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导入. 预习. 课文. 写作. Back. N H C E. English Equivalents of Chinese. to recall the regret. to hold little value. responses from newcomers. philosophy of life. the most popular course. enrollment in business. to be meant to do sth. to arrive at a conclusion. to have the insight that….
导入 预习 课文 写作 Back N H C E English Equivalents of Chinese to recall the regret to hold little value responses from newcomers philosophy of life the most popular course enrollment in business to be meant to do sth. to arrive at a conclusion to have the insight that… not to dawn until old age 随 笔 短语应用 句型应用
导入 预习 课文 写作 Back N H C E English Equivalents of Chinese beyond the confines of to render service to sb. be it scientific or artistic to learn how to think to see the connections between things 随 笔 短语应用 句型应用
导入 预习 课文 写作 Back N H C E English Equivalents of Chinese an important argument for sth. to drive sb. out of business in the long run to distinguish right fromwrong to have it right 随 笔 短语应用 句型应用
Creative Application of Compatible Expressions 导入 预习 课文 写作 Back N H C E the best / worst thing about to be well off to be at a low to be way up to have a perspective on sth. 随 笔 词组互译 句型应用
Further Application of Productive Patterns 导入 预习 课文 写作 Back N H C E It has often been remarked / said that … In a time of …, more than ever, sb. need to do sth. This is where sth. / sb. enter / come in. 随 笔 词组互译 短语应用
导入 预习 课文 写作 Back N H C E 新视野 - 短 语 应 用 二者权衡,这个女孩比那个更合我的心意。 心照不宣之事: 权衡得失: 对······有强烈反应: 极其危险的事: • an understood thing • to take one thing with another • to have a thing about • a close/near thing Back 短 语 应 用 意 群 提 示 Taking one thing with another, this girl is more after my own heart than that one. be after one’s own heart
导入 预习 课文 写作 Back N H C E 新视野 - 短 语 应 用 • to be well away • to be well up in • to leave well alone • to do well by 短 语逆 译 他尽管还是个孩子,却深谙人情世故。 进展迅速: 很懂行/了解: 适可而止: 待······很好: Back 短 语 应 用 意 群 提 示 Child as he is, he is well up in the ways of the world. child as sb. is / the ways of the world
导入 预习 课文 写作 Back N H C E 新视野 - 短 语 应 用 短 语逆 译 • at one go • at a loss • at a distance • at a stretch 一口气/一下子: 不知所措: 在一定距离: 一连: 生活中一蹴而就的事情并不多。 Back 短 语 应 用 意 群 提 示 There are few things in life that can be done at one go. be done at one go
导入 预习 课文 写作 Back N H C E 新视野 - 短 语 应 用 短 语逆 译 • way out • way out of • way through 既然你为现在的生活找不到更好的出路,最好顺其自然。 出路/办法: 摆脱(困境)的办法: 克服困难的途径: Back 短 语 应 用 意 群 提 示 Now that you find no better way out for your current life, it is best to let it go its own way. find a better way out for sth. / let sth. go its own way
导入 预习 课文 写作 Back N H C E 新视野 - 短 语 应 用 你找工作比他有优势,因为你比他更有责任感。 对······有深入了解: 有······观念/意识: 精通: 略胜过: • to have an insight into • to have a sense of • to have a good command of • to have the edge over Back 短 语 应 用 意 群 提 示 You have the edge over him in hunting for jobs, since you have a better sense of responsibility than him. hunt for jobs / have a better sense of responsibility
导入 预习 课文 写作 Back N H C E 新视野 - 短 语 应 用 常言道:胜,不妄喜;败,不惶馁。 Back 创 新 应 用 意 群 提 示 It has often been remarked that one should be neither dizzy with success, nor dejected with failure. neither … nor … / be dizzy with success / be dejected with failure
导入 预习 课文 写作 Back N H C E 新视野 - 短 语 应 用 在充满诱惑的时代,我们比以往任何时候都更要坚持自己的行为准则。 Back 创 新 应 用 意 群 提 示 in a time full of temptation / cling to / one’s principles of conduct In a time full of temptation, more than ever, we need to cling to our principles of conduct.
导入 预习 课文 写作 Back N H C E 新视野 - 短 语 应 用 爱情的作用是:它要么使彼此渴望,要么使彼此仇视。 Back 创 新 应 用 意 群 提 示 This is where love enters: It can make one either thirsty for the other or hostile to the other. make one thirsty for sb. / make one hostile to sb.
