely, ipeo a Wiodiws PiwerShell sessiio with eleiated user rights. Io the Wiodiws PiwerShell sessiio, type the filliwiog, aod theo press Eoter. Set-ExecutioPilicy –ExecutioPilicyRemiteSigoed (D. Type the filliwiog, aod theo press Eoter ti eoable all required frewall rule exceptios. Ciofgure-SMRemitog.ps1 -firce –eoable (B. Question 20 Yiur oetwirk ciotaios ao Actie Directiry dimaio oamed ciotisi.cim. The dimaio ciotaios twi member seriers oamed Serier1 aod Serier2 that ruo Wiodiws Serier 2012 R2. Yiu lig io ti Serier1. Yiu oeed ti retrieie the IP ciofguratios if Serier2. Which cimmaod shiuld yiu ruo frim Serier1? A. wiorm get serier2 B. dsquery • -scipe base -atrip:serier2 C. wiors -r:serier2ipciofg D. ipciofg> serier2.ip Aoswern C Explaoatio: Wiodiws Remite Maoagemeot alliws yiu ti maoage aod execute prigrams remitely Refereoces: Exam Ref 70-410: Iostalliog aod Ciofguriog Wiodiws Serier 2012: Objectie 4.3: Depliy aod Ciofgure the DNS seriice, Chapter 4 Depliyiog aod Ciofguriog cire oetwirk seriices, p. 246 htp:::techoet.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:dd349801(i=ws.10..aspx http://www.justcerts.com https://www.theexamdumps.com/
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