2. Good Aging What is successful aging?
Is it aging without physical or mental ailments?
Maybe it is making the best of what you have.
3. Good Aging Maybe there is a difference between:
Successful Aging - going full steam until the end
Aging successfully - being able to thrive on whatever life throws your way
The real issue in later life is not so much being ill as it is living as fully as possible in the face of chronic diseases
How one lives in later life depends on nature (our biology) and nurture (having the right person-environment fit).
4. Tracing Aging Normal aging changes:
are universal, often progressive signs of physical deterioration
slide into chronic diseases.
Chronic disease is:
usually normal aging taken to the extreme
any long-term illness that requires ongoing management.
Many age-related diseases are not fatal - they simply interfere with the ability to function.
They create Activities of Daily living problems.
5. ADL Problems Activities of daily living (ADL) problems occur in two stages:
Instrumental ADL problems
People have trouble performing independent living functions
Independent tasks include cooking, cleaning, driving and walking
Basic ADL problems
Essential self-care activities
6. ADL Problems
7. The Human Lifespan Biologists believe that the human life has a maximum limit of about 105.
Although there are cases of people living a few years past this.
More people than ever are living past 100.
Some believe our lifespan is genetic.
Others believe that it is a case of simple wear and tear.
Scientists are trying to cure aging.
Our average life expectancy has drastically increased and is approaching the maximum value.
8. The Aging Path We do not all age at the same rate.
Our gender and SES have influence on how we age.
9. The Aging Path
10. SES, Aging, and Disease Researchers document a SES health gap
In every nation, the higher the SES the healthier and longer lived people are
By the 30s and 40s, people show clear differences in the rate at which they age.
Even children show more signs of disease if their mother does not have a high school degree.
In countries with large income inequalities and no government health care, the low income crowd dies very young. Could this explain the U.S. death rates?
People below the poverty line in the U.S. show statistical similarities to people living in Bangladesh.
11. Low-Income Hurdles People in low-income groups are more likely to:
not have health coverage
live in toxic neighborhoods
have chronic stressors in their lives
engage in high risk behaviors like smoking
eat less expensive, often least healthy, food
be unmarried or without any other supportive, nurturing relationship
We tend toward the Fundamental Attribution Error when we blame poor health on the person and ignore the conditions.
12. Gender, Aging, and Disease Problems of the cardiovascular system are the main killers of both men and women Men are twice as likely to die from a heart attack
Women survive longer, but in old age they are more frail
Interestingly, women get sick more often, but live longer
Women are the family health providers
More attuned to health problems
14. Interventions What you do in your teens effects your health in your 40s
What you do in your 40s effects your health in your 60s
It is never too late to turn your health around:
Start exercising
Eat more vegetables, fruits and nuts
Give up smoking and alcohol
Visit your doctor for regular checkup
15. Vision Changes
By age 40. our lens is hardening and clouding
glasses or surgeries may eventually be required
Presbyopia: trouble seeing close objects
a milestone in aging successfully
Older people have trouble
- Seeing in dim light, judging distance at night, glare, and seeing some colors as vividly, or at all
These problems can be successfully overcome, although some mental anguish over growing older may ensue.
16. Vision Issues Curable vision problems
Cataracts- with surgery
Presbyopia - with glasses and some sunglasses
Problems that can cause irreversible damage
Macular degeneration
Diabetic retinopathy
Optic nerve damage
17. Hearing Changes Hearing impairments may be worse than vision problems
Loss of vision limits our contact with the visual world, but loss of hearing disconnects us from society
Hearing problems are very common in later life
Effecting about 1 in three people over age 70
Age-related hearing problems have doubled since 1970
Men are more likely than women to loose hearing
Men work in noisy occupations without protection
Age-related hearing loss especially in the higher pitches
Caused by atrophy of hearing receptors in the inner ear
Background sounds overpower the sounds we want to hear
18. Hearing Interventions
Choosing social activities with care by avoiding:
crowded noisy locations
eating during peak hours
places where sound bounces
Install carpeting in the house
Replace noisy appliances with quieter ones
Talk directly to the person
We tend not to think about facing a person when we talk
One must project directly toward the person with hearing loss
Encourage getting a hearing aid
Dont use elderspeak
Similar to infant-directed speech used with little children
Particularly degrading to the elderly
19. Motor Performance Older adults move slower, which puts the elderly out of sync with the physical world.
It creates negative prejudices against the elderly
Slowness is caused by slower reaction time
Changes in bone structures:
With osteoarthritis joint cartilage wears away
With osteoporosis the bones become brittle and easily break
Women are most susceptible to osteoporosis
Hip fractures are a special danger
primary cause for nursing home placement
20. Motor Performance Interventions Be careful in speed oriented situations.
Keeping active slows the advance of ADL problems, but dont overdo it.
