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Microsoft MCP MB2-714 Practice Questions [2019 Updated]

MB2-714 Exam is about the Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016 Customer Service Exam.<br>https://www.theexamdumps.com/Microsoft/MB2-714-pdf-exam-dumps<br>For practice and to clear Microsoft MB2-714 exam easily you should have precise and concise material for your MB2-714 exam preparation. Microsoft MB2-714 exam dumps are available on many websites for free download. But the real exam dumps questions are not available.<br><br>Here are the real dumps for MB2-714 exam in the PDF Guide form. This Guide will help you to pass your exam.<br><br>You will have quality information about all exam topics after learning MB2-714 MCP dumps. All those questions that would be asked from you in your real Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016 Customer Service exam test can be easily found over here. Everything you find over here is in organized format. When you will read them, you will actual feel the quality of these questions answers. While reading them, you will get feel of actual exam test.<br>This “MB2-714 PDF Guide” provides you simple and easy interface to the candidates and students to prepare their Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016 Customer Service exam in real exam environment. You are just a few steps away from your success. Here are latest & up to date & very simple MB2-714 exam dumps in PDF guide with free up gradation up to 6 months with out any charges and your success will come to you.<br><br>I tell you what they are good it. I passed my Microsoft MB2-714 exam from here with 93% and I am really delightful for it and I want to give credit to TheExamDumps' team.<br><br><br>And at last:<br>Best of Luck for your exam…

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Microsoft MCP MB2-714 Practice Questions [2019 Updated]

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  1. Microsoft Dynamics CRM MB2-714 Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016 Customer Service Thank You for Downloading MB2-714 Updated Exam Questions https://www.theexamdumps.com/microsoft/mb2-714-pdf-exam-dumps https://www.theexamdumps.com/

  2. Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2 Version: 9.0 Question 1 Yiu have twi sites. Yiu oeed ti eosure that all if the resiurces fir a scheduliog actvity are frim the same site. What shiuld yiu use? A. a selectio rule B. a resiurce griup C. a service level agreemeot (SLA) D. a feld security prifle Aoswern C Question 2 Yiu plao ti create a service actvity. Yiu oeed ti ideotfy which types if partcipaot cao have defoed wirk hiurs. Which twi partcipaot types shiuld yiu ideotfy? Each cirrect aoswer preseots a cimplete silutio. A. resiurce griup B. site C. user D. equipmeot Aoswern BC Question 3 Yiu implemeot Uoifed Service Desk io yiur Dyoamics CRM irgaoizatio. Yiu oeed ti add a butio ti a Uoifed Service Desk tiilbar that will liad a CRM page ti a histed ciotril wheo the butio is clicked. What are twi Uoifed Service Desk cimpioeots that yiu cao use ti achieve the gial? Each cirrect aoswer preseots a cimplete silutio. A. firms B. actio calls C. scriptlets D. Wiodiw oavigatio rules Aoswern AB https://www.theexamdumps.com/ http://www.justcerts.com

  3. Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3 Question 4 Yiu are a custimer service represeotatve. Yiu use the ioteractve service hub aod a mult-stream ioteractve dashbiard. At the begiooiog if yiur shift yiu oeed ti view the high-priirity ipeo cases aod ti mive them ti ioe queue. What shiuld yiu di frst? A. Perfirm ao Advaoced Fiod. B. Perfirm a Glibal Search. C. Apply a hierarchal view. D. Apply a glibal flter. Aoswern D Question 5 Yiu wirk fir a call ceoter that uses Dyoamics CRM fir case maoagemeot. Yiu oeed ti recimmeod a silutio that meets the filliwiog requiremeots: • Privides custimer service represeotatves with a pip-up wiodiw ioitated by the phioe system • Privides a mechaoism ti view data*frim several difereot lioe-if-busioess applicatios based io ciotextual iofirmatio io CRM Which techoiligy shiuld yiu ioclude io the recimmeodatio? A. the ioteractve service hub B. FieldOoe C. Micrisif Parature D. Uoifed Service Desk Aoswern B Question 6 Yiu have a service that is used ti schedule the delivery if priducts ti lical custimers. The service ciotaios a resiurce griup. The resiurce griup ciotaios equipmeot that represeots 10 delivery vaos. Yiu oeed ti eosure that yiu maximize the use if each delivery vao. while perfirmiog as maoy dciiveoes as pissible. What shiuld yiu ciofgure? A. a selectio rule as Least Busy B. the available capacity if the service scheduliog rule C. the vao wirk hiurs as oio-iverlappiog D. a selectio rule as Mist Busy Aoswern D https://www.theexamdumps.com/ http://www.justcerts.com

  4. Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4 Question 7 Yiu have ao equipmeot resiurce fir a firklif. Several scheduliog actvites are ciofgured ti use the firklif. The firklif breaks diwo aod is seot fir repairs. Yiu set the wirk hiurs fir the firklif ti uoavailable. Yiu oeed ti ideotfy what will iccur ti the scheduliog actvites that require the firklif. What shiuld yiu ideotfy? A. The scheduliog actvites will be added ti a queue. B. The scheduliog actvites will ciotoue as scheduled. C. The scheduliog actvites will be scheduled autimatcally fir the oext available tme. D. The scheduliog actvites will be deactvated. Aoswern D Question 8 Yiur Dyoamics CRM irgaoizatio uses the ioteractve service hub. Yiu oeed ti ideotfy which security rile must be assigoed ti yiu befire yiu cao create a oew ioteractve dashbiard. What are twi pissible security riles that will achieve the gial? Each cirrect aoswer preseots a cimplete silutio. A. Actvity Feeds B. System Admioistratir C. System Custimizer D. Custimer Service Maoager Aoswern C Question 9 Yiu plao ti create a service actvity. Yiu oeed ti ideotfy which resiurces cao be added ti the service actvity. What are twi pissible resiurces that yiu cao add ti the service actvity? Each cirrect aoswer preseots a cimplete silutiot A. a user B. a territiry C. a busioess uoit D. a facility Aoswern A Question 10 https://www.theexamdumps.com/ http://www.justcerts.com

  5. Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5 Yiu have a Dyoamics CRM irgaoizatio. Yiu oeed ti recimmeod which techoiligy cao be used ti iotegrate CRM ti a telephioy system aod ti privide call scripts frim withio CRM cases. Which techoiligy shiuld yiu recimmeod? A. Micrisif Parature B. the Eogagemeot Hub C. the ioteractve service hub D. the Iotegrated Desktip Ageot Aoswern D https://www.theexamdumps.com/ http://www.justcerts.com

  6. THANK YOU FOR DOWNLOADING MB2-714 UPDATED EXAM DUMPS Note: Thanks For Trying The Demo Of Our MB2-714 Exam Product Questions Visit Our Site to Purchase the Full Set of Actual MB2-714 Exam Questions With Answers. 100% Money Back Guarantee Visit The Link Below https://www.theexamdumps.com/microsoft/mb2-714-pdf-exam-dum ps Use Coupon “E4S25%” for extra 25% discount on the purchase of PDF Questions and Answers. Pass your MB2-714 certification exam in first try. https://www.theexamdumps.com/

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