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A SOCIA ŢIA DE L EASING ŞI SERVICII FINANCIARE NE B ANCARE. ALB Valoare Totala Active Finantate / ALB Total Financed Asset Value 2003 - 30.06.2007 (estimat pentru 2007 / Estimated for 31.12.2007). ALB Valoare Totala Active Finantate - dupa Categoria Bunului
ALB Valoare Totala Active Finantate / ALB Total Financed Asset Value 2003 - 30.06.2007 (estimat pentru 2007 / Estimated for 31.12.2007)
ALB Valoare Totala Active Finantate - dupa Categoria Bunului ALB Total Financed Asset Value by Good Category 2003-30.06.2007
Total ALB dupa Tipul de Achizitie / Total ALB by Aquisition Type 2003 - 30.06.2007
Total ALB - Sectorul Imobiliar / Total ALB by Real Estate Type 2003 - 30.06.2007
Total ALB Dupa Tipul Vehiculelor / Total ALB by Vehicles Type 2003 - 30.06.2007
Total ALB Dupa Tipul de Echipamente / Total ALB by Equipment Type 2003 - 2006
Total ALB Dupa Termenul Contractelor / Total ALB by Contract Term 2003 - 2006
Total ALB dupa tipul de Client / Total ALB by Customer type 2003 - 30.06.2007
Impozite platite de membrii ALB catre bugetul de stat 2004-2006 Taxes Paid by ALB Members to Public Budget 2004-2006
Numar angajati membri ALB Number of Employees of ALB members 2005 vs 2006
Piata de Leasing din Romania / Romanian Leasing Market Valoare Total Active / Total Asset Value 2003 - 2007 (estimat pentru 2007 / estimated for 31.12.2007)
Ponderea Sectorului Imobiliar in Piata Totala de Leasing Weight of Real Estate out of Total Leasing Market2003 - 2007 (estimat pentru 2007 / estimated for 31.12.2007)
Ponderea Echipamente in Piata Totala de Leasing Equipments' Weight out of Total Leasing Market2003 - 2007 (estimat pentru 2007 / estimated for 31.12.2007)
Ponderea Vehiculelor in Piata Totala de Leasing / Vehicles' Weight out of Total Leasing Market2003 - 2007 (estimat pentru 2007 / estimated for 31.12.2007)
Piata Societatilor de Leasing - Dupa Categoria Societatilor de Leasing Romanian Leasing Market by Type of Lessor2003 - 2007 (estimat pentru 2007 / estimated for 31.12.2007)
Pondere Segment Bunuri Finantate din Total Piata de Leasing Weight Per Good Segment out of Total Leasing Market2003 - 2007 (estimat pentru 2007 / estimated for 31.12.2007)
Ponderea Categoriilor pe Tipuri Societati de Leasing Total Piata Leasing Weight per Leasing Company Category Total Leasing Market 2003 - 2007 (estimat pentru 2007 / estimated for 31.12.2007)
Legislative Framework • OG 28/2006 approved by Law 266/2006 • Kit of Norms and regulations issued by NBR related to accounting, provisions, supervision of great exposures, own funds, internal organization of NBFIs, • 2 levels of supervision: Special and General Registry • VAT and insurance legislation applicable to leasing contracts • Special Legislation of NBFIs (leasing law, consumer credit law, micro credit law, mortgage legislation, factoring). • Consumer protection legislation