Guarding against falls:
Remodel home to reduce tripping
Increase lighting, install low pile carpeting
Install grab bars wherever one sits or lays down
In Europe, some elderly wear a hip pad to protect against breaks
Put shelves within reach and use doors that open easily.
21. Driving in Old Age Some older adults are slow, hard of hearing and have bad vision. Still, they can and want to drive.
22. Driving Interventions Better mass transit access to local needs would reduce the need for the elderly to drive.
The elderly may require special driving tests to determine their neural deficits.
Any traffic area that requires speed in cognitive decision making should be revamped.
Yellow lights may need to have extended times
Unprotected left turns may need to have signals
Exit ramps need to be extended
Larger signs, better lighting, and other simple changes would benefit many older drivers
23. Dementia
The general term for any illness that produces serious progressive, usually irreversible, cognitive decline is called dementia.
The two main causes of dementia almost always strike in later life
Alzheimer's disease
Vascular dementia
Brain injury or illness, such as AIDS, may also cause dementia.
24. Signs of Dementia Unusual memory loss
Forgetting basic semantic info like where they live
Impaired abstract reasoning
Thinking through options is difficult or impossible
Language is compromised
Remembering the name of common objects is difficult
Judgment becomes impaired
Possible to wander aimlessly or endanger their lives
Later-stage symptoms may include:
The inability to:
Feed oneself
Dress oneself
Make simple movements
Loss of speech
25. Dimensions of Dementia Determining the point at which mild cognitive impairment becomes dementia is difficult.
Each persons progress is different.
Each disease reacts differently.
The time from prognosis to death is usually four to eight years.
Typically strikes the very old:
One in three centenarians show no signs of dementia.
Some very old even outperform young adults in test of crystallized intelligence.
26. Dementias Two Main Causes
1. Alzheimers disease attacks the neurons.
Neurofibrillary tangles and senile plaque build up in the brain destroying brain cells
2. Vascular dementia attacks the blood flow.
Impairment of the vascular system to the brain causing multiple small strokes
27. Research into Dementia
Research on Alzheimers disease concentrates on the plaque and a molecule called amyloid.
If scientists can stop its production or find out why it is overproduced in the body, they may be able to stop Alzheimers from developing.
Some people have a genetic marker that makes them more vulnerable to developing amyloid overproduction.
28. Dealing with Dementia As with other chronic diseases, we cant cure it and we cant stop it, but we can slow it down.
Physical exercise promotes vascular function which decreases the risk of getting the disease.
Anecdotal evidence indicates that a blow to the head will start the disease.
Keep your head safe!
In dealing with the disease, we must look at both:
The patient
The caregivers / family and loved ones
29. Dementia and the Patient In the early stages:
external aids like note cards are helpful
In the advanced stages:
Place locks and buzzers on doors
Remove toxic substances from reach
Protect against injury from knives and dangerous (everyday) appliances
At every stage:
Protect the patient and keep them functioning as well as a possible, for as long as possible
Be caring, loving, and supporting
30. Dementia and the Caregivers Imagine the person you loved:
Unable to control their emotions
Unable to recognize you
Physical and mental abuse may occur
There are support groups for family members.
Realize that it isnt the person acting that way, its the disease.
When total care is impossible in the home, other options are available.
31. Options for the Frail Elderly When you must depend on others for your daily care, what are the options?
Roughly 3 out of 4 women in their 80s are widowed and live alone.
In multigenerational households, this would never be an issue
In traditional collectivist cultures, the children or community members would care for the elderly
War, famine, disease, and individualism are breaking those traditions
Different cultures have different answers for elderly care.
32. Elder-care in Scandinavia In the Scandinavian countries, government sponsored initiatives help the elderly.
Innovative housing alternatives are numerous
Cash grants to remodel homes
Services available to help with home care
Nursing centers with attractive private rooms
Multigenerational villages
Families take on the responsibility for care, but the government fully funds services
The elderly in these countries do not have to worry about what will happen to them when they become frail.
33. Elder-care in the United States Medicare the U.S. governments program of health care for the elderly.
Only covers cure-oriented services
Alternatives to institutionalization
Settings and services for older people who dont require intense 24-hour nursing homes:
Continuing care retirement
Assisted living facilities
Day care programs
Home health services
34. Elder-care in the United States Continuing care retirement community:
Housing option with a series of levels of care moving into more intense care areas as they need it
Assisted living facility:
Provides care for elderly with instrumental ADL issues
Day-care programs:
Day-care for elderly who live with relatives
Home health services:
Nursing-oriented and house keeping services for impaired people living at home
35. Elder-care in the United States
Institutionalization is required when a person has basic ADL issues and can no longer be cared for at home.
Medicaid pays for long-term-care, most often:
Nursing homes and other long-term-care facilities
One in four nursing homes is seriously substandard
Caregivers in long-term-care locations are CNAs
Certified Nursing Assistants are at the bottom of the wage heap and overworked
Job can be very generative and rewarding