N H C E Writing 写作实践 写作模式 导入 预习 课文 小结 Paragraph Writing
导入 预习 课文 小结 Back N H C E Argument Facts For details 随 笔 写作实践
导入 预习 课文 小结 Back N H C E Argument: The point(s) to be argued over in the following Facts: The facts cited here to support the argument For example 随 笔 写作实践
导入 预习 课文 小结 Back N H C E Example: Paras. 4–8 According to the survey based on responses from over 188,000 students, today’s college beginners are “more consumeristic and less idealistic” than at any time in the 17 years of the poll.(Argument) For more 随 笔 写作实践
导入 预习 课文 小结 Back N H C E Not surprising in these hard times, the students’ major objective “is to be financially well off”. Less important than ever is developing a meaningful philosophy of life. Accordingly, today the most popular course is not literature or history but accounting. (Fact 1) For more 随 笔 写作实践
导入 预习 课文 小结 Back N H C E Interest in teaching, social service and the humanities is at a low, along with ethnic and women’s studies. On the other hand, enrollment in business programs, engineering and computer science is way up. (Fact 2) For more 随 笔 写作实践
导入 预习 课文 小结 Back N H C E That’s no surprise either. A friend of mine (a sales representative for a chemical company) was making twice the salary of college instructors during her first year on the job—even before she completed her two-year associate degree. “I’ll tell them what they can do with their music, history, literature, etc.,” she was fond of saying. And that was four years ago; I tremble to think what she’s earning now. (Fact 3) 随 笔 写作实践
导入 预习 课文 小结 Back N H C E 写作实践 Directions: Have a look at an outline and sample paragraph that has been written in the same text structure as you have analyzed. 随 笔 写作模式
导入 预习 课文 小结 Back N H C E Argument: Youngsters are likely to become destructive forces of resistance if our education fails its purpose. Supporting facts: ● most of the criminals today: 14- to 24- year-olds ● no moral sense or sense of responsibility ● value everything materially, lay their hands on easy money 随 笔 写作模式
导入 预习 课文 小结 Back N H C E [Sample Composition] Youngsters are likely to become destructive forces of resistance if our education fails its purpose. (Argument) People are shocked to find that most of the criminals today are 14- to 24-year-olds. They lack moral sense and sense of responsibility to their society and to people in general. They value everything in terms of money and will do whatever they can to lay their hands on easy money. (Facts) 随 笔 写作模式
导入 预习 课文 小结 Back N H C E Writing AssignmentDirections: Write a paragraph on one of the following topics which starts with an argument to be supported by facts. One topic has been given a detailed outline that you can follow. 随 笔 写作模式
导入 预习 课文 小结 Back N H C E Argument: There has been a sad tendency among youngsters in valuing material things more and more. Supporting Facts: ● most popular subjects: accounting, computer programming, business ● favorite jobs: sales representative, advertisement designing, international business, etc. ● fewer people for jobs like teaching or social services 随 笔 写作模式
导入 预习 课文 小结 Back N H C E More topics: ● It is never too late to take environmental measures. ● Never let yourself be overwhelmed by stress. 随 笔 写作模式
导入 预习 课文 小结 Back N H C E [参考范文 1] There has been a sad tendency among youngsters in valuing material things more and more. For college students, the most popular subjects that they prefer to choose are accounting, computer programming, business, etc. When they graduate from colleges, the jobs they prefer to choose are sales representative, advertisement designing, international business, etc. Fewer and fewer people are choosing teaching or social services as their life career. 随 笔 写作模式
导入 预习 课文 小结 Back N H C E [参考范文 2] It is never too late to take environmental measures. In our daily life, things of protecting the environment are more than we can list, like: no littering, water saving, traveling by bus instead of by car, using plastic chopsticks instead of instant wooden ones and so on. Still, we can do our least yet to protect our environment most in work or social place as packing 随 笔 写作模式
导入 预习 课文 小结 Back N H C E products with recyclable material, turning off electric applicants when leaving, applying solar energy etc. What’s more, in carrying out population control and persuading more people to value resources, we are taking environmental measures. 随 笔 写作模式 End
N H C E 新视野 大学英语 人生的意义不只是工作 Para. 1人们常常说:对于青春来说,最令人悲伤的事情莫过于青春在年轻时被浪费掉了。 Para. 2在读一份对大学一年级新生作的调查报告时,我又想起了这种惋惜之情:“要是当初我就懂得了现在我领悟到的东西该有多好!”
N H C E 新视野 大学英语 Para. 3 这份调查报告印证了我以前根据在梅肯和罗宾斯住宿中心对学生进行的非正式民意调查所作的推断:学生们认为如果某种东西(不管它是何物)没有实际意义,不能把它当酒喝、当烟抽、当钱花,那么 “它” 就基本毫无价值。
N H C E 新视野 大学英语 Para. 4 基于对 188, 000 多名学生答卷的调查表明,当今的大学新生比这项民意测验开始 17 年以来的任何时候的大学新生都 “更主张消费主义,同时也少了些理想主义” 。
N H C E 新视野 大学英语 Para. 5 在这个经济不景气的时代,学生们的主要目标是追求 “经济上的富裕” 。与过去任何时候相比,树立有意义的人生哲学已不那么重要了。这一情况并不让人感到惊奇。因此,如今最受欢迎的课程不是文学或历史,而是会计学。
N H C E 新视野 大学英语 Para. 6 如今人们对当教师、社会服务和人文学科、还有种族和妇女研究的兴趣都处于低潮。而另一方面,攻读商科、工程学及计算机科学的学生人数却在迅速增加。
N H C E 新视野 大学英语 Para. 7 还有一件事也不令人意外。我的一个朋友(一个化工公司的销售代理)在干这份工作的第一年所挣的钱就已是大学教师薪水的两倍了——这甚至还是在她修完两年制的准学士学位课程之前的事。
N H C E 新视野 大学英语 Para. 8 她喜欢说这样一句话:“我会对他们讲,他们学习音乐、历史、文学等等有什么用!”那还是四年以前呢,我都不敢想象她现在赚多少钱。 Para. 9 坦率地说,我为这位小姐感到骄傲(不是为她的态度,而是为她的成功)。但是我们为什么不能两全其美呢?我们就不能教会人们既懂得谋生,又懂得人生么?我相信我们能够做到。
N H C E 新视野 大学英语 Para. 10 如果我们做不到这一点,那就是对我们从幼儿园、小学、中学直到大学的整个教育制度的否定。在一个日益专业化的时代,我们比过去任何时候都更需要了解什么是生活中真正重要的东西。
N H C E 新视野 大学英语 Para. 11 这就是年龄和成熟所能带给人们的启示。大多数年龄约在30至50岁之间的人都会最终得出一个必然的结论,即他们不应该仅仅是为某个公司、某个政府机构或任何其他单位服务。
N H C E 新视野 大学英语 Para. 12 我们大多数人最终会认识到,生活质量并不完全是由资产负债表来决定的。诚然,每个人都想在经济上富裕点。但是我们还希望对自己职业范围以外的世界有所了解;我们希望能为我们的同胞和上帝效劳。
N H C E 新视野 大学英语 Para. 13 如果说人要到步入中年才能对人生的含义有所领悟的话,那么为这种领悟扫清障碍不正是教育机构的责任吗?大多数人在年轻的时候怨恨从他们工资中扣钱交社会保险金,然而好像只是短短几年后,他们就发现自己正焦急地站在信箱旁边(等待养老金支票)了。
N H C E 新视野 大学英语 Para. 14a 虽然我们所有人都确实需要一份工作,最好是一份薪水丰厚的工作。但同样不容争议的事实是,我们的文明已经在我们各自的领域之外积累了巨大的知识财富。而且正因为我们理解了这些在其他领域的献——不管是科学方面的,还是艺术方面的——我们的人生才更完善。
N H C E 新视野 大学英语 Para. 14b 同样地,我们在了解他人的智慧的同时,自己也学会了如何去思考。也许更重要的是,教育使我们的视野超越了眼前的需求,并使我们看到了事物间的联系。
N H C E 新视野 大学英语 Para. 15 我们每周都在报纸上读到这样的消息:工会在为要求更高的工资而罢工,结果却只是使他们的老板破了产。没有了公司,也就没有了工作岗位。从长远来看,他们的目光是何等的短浅!
N H C E 新视野 大学英语 Para. 16 但是赞成全面教育的最重要的理由是,在学习世世代代积累起来的知识的同时,我们也提高了自己的道德感。最近我看了一幅漫画,描述了几个商人坐在会议桌周围,看上去困惑不解的样子。其中的一个正通过内部通话设备讲话:“巴克斯特小姐,” 他说,“是否可以请您叫一个能明辨是非的人来?”
N H C E 新视野 大学英语 Para. 17 从长远观点来看,这确确实实是教育应该做的事。我认为教育完全能够做到这一点。我的一位大学室友——现在是纽约一家大型航运公司的总裁——过去曾主修过商科,这一点并不出人意料。但是他也曾在大学调频电台上主持过一档古典音乐节目,并且在学习会计学的时候还在欣赏瓦格纳的音乐作品。
N H C E 新视野 大学英语 Para. 18 这就是教育之道。奥斯卡 •王尔德说得好:我们应该把我们的才能用于工作,而把我们的天赋投入到生活中去。
N H C E 新视野 大学英语 Para. 19 我们希望我们的教育工作者能满足学生对职业教育的渴求,但与此同时,我们也要确保学生能为他们认识到自己目光短浅的那一天做好准备。人生的意义远远不止是工作。
N H C E 新视野 - 短 语 应 用 短语逆 译 对于人生而言,最糟糕的莫过于做任何事情都没有目标。 the best / worst thing about 对于······而言最好/最糟的事情 Back 短 语 应 用 意 群 提 示 The worst thing about life is that one has no compass in whatever one engages in. whatever one engages in / have no compass in sth.
N H C E 新视野 - 短 语 应 用 短语逆 译 根据他的说法,那些经济上富裕但精神上空虚的人算不上真正意义的富豪。 to be well off 富裕 Back 短 语 应 用 意 群 提 示 according to sb. / be spiritually barren / not number among men of wealth / in one’s true color According to him, those who are financially well off but spiritually barren, in their true colors, do not number among men of wealth.
N H C E 新视野 - 短 语 应 用 短语逆 译 有证据表明,热恋者的智商常处于低谷。 to be at a low 处于低潮 Back 短 语 应 用 意 群 提 示 Evidence suggests that the IQ of love-struck people is often at a low. the IQ of sb. / the love-struck people